# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from kuryr_kubernetes import clients from kuryr_kubernetes import constants from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import base as drivers from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions as k_exc from kuryr_kubernetes.handlers import k8s_base from kuryr_kubernetes import objects from kuryr_kubernetes import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VIFHandler(k8s_base.ResourceEventHandler): """Controller side of VIF binding process for Kubernetes pods. `VIFHandler` runs on the Kuryr-Kubernetes controller and together with the CNI driver (that runs on 'kubelet' nodes) is responsible for providing networking to Kubernetes pods. `VIFHandler` relies on a set of drivers (which are responsible for managing Neutron resources) to define the VIF objects and pass them to the CNI driver in form of the Kubernetes pod annotation. """ OBJECT_KIND = constants.K8S_OBJ_POD OBJECT_WATCH_PATH = "%s/%s" % (constants.K8S_API_BASE, "pods") def __init__(self): super(VIFHandler, self).__init__() self._drv_project = drivers.PodProjectDriver.get_instance() self._drv_subnets = drivers.PodSubnetsDriver.get_instance() self._drv_sg = drivers.PodSecurityGroupsDriver.get_instance() # REVISIT(ltomasbo): The VIF Handler should not be aware of the pool # directly. Due to the lack of a mechanism to load and set the # VIFHandler driver, for now it is aware of the pool driver, but this # will be reverted as soon as a mechanism is in place. self._drv_vif_pool = drivers.VIFPoolDriver.get_instance( driver_alias='multi_pool') self._drv_vif_pool.set_vif_driver() self._drv_multi_vif = drivers.MultiVIFDriver.get_enabled_drivers() def on_present(self, pod): if self._is_host_network(pod) or not self._is_pending_node(pod): # REVISIT(ivc): consider an additional configurable check that # would allow skipping pods to enable heterogeneous environments # where certain pods/namespaces/nodes can be managed by other # networking solutions/CNI drivers. return state = self._get_pod_state(pod) if not state: project_id = self._drv_project.get_project(pod) security_groups = self._drv_sg.get_security_groups(pod, project_id) subnets = self._drv_subnets.get_subnets(pod, project_id) # Request the default interface of pod main_vif = self._drv_vif_pool.request_vif( pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups) state = objects.vif.PodState(default_vif=main_vif) # Request the additional interfaces from multiple dirvers additional_vifs = [] for driver in self._drv_multi_vif: additional_vifs.extend( driver.request_additional_vifs( pod, project_id, security_groups)) if additional_vifs: state.additional_vifs = {} for i, vif in enumerate(additional_vifs, start=1): k = constants.ADDITIONAL_IFNAME_PREFIX + str(i) state.additional_vifs[k] = vif try: self._set_pod_state(pod, state) except k_exc.K8sClientException as ex: LOG.debug("Failed to set annotation: %s", ex) # FIXME(ivc): improve granularity of K8sClient exceptions: # only resourceVersion conflict should be ignored for ifname, vif in state.vifs.items(): self._drv_vif_pool.release_vif(pod, vif, project_id, security_groups) else: changed = False for ifname, vif in state.vifs.items(): if not vif.active: self._drv_vif_pool.activate_vif(pod, vif) changed = True if changed: self._set_pod_state(pod, state) def on_deleted(self, pod): if self._is_host_network(pod): return project_id = self._drv_project.get_project(pod) try: security_groups = self._drv_sg.get_security_groups(pod, project_id) except k_exc.ResourceNotReady: # NOTE(ltomasbo): If the namespace object gets deleted first the # namespace security group driver will raise a ResourceNotReady # exception as it cannot access anymore the kuryrnet CRD annotated # on the namespace object. In such case we set security groups to # empty list so that if pools are enabled they will be properly # released. security_groups = [] state = self._get_pod_state(pod) if state: for ifname, vif in state.vifs.items(): self._drv_vif_pool.release_vif(pod, vif, project_id, security_groups) @staticmethod def _is_host_network(pod): return pod['spec'].get('hostNetwork', False) @staticmethod def _is_pending_node(pod): """Checks if Pod is in PENDGING status and has node assigned.""" try: return (pod['spec']['nodeName'] and pod['status']['phase'] == constants.K8S_POD_STATUS_PENDING) except KeyError: return False def _set_pod_state(self, pod, state): # TODO(ivc): extract annotation interactions if not state: LOG.debug("Removing VIFs annotation: %r", state) annotation = None else: state_dict = state.obj_to_primitive() annotation = jsonutils.dumps(state_dict, sort_keys=True) LOG.debug("Setting VIFs annotation: %r", annotation) # NOTE(dulek): We don't care about compatiblity with Queens format # here, as eventually all Kuryr services will be upgraded # and cluster will start working normally. Meanwhile # we just ignore issue of old services being unable to # read new annotations. k8s = clients.get_kubernetes_client() k8s.annotate(pod['metadata']['selfLink'], {constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF: annotation}, resource_version=pod['metadata']['resourceVersion']) def _get_pod_state(self, pod): # TODO(ivc): same as '_set_vif' try: annotations = pod['metadata']['annotations'] state_annotation = annotations[constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF] except KeyError: return None state_annotation = jsonutils.loads(state_annotation) state = utils.extract_pod_annotation(state_annotation) LOG.debug("Got VIFs from annotation: %r", state) return state