Add --pull/--nopull parameter for kolla-build, when --nopull is given and the base image is already loaded, The docker-engine will not attemp to pull a newer version of the image. This makes sense when the registry server of base images is unreachable. This feature is as same to setting "image_pull_policy" to "IfNotPresent" while building images. The reason why I create this feature is that, even if I have setted base_distro_tag to a stable tag, e.g. "7" or "2016-12-13", docker still have to wait much time to fetch the version, and return failure when registry server is unreachable. This is a feature of docker build --pull=True. Change-Id: If1bd08763fb757b4f090a3163dd1dbfb8fc531d3 Implements: blueprint docker-build-nopull-base
7 lines
284 B
7 lines
284 B
- Add --pull/--nopull parameter for kolla-build, when --nopull is given and
the base image is already loaded, The docker-engine will not attempt to
pull a newer version of the image. This makes sense when the registry
server of base images is unreachable.