# Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import collections import eventlet import six import time from kuryr.lib._i18n import _ from kuryr.lib import constants as kl_const from neutronclient.common import exceptions as n_exc from oslo_cache import core as cache from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_config import cfg as oslo_cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_log import versionutils from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from kuryr_kubernetes import clients from kuryr_kubernetes import config from kuryr_kubernetes import constants from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import base from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import utils as c_utils from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.managers import pool from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions from kuryr_kubernetes import os_vif_util as ovu from kuryr_kubernetes import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Moved out from neutron_default group vif_pool_driver_opts = [ oslo_cfg.IntOpt('ports_pool_max', help=_("Set a maximun amount of ports per pool. " "0 to disable"), default=0), oslo_cfg.IntOpt('ports_pool_min', help=_("Set a target minimum size of the pool of ports"), default=5), oslo_cfg.IntOpt('ports_pool_batch', help=_("Number of ports to be created in a bulk request"), default=10), oslo_cfg.IntOpt('ports_pool_update_frequency', help=_("Minimun interval (in seconds) " "between pool updates"), default=20), oslo_cfg.DictOpt('pools_vif_drivers', help=_("Dict with the pool driver and pod driver to be " "used. If not set, it will take them from the " "kubernetes driver options for pool and pod " "drivers respectively"), default={}, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since="Stein", deprecated_reason=_( "Mapping from pool->vif does not allow different " "vifs to use the same pool driver. " "Use vif_pool_mapping instead.")), oslo_cfg.DictOpt('vif_pool_mapping', help=_("Dict with the pod driver and the corresponding " "pool driver to be used. If not set, it will take " "them from the kubernetes driver options for pool " "and pod drivers respectively"), default={}), ] oslo_cfg.CONF.register_opts(vif_pool_driver_opts, "vif_pool") node_vif_driver_caching_opts = [ oslo_cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True), oslo_cfg.IntOpt('cache_time', default=3600), ] oslo_cfg.CONF.register_opts(node_vif_driver_caching_opts, "node_driver_caching") cache.configure(oslo_cfg.CONF) node_driver_cache_region = cache.create_region() MEMOIZE = cache.get_memoization_decorator( oslo_cfg.CONF, node_driver_cache_region, "node_driver_caching") cache.configure_cache_region(oslo_cfg.CONF, node_driver_cache_region) VIF_TYPE_TO_DRIVER_MAPPING = { 'VIFOpenVSwitch': 'neutron-vif', 'VIFBridge': 'neutron-vif', 'VIFVlanNested': 'nested-vlan', 'VIFMacvlanNested': 'nested-macvlan', 'VIFSriov': 'sriov' } class NoopVIFPool(base.VIFPoolDriver): """No pool VIFs for Kubernetes Pods""" def set_vif_driver(self, driver): self._drv_vif = driver def request_vif(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups): return self._drv_vif.request_vif(pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups) def release_vif(self, pod, vif, *argv): self._drv_vif.release_vif(pod, vif, *argv) def activate_vif(self, pod, vif): self._drv_vif.activate_vif(pod, vif) def update_vif_sgs(self, pod, sgs): self._drv_vif.update_vif_sgs(pod, sgs) def sync_pools(self): pass @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseVIFPool(base.VIFPoolDriver): """Skeletal pool driver. In order to handle the pools of ports, a few dicts are used: _available_ports_pool is a dictionary with the ready to use Neutron ports information. The keys are the 'pool_key' and the values the 'port_id's. _existing_vifs is a dictionary containing the port vif objects. The keys are the 'port_id' and the values are the vif objects. _recyclable_ports is a dictionary with the Neutron ports to be recycled. The keys are the 'port_id' and their values are the 'pool_key'. _last_update is a dictionary with the timestamp of the last population action for each pool. The keys are the pool_keys and the values are the timestamps. The following driver configuration options exist: - ports_pool_max: it specifies how many ports can be kept at each pool. If the pool already reached the specified size, the ports to be recycled are deleted instead. If set to 0, the limit is disabled and ports are always recycled. - ports_pool_min: minimum desired number of ready to use ports at populated pools. Should be smaller than ports_pool_max (if enabled). - ports_pool_batch: target number of ports to be created in bulk requests when populating pools. - ports_pool_update_frequency: interval in seconds between ports pool updates, both for populating pools as well as for recycling ports. """ def __init__(self): # Note(ltomasbo) Execute the port recycling periodic actions in a # background thread eventlet.spawn(self._return_ports_to_pool) def set_vif_driver(self, driver): self._drv_vif = driver def activate_vif(self, pod, vif): self._drv_vif.activate_vif(pod, vif) def update_vif_sgs(self, pod, sgs): self._drv_vif.update_vif_sgs(pod, sgs) def _get_pool_size(self, pool_key=None): return len(self._available_ports_pools.get(pool_key, [])) def _get_host_addr(self, pod): return pod['status']['hostIP'] def _get_pool_key(self, host, project_id, security_groups, net_id=None, subnets=None): if not net_id and subnets: net_obj = list(subnets.values())[0] net_id = net_obj.id pool_key = (host, project_id, tuple(sorted(security_groups)), net_id) return pool_key def _get_pool_key_net(self, pool_key): return pool_key[3] def request_vif(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups): try: host_addr = self._get_host_addr(pod) except KeyError: LOG.warning("Pod has not been scheduled yet.") raise pool_key = self._get_pool_key(host_addr, project_id, security_groups, None, subnets) try: return self._get_port_from_pool(pool_key, pod, subnets) except exceptions.ResourceNotReady: LOG.warning("Ports pool does not have available ports!") eventlet.spawn(self._populate_pool, pool_key, pod, subnets) raise def _get_port_from_pool(self, pool_key, pod, subnets): raise NotImplementedError() def _populate_pool(self, pool_key, pod, subnets): # REVISIT(ltomasbo): Drop the subnets parameter and get the information # from the pool_key, which will be required when multi-network is # supported now = time.time() try: if (now - oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_update_frequency < self._last_update.get(pool_key, 0)): LOG.info("Not enough time since the last pool update") return except AttributeError: LOG.info("Kuryr-controller not yet ready to populate pools") return self._last_update[pool_key] = now pool_size = self._get_pool_size(pool_key) if pool_size < oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_min: num_ports = max(oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_batch, oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_min - pool_size) vifs = self._drv_vif.request_vifs( pod=pod, project_id=pool_key[1], subnets=subnets, security_groups=list(pool_key[2]), num_ports=num_ports) for vif in vifs: self._existing_vifs[vif.id] = vif self._available_ports_pools.setdefault(pool_key, []).append(vif.id) def release_vif(self, pod, vif, project_id, security_groups): host_addr = self._get_host_addr(pod) pool_key = self._get_pool_key(host_addr, project_id, security_groups, vif.network.id, None) try: if not self._existing_vifs.get(vif.id): self._existing_vifs[vif.id] = vif self._recyclable_ports[vif.id] = pool_key except AttributeError: LOG.info("Kuryr-controller is not ready to handle the pools yet.") raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(pod) def _return_ports_to_pool(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _recover_precreated_ports(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _get_ports_by_attrs(self, **attrs): neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() ports = neutron.list_ports(**attrs) return ports['ports'] def _get_in_use_ports(self): kubernetes = clients.get_kubernetes_client() in_use_ports = [] running_pods = kubernetes.get(constants.K8S_API_BASE + '/pods') for pod in running_pods['items']: try: annotations = jsonutils.loads(pod['metadata']['annotations'][ constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF]) pod_state = utils.extract_pod_annotation(annotations) except KeyError: LOG.debug("Skipping pod without kuryr VIF annotation: %s", pod) else: for vif in pod_state.vifs.values(): in_use_ports.append(vif.id) return in_use_ports def list_pools(self): return self._available_ports_pools def show_pool(self, pool_key): return self._available_ports_pools.get(pool_key) def delete_network_pools(self, net_id): raise NotImplementedError() def _create_healthcheck_file(self): # Note(ltomasbo): Create a health check file when the pre-created # ports are loaded into their corresponding pools. This file is used # by the readiness probe when the controller is deployed in # containerized mode. This way the controller pod will not be ready # until all the pre-created ports have been loaded try: with open('/tmp/pools_loaded', 'a'): LOG.debug("Health check file created for readiness probe") except IOError: LOG.exception("I/O error creating the health check file.") @lockutils.synchronized('return_to_pool_baremetal') @lockutils.synchronized('return_to_pool_nested') def sync_pools(self): self._available_ports_pools = collections.defaultdict( collections.deque) self._existing_vifs = collections.defaultdict(collections.defaultdict) self._recyclable_ports = collections.defaultdict( collections.defaultdict) self._last_update = collections.defaultdict(collections.defaultdict) # NOTE(ltomasbo): Ensure previously created ports are recovered into # their respective pools self._recover_precreated_ports() def _get_trunks_info(self): """Returns information about trunks and their subports. This method searches for parent ports and subports among the active neutron ports. To find the parent ports it filters the ones that have trunk_details, i.e., the ones that are the parent port of a trunk. To find the subports to recover, it filters out the ports that are already in used by running kubernetes pods. It also filters out the ports whose device_owner is not related to subports, i.e., the ports that are not attached to trunks, such as active ports allocated to running VMs. At the same time it collects information about ports subnets to minimize the number of interaction with Neutron API. It returns three dictionaries with the needed information about the parent ports, subports and subnets :return: 3 dicts with the trunk details (Key: trunk_id; Value: dict containing ip and subports), subport details (Key: port_id; Value: port_object), and subnet details (Key: subnet_id; Value: subnet dict) """ # REVISIT(ltomasbo): there is no need to recover the subports # belonging to trunk ports whose parent port is DOWN as that means no # pods can be scheduled there. We may need to update this if we allow # lively extending the kubernetes cluster with VMs that already have # precreated subports. For instance by shutting down and up a # kubernetes Worker VM with subports already attached, and the # controller is restarted in between. parent_ports = {} subports = {} subnets = {} all_active_ports = self._get_ports_by_attrs(status='ACTIVE') in_use_ports = self._get_in_use_ports() for port in all_active_ports: trunk_details = port.get('trunk_details') # Parent port if trunk_details: parent_ports[trunk_details['trunk_id']] = { 'ip': port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], 'subports': trunk_details['sub_ports']} else: # Filter to only get subports that are not in use if (port['id'] not in in_use_ports and port['device_owner'] in ['trunk:subport', kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER]): subports[port['id']] = port # NOTE(ltomasbo): _get_subnet can be costly as it # needs to call neutron to get network and subnet # information. This ensures it is only called once # per subnet in use subnet_id = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] if not subnets.get(subnet_id): subnets[subnet_id] = {subnet_id: utils.get_subnet( subnet_id)} return parent_ports, subports, subnets class NeutronVIFPool(BaseVIFPool): """Manages VIFs for Bare Metal Kubernetes Pods.""" def _get_host_addr(self, pod): return pod['spec']['nodeName'] def _get_port_from_pool(self, pool_key, pod, subnets): try: port_id = self._available_ports_pools[pool_key].pop() except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(pod) if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug: neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() neutron.update_port( port_id, { "port": { 'name': c_utils.get_port_name(pod), 'device_id': pod['metadata']['uid'] } }) # check if the pool needs to be populated if (self._get_pool_size(pool_key) < oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_min): eventlet.spawn(self._populate_pool, pool_key, pod, subnets) return self._existing_vifs[port_id] def _return_ports_to_pool(self): """Recycle ports to be reused by future pods. For each port in the recyclable_ports dict it reaplies security group if they have been changed and it changes the port name to available_port if the port_debug option is enabled. Then the port_id is included in the dict with the available_ports. If a maximun number of port per pool is set, the port will be deleted if the maximun has been already reached. """ while True: eventlet.sleep(oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_update_frequency) self._trigger_return_to_pool() @lockutils.synchronized('return_to_pool_baremetal') def _trigger_return_to_pool(self): if not hasattr(self, '_recyclable_ports'): LOG.info("Kuryr-controller not yet ready to return ports to " "pools.") return neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() sg_current = {} if not config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug: kuryr_ports = self._get_ports_by_attrs( device_owner=kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER) for port in kuryr_ports: if port['id'] in self._recyclable_ports: sg_current[port['id']] = port['security_groups'] for port_id, pool_key in self._recyclable_ports.copy().items(): if (not oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_max or self._get_pool_size(pool_key) < oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_max): port_name = (constants.KURYR_PORT_NAME if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug else '') if (config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug or list(pool_key[2]) != sg_current.get(port_id)): try: neutron.update_port( port_id, { "port": { 'name': port_name, 'device_id': '', 'security_groups': list(pool_key[2]) } }) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.warning("Error preparing port %s to be " "reused, put back on the cleanable " "pool.", port_id) continue self._available_ports_pools.setdefault( pool_key, []).append(port_id) else: try: del self._existing_vifs[port_id] neutron.delete_port(port_id) except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient: LOG.debug('Unable to release port %s as it no longer ' 'exists.', port_id) except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the ports list.', port_id) try: del self._recyclable_ports[port_id] except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port already recycled: %s', port_id) def _recover_precreated_ports(self): if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug: available_ports = self._get_ports_by_attrs( name=constants.KURYR_PORT_NAME, device_owner=[ kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER]) else: kuryr_ports = self._get_ports_by_attrs( device_owner=kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER) in_use_ports = self._get_in_use_ports() available_ports = [port for port in kuryr_ports if port['id'] not in in_use_ports] _, available_subports, _ = self._get_trunks_info() for port in available_ports: # NOTE(ltomasbo): ensure subports are not considered for # recovering in the case of multi pools if available_subports.get(port['id']): continue vif_plugin = self._drv_vif._get_vif_plugin(port) port_host = port['binding:host_id'] if not vif_plugin or not port_host: # NOTE(ltomasbo): kuryr-controller is running without the # rights to get the needed information to recover the ports. # Thus, removing the port instead neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() neutron.delete_port(port['id']) continue subnet_id = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] subnet = { subnet_id: utils.get_subnet(subnet_id)} vif = ovu.neutron_to_osvif_vif(vif_plugin, port, subnet) net_obj = subnet[subnet_id] pool_key = self._get_pool_key(port_host, port['project_id'], port['security_groups'], net_obj.id, None) self._existing_vifs[port['id']] = vif self._available_ports_pools.setdefault( pool_key, []).append(port['id']) LOG.info("PORTS POOL: pools updated with pre-created ports") self._create_healthcheck_file() def delete_network_pools(self, net_id): if not hasattr(self, '_available_ports_pools'): LOG.info("Kuryr-controller not yet ready to delete network " "pools.") raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(net_id) neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() # NOTE(ltomasbo): Note the pods should already be deleted, but their # associated ports may not have been recycled yet, therefore not being # on the available_ports_pools dict. The next call forces it to be on # that dict before cleaning it up self._trigger_return_to_pool() for pool_key, ports_id in self._available_ports_pools.items(): if self._get_pool_key_net(pool_key) != net_id: continue self._available_ports_pools[pool_key] = [] for port_id in ports_id: try: del self._existing_vifs[port_id] except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the ports list.', port_id) try: neutron.delete_port(port_id) except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient: LOG.debug('Unable to release port %s as it no longer ' 'exists.', port_id) class NestedVIFPool(BaseVIFPool): """Manages VIFs for nested Kubernetes Pods. In order to handle the pools of ports for nested Pods, an extra dict is used: _known_trunk_ids is a dictionary that keeps the trunk port ids associated to each pool_key to skip calls to neutron to get the trunk information. """ _known_trunk_ids = collections.defaultdict(str) def __init__(self): super(NestedVIFPool, self).__init__() # Start the pool manager so that pools can be populated/freed on # demand if config.CONF.kubernetes.enable_manager: self._pool_manager = pool.PoolManager() def set_vif_driver(self, driver): self._drv_vif = driver def _get_port_from_pool(self, pool_key, pod, subnets): try: port_id = self._available_ports_pools[pool_key].pop() except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(pod) if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug: neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() neutron.update_port( port_id, { "port": { 'name': c_utils.get_port_name(pod), } }) # check if the pool needs to be populated if (self._get_pool_size(pool_key) < oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_min): eventlet.spawn(self._populate_pool, pool_key, pod, subnets) return self._existing_vifs[port_id] def _return_ports_to_pool(self): """Recycle ports to be reused by future pods. For each port in the recyclable_ports dict it reaplies security group if they have been changed and it changes the port name to available_port if the port_debug option is enabled. Then the port_id is included in the dict with the available_ports. If a maximun number of ports per pool is set, the port will be deleted if the maximun has been already reached. """ while True: eventlet.sleep(oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_update_frequency) self._trigger_return_to_pool() @lockutils.synchronized('return_to_pool_nested') def _trigger_return_to_pool(self): if not hasattr(self, '_recyclable_ports'): LOG.info("Kuryr-controller not yet ready to return ports to " "pools.") return neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() sg_current = {} if not config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug: kuryr_subports = self._get_ports_by_attrs( device_owner=['trunk:subport', kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER]) for subport in kuryr_subports: if subport['id'] in self._recyclable_ports: sg_current[subport['id']] = subport['security_groups'] for port_id, pool_key in self._recyclable_ports.copy().items(): if (not oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_max or self._get_pool_size(pool_key) < oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.ports_pool_max): port_name = (constants.KURYR_PORT_NAME if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug else '') if (config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug or list(pool_key[2]) != sg_current.get(port_id)): try: neutron.update_port( port_id, { "port": { 'name': port_name, 'security_groups': list(pool_key[2]) } }) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.warning("Error preparing port %s to be " "reused, put back on the cleanable " "pool.", port_id) continue self._available_ports_pools.setdefault( pool_key, []).append(port_id) else: trunk_id = self._get_trunk_id(neutron, pool_key) try: self._drv_vif._remove_subport(neutron, trunk_id, port_id) self._drv_vif._release_vlan_id( self._existing_vifs[port_id].vlan_id) del self._existing_vifs[port_id] neutron.delete_port(port_id) except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient: LOG.debug('Unable to release port %s as it no longer ' 'exists.', port_id) except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the ports list.', port_id) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.warning('Error removing the subport %s', port_id) continue try: del self._recyclable_ports[port_id] except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port already recycled: %s', port_id) def _get_trunk_id(self, neutron, pool_key): trunk_id = self._known_trunk_ids.get(pool_key, None) if not trunk_id: p_port = self._drv_vif._get_parent_port_by_host_ip( neutron, pool_key[0]) trunk_id = self._drv_vif._get_trunk_id(p_port) self._known_trunk_ids[pool_key] = trunk_id return trunk_id def _get_parent_port_ip(self, port_id): neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() parent_port = neutron.show_port(port_id).get('port') return parent_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] def _recover_precreated_ports(self): self._precreated_ports(action='recover') LOG.info("PORTS POOL: pools updated with pre-created ports") self._create_healthcheck_file() def _remove_precreated_ports(self, trunk_ips=None): self._precreated_ports(action='free', trunk_ips=trunk_ips) def _precreated_ports(self, action, trunk_ips=None): """Removes or recovers pre-created subports at given pools This function handles the pre-created ports based on the given action: - If action is `free` it will remove all the subport from the given trunk ports, or from all the trunk ports if no trunk_ips are passed. - If action is `recover` it will discover the existing subports in the given trunk ports (or in all of them if none are passed) and will add them (and the needed information) to the respective pools. """ neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() # Note(ltomasbo): ML2/OVS changes the device_owner to trunk:subport # when a port is attached to a trunk. However, that is not the case # for other ML2 drivers, such as ODL. So we also need to look for # compute:kuryr parent_ports, available_subports, subnets = self._get_trunks_info() if not available_subports: return for trunk_id, parent_port in parent_ports.items(): host_addr = parent_port.get('ip') if trunk_ips and host_addr not in trunk_ips: continue for subport in parent_port.get('subports'): kuryr_subport = available_subports.get(subport['port_id']) if kuryr_subport: subnet_id = kuryr_subport['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] subnet = subnets[subnet_id] net_obj = subnet[subnet_id] pool_key = self._get_pool_key(host_addr, kuryr_subport['project_id'], kuryr_subport[ 'security_groups'], net_obj.id, None) if action == 'recover': vif = ovu.neutron_to_osvif_vif_nested_vlan( kuryr_subport, subnet, subport['segmentation_id']) self._existing_vifs[kuryr_subport['id']] = vif self._available_ports_pools.setdefault( pool_key, []).append(kuryr_subport['id']) elif action == 'free': try: self._drv_vif._remove_subport(neutron, trunk_id, kuryr_subport['id']) neutron.delete_port(kuryr_subport['id']) self._drv_vif._release_vlan_id( subport['segmentation_id']) del self._existing_vifs[kuryr_subport['id']] self._available_ports_pools[pool_key].remove( kuryr_subport['id']) except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient: LOG.debug('Unable to release port %s as it no ' 'longer exists.', kuryr_subport['id']) except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the ports list.', kuryr_subport['id']) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.warning('Error removing the subport %s', kuryr_subport['id']) except ValueError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the available ports ' 'pool.', kuryr_subport['id']) def force_populate_pool(self, trunk_ip, project_id, subnets, security_groups, num_ports): """Create a given amount of subports at a given trunk port. This function creates a given amount of subports and attaches them to the specified trunk, adding them to the related subports pool regardless of the amount of subports already available in the pool. """ vifs = self._drv_vif.request_vifs( pod=[], project_id=project_id, subnets=subnets, security_groups=security_groups, num_ports=num_ports, trunk_ip=trunk_ip) pool_key = self._get_pool_key(trunk_ip, project_id, security_groups, None, subnets) for vif in vifs: self._existing_vifs[vif.id] = vif self._available_ports_pools.setdefault(pool_key, []).append(vif.id) def free_pool(self, trunk_ips=None): """Removes subports from the pool and deletes neutron port resource. This function empties the pool of available subports and removes the neutron port resources of the specified trunk port (or all of them if no trunk is specified). """ self._remove_precreated_ports(trunk_ips) def delete_network_pools(self, net_id): if not hasattr(self, '_available_ports_pools'): LOG.info("Kuryr-controller not yet ready to delete network " "pools.") raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(net_id) neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() # NOTE(ltomasbo): Note the pods should already be deleted, but their # associated ports may not have been recycled yet, therefore not being # on the available_ports_pools dict. The next call forces it to be on # that dict before cleaning it up self._trigger_return_to_pool() for pool_key, ports_ids in self._available_ports_pools.items(): if self._get_pool_key_net(pool_key) != net_id: continue self._available_ports_pools[pool_key] = [] trunk_id = self._get_trunk_id(neutron, pool_key) try: self._drv_vif._remove_subports(neutron, trunk_id, ports_ids) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.exception('Error removing subports from trunk: %s', trunk_id) continue for port_id in ports_ids: try: self._drv_vif._release_vlan_id( self._existing_vifs[port_id].vlan_id) del self._existing_vifs[port_id] except KeyError: LOG.debug('Port %s is not in the ports list.', port_id) try: neutron.delete_port(port_id) except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient: LOG.debug('Unable to delete subport %s as it no longer ' 'exists.', port_id) class MultiVIFPool(base.VIFPoolDriver): """Manages pools with different VIF types. It manages hybrid deployments containing both Bare Metal and Nested Kubernetes Pods. To do that it creates a pool per node with a different pool driver depending on the vif driver that the node is using. It assumes a label pod_vif is added to each node to inform about the driver set for that node. If no label is added, it assumes the default pod vif: the one specified at kuryr.conf """ def set_vif_driver(self): self._vif_drvs = {} vif_pool_mapping = self._get_vif_pool_mapping() if not vif_pool_mapping: pod_vif = oslo_cfg.CONF.kubernetes.pod_vif_driver drv_vif = base.PodVIFDriver.get_instance() drv_pool = base.VIFPoolDriver.get_instance() drv_pool.set_vif_driver(drv_vif) self._vif_drvs[pod_vif] = drv_pool return for pod_driver, pool_driver in vif_pool_mapping.items(): if not utils.check_suitable_multi_pool_driver_opt(pool_driver, pod_driver): LOG.error("The pool and pod driver selected are not " "compatible. They will be skipped") raise exceptions.MultiPodDriverPoolConfigurationNotSupported() drv_vif = base.PodVIFDriver.get_instance( specific_driver=pod_driver) drv_pool = base.VIFPoolDriver.get_instance( specific_driver=pool_driver, scope='for:{}'.format(pod_driver)) drv_pool.set_vif_driver(drv_vif) self._vif_drvs[pod_driver] = drv_pool def request_vif(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups): pod_vif_type = self._get_pod_vif_type(pod) return self._vif_drvs[pod_vif_type].request_vif( pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups) def release_vif(self, pod, vif, *argv): vif_drv_alias = self._get_vif_drv_alias(vif) self._vif_drvs[vif_drv_alias].release_vif(pod, vif, *argv) def activate_vif(self, pod, vif): vif_drv_alias = self._get_vif_drv_alias(vif) self._vif_drvs[vif_drv_alias].activate_vif(pod, vif) def update_vif_sgs(self, pod, sgs): pod_vif_type = self._get_pod_vif_type(pod) self._vif_drvs[pod_vif_type].update_vif_sgs(pod, sgs) def delete_network_pools(self, net_id): for vif_drv in self._vif_drvs.values(): if str(vif_drv) == 'NoopVIFPool': continue vif_drv.delete_network_pools(net_id) def sync_pools(self): for vif_drv in self._vif_drvs.values(): vif_drv.sync_pools() def _get_pod_vif_type(self, pod): node_name = pod['spec']['nodeName'] return self._get_node_vif_driver(node_name) @MEMOIZE def _get_node_vif_driver(self, node_name): kubernetes = clients.get_kubernetes_client() node_info = kubernetes.get( constants.K8S_API_BASE + '/nodes/' + node_name) labels = node_info['metadata'].get('labels', None) if labels: pod_vif = labels.get('pod_vif', oslo_cfg.CONF.kubernetes.pod_vif_driver) return pod_vif return oslo_cfg.CONF.kubernetes.pod_vif_driver def _get_vif_drv_alias(self, vif): vif_type_name = type(vif).__name__ return VIF_TYPE_TO_DRIVER_MAPPING[vif_type_name] def _get_vif_pool_mapping(self): vif_pool_mapping = oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.vif_pool_mapping if not vif_pool_mapping: pools_vif_drivers = oslo_cfg.CONF.vif_pool.pools_vif_drivers if pools_vif_drivers: msg = ("Config option vif_pool.pools_vif_drivers is " "deprecated in favour of vif_pool.vif_pool_mapping, " "and will be removed in a future release") versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg) for pool_driver, pod_driver in pools_vif_drivers.items(): vif_pool_mapping[pod_driver] = pool_driver return vif_pool_mapping