Francesco Vollero a7d330d9e7 Fixed typos in Ansible files
Files affected:
- ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml
- ansible/roles/neutron/tasks/deploy.yml
- ansible/roles/neutron/tasks/start.yml

Change-Id: Ic4b624cfe0ae4d73b49e616319e9db2229931249
2016-05-18 08:33:15 +02:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

- name: Cleaning up temp file on localhost
local_action: file path=/tmp/kolla_ceph_cluster state=absent
changed_when: False
always_run: True
run_once: True
- name: Creating temp file on localhost
local_action: copy content=None dest=/tmp/kolla_ceph_cluster mode=0600
changed_when: False
always_run: True
run_once: True
- name: Creating ceph_mon_config volume
action: "create_volume"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
name: "ceph_mon_config"
register: ceph_mon_config_volume
- name: Writing hostname of host with existing cluster files to temp file
local_action: copy content={{ ansible_hostname }} dest=/tmp/kolla_ceph_cluster mode=0600
changed_when: False
always_run: True
when: not ceph_mon_config_volume.changed
- name: Registering host from temp file
delegate_host: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/kolla_ceph_cluster') }}"
- name: Cleaning up temp file on localhost
local_action: file path=/tmp/kolla_ceph_cluster state=absent
changed_when: False
always_run: True
run_once: True
- include: generate_cluster.yml
when: delegate_host == 'None' and inventory_hostname == groups['ceph-mon'][0]