2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
2016-11-21 04:18:05 +03:00
import six
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
from kuryr.lib._i18n import _LE
from kuryr.lib.binding.drivers import utils as kl_utils
from kuryr.lib import constants as kl_const
from os_vif.objects import fixed_ip as osv_fixed_ip
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
from os_vif.objects import network as osv_network
from os_vif.objects import route as osv_route
from os_vif.objects import subnet as osv_subnet
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
from os_vif.objects import vif as osv_vif
from oslo_config import cfg as oslo_cfg
from stevedore import driver as stv_driver
from kuryr_kubernetes import config
from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions as k_exc
2016-12-14 12:58:58 +05:30
from kuryr_kubernetes.objects import vif as k_vif
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
# REVISIT(ivc): consider making this module part of kuryr-lib
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
_VIF_TRANSLATOR_NAMESPACE = "kuryr_kubernetes.vif_translators"
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
def neutron_to_osvif_network(neutron_network):
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
"""Converts Neutron network to os-vif Subnet.
:param neutron_network: dict containing network information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_network'
:return: an os-vif Network object
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
obj = osv_network.Network(id=neutron_network['id'])
if neutron_network.get('name') is not None:
obj.label = neutron_network['name']
if neutron_network.get('mtu') is not None:
obj.mtu = neutron_network['mtu']
return obj
def neutron_to_osvif_subnet(neutron_subnet):
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
"""Converts Neutron subnet to os-vif Subnet.
:param neutron_subnet: dict containing subnet information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_subnet'
:return: an os-vif Subnet object
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
obj = osv_subnet.Subnet(
if neutron_subnet.get('gateway_ip') is not None:
obj.gateway = neutron_subnet['gateway_ip']
return obj
def _neutron_to_osvif_routes(neutron_routes):
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
"""Converts Neutron host_routes to os-vif RouteList.
:param neutron_routes: list of routes as returned by neutron client's
'show_subnet' in 'host_routes' attribute
:return: an os-vif RouteList object
2016-11-16 15:19:11 +03:00
obj_list = [osv_route.Route(cidr=route['destination'],
for route in neutron_routes]
return osv_route.RouteList(objects=obj_list)
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
def _make_vif_subnet(subnets, subnet_id):
"""Makes a copy of an os-vif Subnet from subnets mapping.
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:param subnet_id: ID of the subnet to extract from 'subnets' mapping
:return: a copy of an os-vif Subnet object matching 'subnet_id'
network = subnets[subnet_id]
if len(network.subnets.objects) != 1:
raise k_exc.IntegrityError(_LE(
"Network object for subnet %(subnet_id)s is invalid, "
"must contain a single subnet, but %(num_subnets)s found") % {
'subnet_id': subnet_id,
'num_subnets': len(network.subnets.objects)})
subnet = network.subnets.objects[0].obj_clone()
subnet.ips = osv_fixed_ip.FixedIPList(objects=[])
return subnet
def _make_vif_subnets(neutron_port, subnets):
"""Gets a list of os-vif Subnet objects for port.
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:return: list of os-vif Subnet object
vif_subnets = {}
for neutron_fixed_ip in neutron_port.get('fixed_ips', []):
subnet_id = neutron_fixed_ip['subnet_id']
ip_address = neutron_fixed_ip['ip_address']
if subnet_id not in subnets:
subnet = vif_subnets[subnet_id]
except KeyError:
subnet = _make_vif_subnet(subnets, subnet_id)
vif_subnets[subnet_id] = subnet
if not vif_subnets:
raise k_exc.IntegrityError(_LE(
"No valid subnets found for port %(port_id)s") % {
'port_id': neutron_port.get('id')})
return list(vif_subnets.values())
def _make_vif_network(neutron_port, subnets):
"""Gets a os-vif Network object for port.
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:return: os-vif Network object
network = next(net.obj_clone() for net in subnets.values()
if net.id == neutron_port.get('network_id'))
except StopIteration:
raise k_exc.IntegrityError(_LE(
"Port %(port_id)s belongs to network %(network_id)s, "
"but requested networks are: %(requested_networks)s") % {
'port_id': neutron_port.get('id'),
'network_id': neutron_port.get('network_id'),
'requested_networks': [net.id for net in subnets.values()]})
network.subnets = osv_subnet.SubnetList(
objects=_make_vif_subnets(neutron_port, subnets))
return network
def _get_vif_name(neutron_port):
"""Gets a VIF device name for port.
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
vif_name, _ = kl_utils.get_veth_pair_names(neutron_port['id'])
return vif_name
def _get_ovs_hybrid_bridge_name(neutron_port):
"""Gets a name of the Linux bridge name for hybrid OpenVSwitch port.
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
return ('qbr' + neutron_port['id'])[:kl_const.NIC_NAME_LEN]
def _is_port_active(neutron_port):
"""Checks if port is active.
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
return (neutron_port['status'] == kl_const.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE)
def neutron_to_osvif_vif_ovs(vif_plugin, neutron_port, subnets):
"""Converts Neutron port to VIF object for os-vif 'ovs' plugin.
:param vif_plugin: name of the os-vif plugin to use (i.e. 'ovs')
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:return: os-vif VIF object
profile = osv_vif.VIFPortProfileOpenVSwitch(
details = neutron_port.get('binding:vif_details', {})
ovs_bridge = details.get('bridge_name',
if not ovs_bridge:
raise oslo_cfg.RequiredOptError('ovs_bridge', 'neutron_defaults')
network = _make_vif_network(neutron_port, subnets)
network.bridge = ovs_bridge
if details.get('ovs_hybrid_plug'):
vif = osv_vif.VIFBridge(
has_traffic_filtering=details.get('port_filter', False),
2016-12-18 14:36:21 +02:00
vif = osv_vif.VIFOpenVSwitch(
has_traffic_filtering=details.get('port_filter', False),
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
return vif
2016-12-14 12:58:58 +05:30
def neutron_to_osvif_vif_nested(vif_plugin, neutron_port, subnets):
"""Converts Neutron port to VIF object for nested containers.
:param vif_plugin: name of the os-vif plugin to use (i.e. 'noop')
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client's 'show_port'
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:return: kuryr-k8s native VIF object (eg. VIFVlanNested)
details = neutron_port.get('binding:vif_details', {})
network = _make_vif_network(neutron_port, subnets)
vif = k_vif.VIFVlanNested(
has_traffic_filtering=details.get('port_filter', False),
return vif
2016-11-20 15:45:45 +03:00
def neutron_to_osvif_vif(vif_plugin, neutron_port, subnets):
"""Converts Neutron port to os-vif VIF object.
:param vif_plugin: name of the os-vif plugin to use
:param neutron_port: dict containing port information as returned by
neutron client
:param subnets: subnet mapping as returned by PodSubnetsDriver.get_subnets
:return: os-vif VIF object
mgr = _VIF_MANAGERS[vif_plugin]
except KeyError:
mgr = stv_driver.DriverManager(namespace=_VIF_TRANSLATOR_NAMESPACE,
name=vif_plugin, invoke_on_load=False)
_VIF_MANAGERS[vif_plugin] = mgr
return mgr.driver(vif_plugin, neutron_port, subnets)
2016-11-21 04:18:05 +03:00
def osvif_to_neutron_fixed_ips(subnets):
fixed_ips = []
for subnet_id, network in six.iteritems(subnets):
ips = []
if len(network.subnets.objects) > 1:
raise k_exc.IntegrityError(_LE(
"Network object for subnet %(subnet_id)s is invalid, "
"must contain a single subnet, but %(num_subnets)s found") % {
'subnet_id': subnet_id,
'num_subnets': len(network.subnets.objects)})
for subnet in network.subnets.objects:
if subnet.obj_attr_is_set('ips'):
ips.extend([str(ip.address) for ip in subnet.ips.objects])
if ips:
fixed_ips.extend([{'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'ip_address': ip}
for ip in ips])
fixed_ips.append({'subnet_id': subnet_id})
return fixed_ips
def osvif_to_neutron_network_ids(subnets):
return list(set(net.id for net in six.itervalues(subnets)))