# Copyright 2018 Red Hat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ CLI interface for kuryr status commands. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import textwrap import traceback import prettytable import os_vif from os_vif.objects import base from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from kuryr_kubernetes import clients from kuryr_kubernetes import config from kuryr_kubernetes import constants from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions from kuryr_kubernetes import objects from kuryr_kubernetes.objects import vif from kuryr_kubernetes import version CONF = config.CONF UPGRADE_CHECK_SUCCESS = 0 UPGRADE_CHECK_WARNING = 1 UPGRADE_CHECK_FAILURE = 2 UPGRADE_CHECK_MSG_MAP = { UPGRADE_CHECK_SUCCESS: 'Success', UPGRADE_CHECK_WARNING: 'Warning', UPGRADE_CHECK_FAILURE: 'Failure', } class UpgradeCheckResult(object): """Class used for 'kuryr-k8s-status upgrade check' results. The 'code' attribute is an UpgradeCheckCode enum. The 'details' attribute is a message generally only used for checks that result in a warning or failure code. The details should provide information on what issue was discovered along with any remediation. """ def __init__(self, code, details=None): super(UpgradeCheckResult, self).__init__() self.code = code self.details = details def get_details(self): if self.details is not None: # wrap the text on the details to 60 characters return '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(self.details, 60, subsequent_indent=' ' * 9)) class UpgradeCommands(object): def __init__(self): self.check_methods = { 'Pod annotations': self._check_annotations, # Stein } clients.setup_kubernetes_client() self.k8s = clients.get_kubernetes_client() def _get_annotation(self, pod): annotations = pod['metadata']['annotations'] if constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF not in annotations: # NOTE(dulek): We ignore pods without annotation, those # probably are hostNetworking. return None k_ann = annotations[constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF] k_ann = jsonutils.loads(k_ann) obj = base.VersionedObject.obj_from_primitive(k_ann) return obj def _check_annotations(self): old_count = 0 malformed_count = 0 pods = self.k8s.get('/api/v1/pods')['items'] for pod in pods: try: obj = self._get_annotation(pod) if not obj: # NOTE(dulek): We ignore pods without annotation, those # probably are hostNetworking. continue except Exception: # TODO(dulek): We might want to print this exception. malformed_count += 1 continue if obj.obj_name() != objects.vif.PodState.obj_name(): old_count += 1 if malformed_count == 0 and old_count == 0: return UpgradeCheckResult(0, 'All annotations are updated.') elif malformed_count > 0 and old_count == 0: msg = ('You have %d malformed Kuryr pod annotations in your ' 'deployment. This is not blocking the upgrade, but ' 'consider investigating it.' % malformed_count) return UpgradeCheckResult(1, msg) elif old_count > 0: msg = ('You have %d Kuryr pod annotations in old format. You need ' 'to run `kuryr-k8s-status upgrade update-annotations` ' 'before proceeding with the upgrade.' % old_count) return UpgradeCheckResult(2, msg) def upgrade_check(self): check_results = [] t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['Upgrade Check Results'], hrules=prettytable.ALL) t.align = 'l' for name, method in self.check_methods.items(): result = method() check_results.append(result) cell = ( 'Check: %(name)s\n' 'Result: %(result)s\n' 'Details: %(details)s' % { 'name': name, 'result': UPGRADE_CHECK_MSG_MAP[result.code], 'details': result.get_details(), } ) t.add_row([cell]) print(t) return max(res.code for res in check_results) def _convert_annotations(self, test_fn, update_fn): updated_count = 0 not_updated_count = 0 malformed_count = 0 pods = self.k8s.get('/api/v1/pods')['items'] for pod in pods: try: obj = self._get_annotation(pod) if not obj: # NOTE(dulek): We ignore pods without annotation, those # probably are hostNetworking. continue except Exception: malformed_count += 1 continue if test_fn(obj): obj = update_fn(obj) serialized = obj.obj_to_primitive() try: ann = { constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF: jsonutils.dumps(serialized) } self.k8s.annotate( pod['metadata']['selfLink'], ann, pod['metadata']['resourceVersion']) except exceptions.K8sClientException: print('Error when updating annotation for pod %s/%s' % (pod['metadata']['namespace'], pod['metadata']['name'])) not_updated_count += 1 updated_count += 1 t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['Stat', 'Number'], hrules=prettytable.ALL) t.align = 'l' cells = [['Updated annotations', updated_count], ['Malformed annotations', malformed_count], ['Annotations left', not_updated_count]] for cell in cells: t.add_row(cell) print(t) def update_annotations(self): def test_fn(obj): return obj.obj_name() != objects.vif.PodState.obj_name() def update_fn(obj): return vif.PodState(default_vif=obj) self._convert_annotations(test_fn, update_fn) def downgrade_annotations(self): def test_fn(obj): return obj.obj_name() == objects.vif.PodState.obj_name() def update_fn(obj): return obj.default_vif self._convert_annotations(test_fn, update_fn) def print_version(): print(version.version_info.version_string()) def add_parsers(subparsers): upgrade_cmds = UpgradeCommands() upgrade = subparsers.add_parser( 'upgrade', help='Actions related to upgrades between releases.') sub = upgrade.add_subparsers() check = sub.add_parser('check', help='Check if upgrading is possible.') check.set_defaults(action_fn=upgrade_cmds.upgrade_check) ann_update = sub.add_parser( 'update-annotations', help='Update annotations in K8s API to newest version.') ann_update.set_defaults(action_fn=upgrade_cmds.update_annotations) ann_downgrade = sub.add_parser( 'downgrade-annotations', help='Downgrade annotations in K8s API to previous version (useful ' 'when reverting a failed upgrade).') ann_downgrade.set_defaults(action_fn=upgrade_cmds.downgrade_annotations) version_action = subparsers.add_parser('version') version_action.set_defaults(action_fn=print_version) def main(): opt = cfg.SubCommandOpt( 'category', title='command', description='kuryr-k8s-status command or category to execute', handler=add_parsers) conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() conf.register_cli_opt(opt) conf(sys.argv[1:]) os_vif.initialize() objects.register_locally_defined_vifs() try: return conf.category.action_fn() except Exception: print('Error:\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) # This is 255 so it's not confused with the upgrade check exit codes. return 255 if __name__ == '__main__': main()