==================== Testing UDP Services ==================== In this example, we will use the `kuryr-udp-demo`_ image. This image implements a simple UDP server that listens on port 9090, and replies towards client when a packet is received. We first create a deployment named demo: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl create deployment --image=yboaron/kuryr-udp-demo demo deployment "demo" created As the next step, we will scale the deployment to 2 pods: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl scale deploy/demo --replicas=2 deployment "demo" scaled At this point we should have two pods running the `kuryr-udp-demo`_ image: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE demo-fbb89f54c-92ttl 1/1 Running 0 31s demo-fbb89f54c-q9fq7 1/1 Running 0 1m Next, we expose the deployment as a service, setting UDP port to 90: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 17m $ kubectl expose deploy/demo --protocol UDP --port 90 --target-port 9090 service "demo" exposed $ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE demo ClusterIP 90/UDP 16s kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 17m Now, let's check the OpenStack load balancer created by Kuryr for **demo** service: .. code-block:: console $ openstack loadbalancer list +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+----------+ | id | name | project_id | vip_address | provisioning_status | provider | +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+----------+ | eb5123e8-6bb5-4680-ac64-dcf25c57ced3 | default/kubernetes | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | | ACTIVE | amphora | | 67f19a39-dfb9-4a7a-bafe-7d6789982d91 | default/demo | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | | ACTIVE | amphora | +--------------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------------------+-------------+---------------------+----------+ $ openstack loadbalancer show default/demo +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | created_at | 2018-10-09T06:06:14 | | description | | | flavor | | | id | 67f19a39-dfb9-4a7a-bafe-7d6789982d91 | | listeners | 7b374ecf-80c4-44be-a725-9b0c3fa2d0fa | | name | default/demo | | operating_status | ONLINE | | pools | d549df5b-e008-49a6-8695-b6578441553e | | project_id | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | | provider | amphora | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | updated_at | 2018-10-09T06:07:53 | | vip_address | | | vip_network_id | eee6af72-9fbb-48b5-8e52-9f8bdf61cbab | | vip_port_id | ccd8be94-c65e-4bb2-afe7-44aa3d0617ea | | vip_qos_policy_id | None | | vip_subnet_id | 3376291d-6c23-48cb-b6c6-37cefd57f914 | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+ Checking the load balancer's details, we can see that the load balancer is listening on UDP port 90: .. code-block:: console $ openstack loadbalancer listener show 7b374ecf-80c4-44be-a725-9b0c3fa2d0fa +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | connection_limit | -1 | | created_at | 2018-10-09T06:07:37 | | default_pool_id | d549df5b-e008-49a6-8695-b6578441553e | | default_tls_container_ref | None | | description | | | id | 7b374ecf-80c4-44be-a725-9b0c3fa2d0fa | | insert_headers | None | | l7policies | | | loadbalancers | 67f19a39-dfb9-4a7a-bafe-7d6789982d91 | | name | default/demo:UDP:90 | | operating_status | ONLINE | | project_id | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | | protocol | UDP | | protocol_port | 90 | | provisioning_status | ACTIVE | | sni_container_refs | [] | | timeout_client_data | 50000 | | timeout_member_connect | 5000 | | timeout_member_data | 50000 | | timeout_tcp_inspect | 0 | | updated_at | 2018-10-09T06:07:53 | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+ And the load balancer has two members listening on UDP port 9090: .. code-block:: console $ openstack loadbalancer member list d549df5b-e008-49a6-8695-b6578441553e +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+------------------+--------+ | id | name | project_id | provisioning_status | address | protocol_port | operating_status | weight | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+------------------+--------+ | b2c63e7b-47ed-4a6f-b8bb-acaa6742a0ad | default/demo-fbb89f54c-q9fq7:9090 | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | ACTIVE | | 9090 | ONLINE | 1 | | 7fa773b1-cf76-4a0b-8004-153423e59ef6 | default/demo-fbb89f54c-92ttl:9090 | fdc9ac3b36474fbf8c7ab77f4f783ec5 | ACTIVE | | 9090 | ONLINE | 1 | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+------------------+--------+ At this point, we have both the kubernetes **demo** service and corresponding openstack load balancer running, and we are ready to run the client application. For the client application we will use the `udp-client`_ python script. The UDP client script sends UDP message towards specific IP and port, and waits for a response from the server. The way that the client application can communicate with the server is by leveraging the Kubernetes service functionality. First we clone the client script: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/yboaron/udp-client-script.git Cloning into 'udp-client-script'... remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done. remote: Total 15 (delta 4), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (15/15), done. $ And we need the UDP server service IP and port: .. code-block:: console $ kubectl get svc demo NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE demo ClusterIP 90/UDP 20m $ Last step will be to ping the UDP server service: .. code-block:: console $ python udp-client-script/client.py 90 demo-fbb89f54c-92ttl: HELLO, I AM ALIVE!!! $ python udp-client-script/client.py 90 demo-fbb89f54c-q9fq7: HELLO, I AM ALIVE!!! Since the `kuryr-udp-demo`_ application concatenates the pod's name to the replyed message, it is plain to see that both service's pods are replying to the requests from the client. .. _kuryr-udp-demo: https://hub.docker.com/r/yboaron/kuryr-udp-demo/ .. _udp-client: https://github.com/yboaron/udp-client-script