The --user-domain parameter is required when adding the role for Heat. Without it, the command fails and the bootstrap container exits early with the error message: "No user with a name or ID of 'heat_domain_admin' exists." Change-Id: I6f813edde3f437bca3ef521a43454146082bc5f5 Closes-bug: #1611768 Signed-off-by: Dave Walker (Daviey) <email@daviey.com>
18 lines
767 B
18 lines
767 B
# Bootstrap and exit if KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP variable is set. This catches all cases
# of the KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP variable being set, including empty.
if [[ "${!KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP[@]}" ]]; then
heat-manage db_sync
CURRENT_HEAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(openstack domain list | grep heat | awk '{print $4}')
if [[ "heat_user_domain" != "$CURRENT_HEAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]]; then
openstack domain create heat_user_domain
openstack user create --domain heat_user_domain heat_domain_admin --password ${HEAT_DOMAIN_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
openstack role add --domain heat_user_domain --user-domain heat_user_domain --user heat_domain_admin admin
openstack role create heat_stack_owner
openstack role create heat_stack_user
exit 0