======================== Team and repository tags ======================== .. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/kuryr-kubernetes.svg :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html .. Change things from this point on =============================== kuryr-kubernetes =============================== Kubernetes integration with OpenStack networking Please fill here a long description which must be at least 3 lines wrapped on 80 cols, so that distribution package maintainers can use it in their packages. Note that this is a hard requirement. * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kuryr-kubernetes * Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kuryr-kubernetes * Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes Configuring Kuryr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generate sample config, `etc/kuryr.conf.sample`, running the following:: $ ./tools/generate_config_file_samples.sh Rename and copy config file at required path:: $ cp etc/kuryr.conf.sample /etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf Edit Neutron section in `/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`, replace ADMIN_PASSWORD:: [neutron] auth_url = username = admin user_domain_name = Default password = ADMIN_PASSWORD project_name = service project_domain_name = Default auth_type = password In the same file uncomment the `bindir` parameter with the path to the Kuryr vif binding executables. For example, if you installed it on Debian or Ubuntu:: [DEFAULT] bindir = /usr/local/libexec/kuryr How to try out nested-pods locally: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. To install OpenStack services run devstack with ``devstack/local.conf.pod-in-vm.undercloud.sample``. Ensure that "trunk" service plugin is enabled in ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf``:: [DEFAULT] service_plugins = neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin.L3RouterPlugin,neutron.services.trunk.plugin.TrunkPlugin 2. Launch a VM with `Neutron trunk port. `_ 3. Inside VM, install and setup Kubernetes along with Kuryr using devstack: - Since undercloud Neutron will be used by pods, neutron services should be disabled in localrc. - git clone kuryr-kubernetes at ``/opt/stack/``. - In the ``devstack/plugin.sh``, comment out `configure_neutron_defaults `_. This method is getting UUID of default Neutron resources project, pod_subnet etc. using local neutron client and setting those values in ``/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf``. This will not work at the moment because Neutron is running remotely. Thats why this is being commented out and manually these variables will be configured in ``/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`` - Run devstack with ``devstack/local.conf.pod-in-vm.overcloud.sample``. 4. Once devstack is done and all services are up inside VM: - Configure ``/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`` to set UUID of Neutron resources from undercloud Neutron:: [neutron_defaults] ovs_bridge = br-int pod_security_groups = pod_subnet = project = worker_nodes_subnet = - Configure “pod_vif_driver” as “nested-vlan”:: [kubernetes] pod_vif_driver = nested-vlan - Configure binding section:: [binding] driver = kuryr.lib.binding.drivers.vlan link_iface = - Restart kuryr-k8s-controller from within devstack screen. Now launch pods using kubectl, Undercloud Neutron will serve the networking. Features -------- * TODO