By changing the PREFIX variable in the .buildconf one is now able to build docker images from different bases. For example, add the following line to your .buildconf file to build CentOS based images: PREFIX=centos-rdo- Default base image is Fedora. For now only RH family is supported. Additionally, changing the namespace either with the NAMESPACE variable in .buildconf or via --namespace commandline option now changes the source namespace as well from the default kollaglue one. Implements: blueprint multi-baseos Co-Authored-By: Steven Dake <stdake@cisco.com> Change-Id: I3964cd2292789ea883a1f2d2738a5731a4fff49b
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MAINTAINER Kolla Project (https://launchpad.net/kolla)
ADD ./start.sh /start.sh
# Install required packages
RUN yum install -y gcc Cython sqlite-devel mysql-devel libffi-devel && yum clean all
# use the Barbican Juno version
# setting this as environment variable also keeps pbr version checking happy
# TODO: when the Barbican rpm from cloudkeep.io is usable,
# switch to using that instead
# Get and extract the Barbican tar ball
RUN curl -o /barbican-$PBR_VERSION.tar.gz https://github.com/openstack/barbican/archive/$PBR_VERSION.tar.gz -L
RUN tar -xzf barbican-$PBR_VERSION.tar.gz
# Install Barbican requirements
RUN pip install -r barbican-$PBR_VERSION/requirements.txt
RUN pip install MySQL-python
# Install Barbican
RUN cd barbican-$PBR_VERSION ; python setup.py install
# Configure Barbican
RUN mkdir -p /etc/barbican
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/barbican
RUN cp -r /barbican-$PBR_VERSION/etc/barbican/* /etc/barbican
# Instal uwsgi as that is what we will use to run Barbican
RUN pip install uwsgi
# Cleanup files not required anymore
RUN rm -rf /barbican-$PBR_VERSION
RUN rm -rf /barbican-$PBR_VERSION.tar.gz
# Expose the dev and admin ports
EXPOSE 9311 9312
CMD ["/start.sh"]