#!/bin/bash # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. function create_kuryr_account { if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then create_service_user "kuryr" "admin" get_or_create_service "kuryr-kubernetes" "kuryr-kubernetes" \ "Kuryr-Kubernetes Service" fi } function create_kuryr_cache_dir { # Create cache directory sudo install -d -o "$STACK_USER" "$KURYR_AUTH_CACHE_DIR" if [[ ! "$KURYR_AUTH_CACHE_DIR" == "" ]]; then rm -f "$KURYR_AUTH_CACHE_DIR"/* fi } function create_kuryr_lock_dir { # Create lock directory sudo install -d -o "$STACK_USER" "$KURYR_LOCK_DIR" } function get_distutils_data_path { cat << EOF | python - from __future__ import print_function import distutils.dist import distutils.command.install inst = distutils.command.install.install(distutils.dist.Distribution()) inst.finalize_options() print(inst.install_data) EOF } function configure_kuryr { local dir sudo install -d -o "$STACK_USER" "$KURYR_CONFIG_DIR" "${KURYR_HOME}/tools/generate_config_file_samples.sh" sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 640 -D "${KURYR_HOME}/etc/kuryr.conf.sample" \ "$KURYR_CONFIG" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes api_root "$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" if [ "$KURYR_K8S_API_CERT" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_client_crt_file "$KURYR_K8S_API_CERT" fi if [ "$KURYR_K8S_API_KEY" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_client_key_file "$KURYR_K8S_API_KEY" fi if [ "$KURYR_K8S_API_CACERT" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_ca_crt_file "$KURYR_K8S_API_CACERT" fi # REVISIT(ivc): 'use_stderr' is required for current CNI driver. Once a # daemon-based CNI driver is implemented, this could be removed. iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" DEFAULT use_stderr true iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" DEFAULT debug "$ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes port_debug "$KURYR_PORT_DEBUG" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes pod_subnets_driver "$KURYR_SUBNET_DRIVER" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes enabled_handlers "$KURYR_ENABLED_HANDLERS" KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT=$(trueorfalse False KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT) if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]; then # This works around the issue of being unable to set oslo.privsep mode # to FORK in os-vif. When running in a container we disable `sudo` that # was prefixed before `privsep-helper` command. This let's us run in # envs without sudo and keep the same python environment as the parent # process. iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_plug_ovs_privileged helper_command privsep-helper iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_plug_linux_bridge_privileged helper_command privsep-helper # When running kuryr-daemon or CNI in container we need to set up # some configs. iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" cni_daemon docker_mode True iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" cni_daemon netns_proc_dir "/host_proc" fi if is_service_enabled kuryr-daemon; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" oslo_concurrency lock_path "$KURYR_LOCK_DIR" create_kuryr_lock_dir if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "False" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" cni_health_server cg_path \ "/system.slice/system-devstack.slice/devstack@kuryr-daemon.service" fi else iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" cni_daemon daemon_enabled False fi create_kuryr_cache_dir # Neutron API server & Neutron plugin if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then configure_auth_token_middleware "$KURYR_CONFIG" kuryr \ "$KURYR_AUTH_CACHE_DIR" neutron iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes pod_vif_driver "$KURYR_POD_VIF_DRIVER" if [ "$KURYR_USE_PORTS_POOLS" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes vif_pool_driver "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_DRIVER" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_pool ports_pool_min "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_MIN" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_pool ports_pool_max "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_MAX" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_pool ports_pool_batch "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_BATCH" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_pool ports_pool_update_frequency "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_UPDATE_FREQ" if [ "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_MANAGER" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes enable_manager "$KURYR_VIF_POOL_MANAGER" dir=`iniget "$KURYR_CONFIG" vif_pool manager_sock_file` if [[ -z $dir ]]; then dir="/run/kuryr/kuryr_manage.sock" fi dir=`dirname $dir` sudo mkdir -p $dir fi fi fi } function generate_containerized_kuryr_resources { local cni_daemon cni_daemon=$1 if [[ KURYR_CONTROLLER_REPLICAS -eq 1 ]]; then KURYR_CONTROLLER_HA="False" else KURYR_CONTROLLER_HA="True" fi # Containerized deployment will use tokens provided by k8s itself. inicomment "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_client_crt_file inicomment "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_client_key_file iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes controller_ha ${KURYR_CONTROLLER_HA} iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes controller_ha_port ${KURYR_CONTROLLER_HA_PORT} # NOTE(dulek): In the container the CA bundle will be mounted in a standard # directory, so we need to modify that. iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron cafile /etc/ssl/certs/kuryr-ca-bundle.crt iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes token_file /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" kubernetes ssl_ca_crt_file /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt # Generate kuryr resources in k8s formats. local output_dir="${DATA_DIR}/kuryr-kubernetes" generate_kuryr_configmap $output_dir $KURYR_CONFIG $KURYR_CONFIG generate_kuryr_certificates_secret $output_dir $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE generate_kuryr_service_account $output_dir generate_controller_deployment $output_dir $KURYR_HEALTH_SERVER_PORT $KURYR_CONTROLLER_HA generate_cni_daemon_set $output_dir $KURYR_CNI_HEALTH_SERVER_PORT $cni_daemon $CNI_BIN_DIR $CNI_CONF_DIR } function run_containerized_kuryr_resources { local k8s_data_dir="${DATA_DIR}/kuryr-kubernetes" /usr/local/bin/kubectl create -f \ "${k8s_data_dir}/config_map.yml" \ || die $LINENO "Failed to create kuryr-kubernetes ConfigMap." /usr/local/bin/kubectl create -f \ "${k8s_data_dir}/certificates_secret.yml" \ || die $LINENO "Failed to create kuryr-kubernetes certificates Secret." /usr/local/bin/kubectl create -f \ "${k8s_data_dir}/service_account.yml" \ || die $LINENO "Failed to create kuryr-kubernetes ServiceAccount." if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then # NOTE(dulek): For OpenShift add privileged SCC to serviceaccount. /usr/local/bin/oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n kube-system -z kuryr-controller fi /usr/local/bin/kubectl create -f \ "${k8s_data_dir}/controller_deployment.yml" \ || die $LINENO "Failed to create kuryr-kubernetes Deployment." /usr/local/bin/kubectl create -f \ "${k8s_data_dir}/cni_ds.yml" \ || die $LINENO "Failed to create kuryr-kubernetes CNI DaemonSet." } function install_kuryr_cni { local kuryr_cni_bin=$(which kuryr-cni) sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 0555 -D \ "$kuryr_cni_bin" "${CNI_BIN_DIR}/kuryr-cni" } function _cidr_range { python - <<EOF "$1" import sys from netaddr import IPAddress, IPNetwork n = IPNetwork(sys.argv[1]) print("%s\\t%s" % (IPAddress(n.first + 1), IPAddress(n.last - 1))) EOF } function copy_tempest_kubeconfig { local tempest_home tempest_home='/home/tempest' if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then sudo mkdir -p "${HOME}/.kube" sudo cp "${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig" "${HOME}/.kube/config" sudo chown -R $STACK_USER "${HOME}/.kube" fi if [ -d "$tempest_home" ]; then sudo cp -r "${HOME}/.kube" "$tempest_home" sudo chown -R tempest "${tempest_home}/.kube" fi } function create_k8s_api_service { # This allows pods that need access to kubernetes API (like the # containerized kuryr controller or kube-dns) to talk to the K8s API # service local service_cidr local kubelet_iface_ip local lb_name local use_octavia lb_name='default/kubernetes' service_cidr=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ subnet show "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET" \ -c cidr -f value) kubelet_iface_ip=$(openstack port show kubelet-"${HOSTNAME}" -c fixed_ips -f value | cut -d \' -f 2) k8s_api_clusterip=$(_cidr_range "$service_cidr" | cut -f1) create_load_balancer "$lb_name" "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET"\ "$k8s_api_clusterip" create_load_balancer_listener default/kubernetes:443 HTTPS 443 "$lb_name" create_load_balancer_pool default/kubernetes:443 HTTPS ROUND_ROBIN \ default/kubernetes:443 "$lb_name" local api_port if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then api_port=${OPENSHIFT_API_PORT} else api_port=6443 fi local address KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE) if [[ "$KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE" == "True" ]]; then address=${kubelet_iface_ip} else address="${HOST_IP}" fi use_octavia=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_K8S_LBAAS_USE_OCTAVIA) if [[ "$use_octavia" == "True" && \ "$KURYR_K8S_OCTAVIA_MEMBER_MODE" == "L2" ]]; then create_load_balancer_member "$(hostname)" "$address" "$api_port" \ default/kubernetes:443 $KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_POD_SUBNET "$lb_name" else create_load_balancer_member "$(hostname)" "$address" "$api_port" \ default/kubernetes:443 public-subnet "$lb_name" fi } function configure_neutron_defaults { local project_id local pod_subnet_id local sg_ids local service_subnet_id local subnetpool_id local router local router_id # If a subnetpool is not passed, we get the one created in devstack's # Neutron module subnetpool_id=${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SUBNETPOOL_ID:-${SUBNETPOOL_V4_ID}} router=${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_ROUTER:-$Q_ROUTER_NAME} router_id="$(openstack router show -c id -f value \ "$router")" project_id=$(get_or_create_project \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_PROJECT" default) create_k8s_subnet "$project_id" \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_POD_NET" \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_POD_SUBNET" \ "$subnetpool_id" \ "$router" pod_subnet_id="$(openstack subnet show -c id -f value \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_POD_SUBNET}")" local use_octavia use_octavia=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_K8S_LBAAS_USE_OCTAVIA) create_k8s_subnet "$project_id" \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_NET" \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET" \ "$subnetpool_id" \ "$router" \ "$use_octavia" service_subnet_id="$(openstack subnet show -c id -f value \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET}")" sg_ids=$(echo $(openstack security group list \ --project "$project_id" -c ID -f value) | tr ' ' ',') ext_svc_net_id="$(openstack network show -c id -f value \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_EXT_SVC_NET}")" ext_svc_subnet_id="$(openstack subnet show -c id -f value \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_EXT_SVC_SUBNET}")" if [[ "$use_octavia" == "True" && \ "$KURYR_K8S_OCTAVIA_MEMBER_MODE" == "L3" ]]; then # In order for the pods to allow service traffic under Octavia L3 mode, #it is necessary for the service subnet to be allowed into the $sg_ids local service_cidr local service_pod_access_sg_id service_cidr=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" subnet show \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET}" -f value -c cidr) service_pod_access_sg_id=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ security group create --project "$project_id" \ service_pod_access -f value -c id) openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ security group rule create --project "$project_id" \ --description "k8s service subnet allowed" \ --remote-ip "$service_cidr" --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp \ "$service_pod_access_sg_id" sg_ids+=",${service_pod_access_sg_id}" elif [[ "$use_octavia" == "True" && \ "$KURYR_K8S_OCTAVIA_MEMBER_MODE" == "L2" ]]; then # In case the member connectivity is L2, Octavia by default uses the # admin 'default' sg to create a port for the amphora load balancer # at the member ports subnet. Thus we need to allow L2 communication # between the member ports and the octavia ports by allowing all # access from the pod subnet range to the ports in that subnet, and # include it into $sg_ids local pod_cidr local pod_pod_access_sg_id pod_cidr=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" subnet show \ "${KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_POD_SUBNET}" -f value -c cidr) octavia_pod_access_sg_id=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ security group create --project "$project_id" \ octavia_pod_access -f value -c id) openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ security group rule create --project "$project_id" \ --description "k8s pod subnet allowed from k8s-pod-subnet" \ --remote-ip "$pod_cidr" --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp \ "$octavia_pod_access_sg_id" sg_ids+=",${octavia_pod_access_sg_id}" fi iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults project "$project_id" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults pod_subnet "$pod_subnet_id" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults pod_security_groups "$sg_ids" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults service_subnet "$service_subnet_id" if [ "$KURYR_SUBNET_DRIVER" == "namespace" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" namespace_subnet pod_subnet_pool "$subnetpool_id" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" namespace_subnet pod_router "$router_id" fi if [ -n "$OVS_BRIDGE" ]; then iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults ovs_bridge "$OVS_BRIDGE" fi iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults external_svc_net "$ext_svc_net_id" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" octavia_defaults member_mode "$KURYR_K8S_OCTAVIA_MEMBER_MODE" if [[ "$use_octavia" == "True" ]]; then # Octavia takes a very long time to start the LB in the gate. We need # to tweak the timeout for the LB creation. Let's be generous and give # it up to 20 minutes. # FIXME(dulek): This might be removed when bug 1753653 is fixed and # Kuryr restarts waiting for LB on timeouts. iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" neutron_defaults lbaas_activation_timeout 1200 fi } function configure_k8s_pod_sg_rules { local project_id local sg_id project_id=$(get_or_create_project \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_PROJECT" default) sg_id=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ security group list \ --project "$project_id" -c ID -c Name -f value | \ awk '/default/ {print $1}') create_k8s_icmp_sg_rules "$sg_id" ingress } function get_hyperkube_container_cacert_setup_dir { case "$1" in 1.[0-3].*) echo "/data";; *) echo "/srv/kubernetes" esac } function create_token() { echo $(cat /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2> /dev/null) } function prepare_kubernetes_files { # Sets up the base configuration for the Kubernetes API Server and the # Controller Manager. local service_cidr local k8s_api_clusterip service_cidr=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ subnet show "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET"\ -c cidr -f value) k8s_api_clusterip=$(_cidr_range "$service_cidr" | cut -f1) # It's not prettiest, but the file haven't changed since 1.6, so it's safe to download it like that. curl -o /tmp/make-ca-cert.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/release-1.8/cluster/saltbase/salt/generate-cert/make-ca-cert.sh chmod +x /tmp/make-ca-cert.sh # Create HTTPS certificates sudo groupadd -f -r kube-cert # hostname -I gets the ip of the node sudo CERT_DIR=${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR} /tmp/make-ca-cert.sh $(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') "IP:${HOST_IP},IP:${k8s_api_clusterip},DNS:kubernetes,DNS:kubernetes.default,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" # Create basic token authorization sudo bash -c "echo 'admin,admin,admin' > $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR/basic_auth.csv" # Create known tokens for service accounts sudo bash -c "echo '$(create_token),admin,admin' >> ${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/known_tokens.csv" sudo bash -c "echo '$(create_token),kubelet,kubelet' >> ${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/known_tokens.csv" sudo bash -c "echo '$(create_token),kube_proxy,kube_proxy' >> ${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/known_tokens.csv" # FIXME(ivc): replace 'sleep' with a strict check (e.g. wait_for_files) # 'kubernetes-api' fails if started before files are generated. # this is a workaround to prevent races. sleep 5 } function wait_for { local name local url local cacert_path local flags name="$1" url="$2" cacert_path=${3:-} timeout=${4:-$KURYR_WAIT_TIMEOUT} echo -n "Waiting for $name to respond" extra_flags=${cacert_path:+"--cacert ${cacert_path}"} local start_time=$(date +%s) until curl -o /dev/null -sf $extra_flags "$url"; do echo -n "." local curr_time=$(date +%s) local time_diff=$(($curr_time - $start_time)) [[ $time_diff -le $timeout ]] || die "Timed out waiting for $name" sleep 1 done echo "" } function run_k8s_api { local service_cidr local cluster_ip_range # Runs Hyperkube's Kubernetes API Server wait_for "etcd" "${KURYR_ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URL}/v2/machines" service_cidr=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ subnet show "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET" \ -c cidr -f value) if is_service_enabled octavia; then cluster_ip_range=$(split_subnet "$service_cidr" | cut -f1) else cluster_ip_range="$service_cidr" fi run_container kubernetes-api \ --net host \ --volume="${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}:/srv/kubernetes:rw" \ "${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE}:${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION}" \ /hyperkube apiserver \ --service-cluster-ip-range="${cluster_ip_range}" \ --insecure-bind-address= \ --insecure-port="${KURYR_K8S_API_PORT}" \ --etcd-servers="${KURYR_ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URL}" \ --admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,ResourceQuota \ --client-ca-file=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt \ --basic-auth-file=/srv/kubernetes/basic_auth.csv \ --min-request-timeout=300 \ --tls-cert-file=/srv/kubernetes/server.cert \ --tls-private-key-file=/srv/kubernetes/server.key \ --token-auth-file=/srv/kubernetes/known_tokens.csv \ --allow-privileged=true \ --v=2 \ --logtostderr=true } function run_k8s_controller_manager { # Runs Hyperkube's Kubernetes controller manager wait_for "Kubernetes API Server" "$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" run_container kubernetes-controller-manager \ --net host \ --volume="${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}:/srv/kubernetes:rw" \ "${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE}:${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION}" \ /hyperkube controller-manager \ --master="$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" \ --service-account-private-key-file=/srv/kubernetes/server.key \ --root-ca-file=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt \ --min-resync-period=3m \ --v=2 \ --logtostderr=true } function run_k8s_scheduler { # Runs Hyperkube's Kubernetes scheduler wait_for "Kubernetes API Server" "$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" run_container kubernetes-scheduler \ --net host \ --volume="${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}:/srv/kubernetes:rw" \ "${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE}:${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION}" \ /hyperkube scheduler \ --master="$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" \ --v=2 \ --logtostderr=true } function prepare_kubeconfig { $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl config set-cluster devstack-cluster \ --server="${KURYR_K8S_API_URL}" $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl config set-context devstack \ --cluster=devstack-cluster $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl config use-context devstack } function extract_hyperkube { local hyperkube_container local tmp_hyperkube_path tmp_hyperkube_path="/tmp/hyperkube" tmp_loopback_cni_path="/tmp/loopback" tmp_nsenter_path="/tmp/nsenter" hyperkube_container=$(docker run -d \ --net host \ "${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE}:${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION}" \ /bin/false) docker cp "${hyperkube_container}:/hyperkube" "$tmp_hyperkube_path" docker cp "${hyperkube_container}:/opt/cni/bin/loopback" \ "$tmp_loopback_cni_path" docker cp "${hyperkube_container}:/usr/bin/nsenter" "$tmp_nsenter_path" docker rm "$hyperkube_container" sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 0555 -D "$tmp_hyperkube_path" \ "$KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY" sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 0555 -D "$tmp_loopback_cni_path" \ "${CNI_BIN_DIR}/loopback" sudo install -o "root" -m 0555 -D "$tmp_nsenter_path" \ "/usr/local/bin/nsenter" # Convenience kubectl executable for development sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 555 -D "${KURYR_HOME}/devstack/kubectl" \ "$(dirname $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY)/kubectl" } function prepare_kubelet { local kubelet_plugin_dir kubelet_plugin_dir="/etc/cni/net.d/" sudo install -o "$STACK_USER" -m 0664 -D \ "${KURYR_HOME}${kubelet_plugin_dir}/10-kuryr.conf" \ "${CNI_CONF_DIR}/10-kuryr.conf" } function run_k8s_kubelet { # Runs Hyperkube's Kubernetes kubelet from the extracted binary # # The reason for extracting the binary and running it in from the Host # filesystem is so that we can leverage the binding utilities that network # vendor devstack plugins may have installed (like ovs-vsctl). Also, it # saves us from the arduous task of setting up mounts to the official image # adding Python and all our CNI/binding dependencies. local command local minor_version local cgroup_driver cgroup_driver="$(docker info|awk '/Cgroup/ {print $NF}')" sudo mkdir -p "${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/"{kubelet,kubelet.cert} command="$KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubelet\ --kubeconfig=${HOME}/.kube/config --require-kubeconfig \ --allow-privileged=true \ --v=2 \ --cgroup-driver=$cgroup_driver \ --address= \ --enable-server \ --network-plugin=cni \ --cni-bin-dir=$CNI_BIN_DIR \ --cni-conf-dir=$CNI_CONF_DIR \ --cert-dir=${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/kubelet.cert \ --root-dir=${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_DATA_DIR}/kubelet" # Kubernetes 1.8+ requires additional option to work in the gate. minor_version=${KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION:3:1} if [ ${minor_version} -gt 7 ]; then command="$command --fail-swap-on=false" fi wait_for "Kubernetes API Server" "$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" if [[ "$USE_SYSTEMD" = "True" ]]; then # If systemd is being used, proceed as normal run_process kubelet "$command" root root else # If screen is being used, there is a possibility that the devstack # environment is on a stable branch. Older versions of run_process have # a different signature. Sudo is used as a workaround that works in # both older and newer versions of devstack. run_process kubelet "sudo $command" fi } function run_kuryr_kubernetes { local python_bin=$(which python) if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then wait_for "OpenShift API Server" "$OPENSHIFT_API_URL" \ "${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}/ca.crt" else wait_for "Kubernetes API Server" "$KURYR_K8S_API_URL" fi run_process kuryr-kubernetes \ "$python_bin ${KURYR_HOME}/scripts/run_server.py \ --config-file $KURYR_CONFIG" } function run_kuryr_daemon { local daemon_bin=$(which kuryr-daemon) run_process kuryr-daemon "$daemon_bin --config-file $KURYR_CONFIG" root root } function create_ingress_l7_router { local lb_port_id local lb_name local project_id local max_timeout local lb_vip local fake_svc_name local l7_router_fip local project_id local lb_uuid lb_name=${KURYR_L7_ROUTER_NAME} max_timeout=600 create_load_balancer "$lb_name" "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SUBNET" wait_for_lb $lb_name $max_timeout lb_port_id="$(get_loadbalancer_attribute "$lb_name" "vip_port_id")" project_id=$(get_or_create_project \ "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_PROJECT" default) #allocate FIP and bind it to lb vip l7_router_fip=$(openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ floating ip create --project "$project_id" \ --subnet "${ext_svc_subnet_id}" "${ext_svc_net_id}" \ -f value -c floating_ip_address) openstack --os-cloud devstack-admin \ --os-region "$REGION_NAME" \ floating ip set --port "$lb_port_id" "$l7_router_fip" lb_uuid="$(get_loadbalancer_attribute "$lb_name" "id")" iniset "$KURYR_CONFIG" ingress l7_router_uuid "$lb_uuid" if is_service_enabled octavia; then echo -n "Octavia: no need to create fake k8s service for Ingress." else # keep fake an endpoint less k8s service to keep Kubernetes API server # from allocating ingress LB vip fake_svc_name='kuryr-svc-ingress' echo -n "LBaaS: create fake k8s service: $fake_svc_name for Ingress." lb_vip="$(get_loadbalancer_attribute "$lb_name" "vip_address")" create_k8s_fake_service $fake_svc_name $lb_vip fi } source $DEST/kuryr-kubernetes/devstack/lib/kuryr_kubernetes # main loop if [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "install" ]]; then setup_develop "$KURYR_HOME" if is_service_enabled kubelet || is_service_enabled openshift-node; then KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT=$(trueorfalse False KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT) if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "False" ]; then install_kuryr_cni fi fi elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "post-config" ]]; then create_kuryr_account configure_kuryr fi if [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "extra" ]]; then if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then KURYR_CONFIGURE_NEUTRON_DEFAULTS=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_CONFIGURE_NEUTRON_DEFAULTS) if [ "$KURYR_CONFIGURE_NEUTRON_DEFAULTS" == "True" ]; then configure_neutron_defaults fi fi # FIXME(limao): When Kuryr start up, it need to detect if neutron # support tag plugin. # # Kuryr will call neutron extension API to verify if neutron support # tag. So Kuryr need to start after neutron-server finish load tag # plugin. The process of devstack is: # ... # run_phase "stack" "post-config" # ... # start neutron-server # ... # run_phase "stack" "extra" # # If Kuryr start up in "post-config" phase, there is no way to make # sure Kuryr can start before neutron-server, so Kuryr start in "extra" # phase. Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr/+bug/1587522 if is_service_enabled legacy_etcd; then prepare_etcd_legacy run_etcd_legacy fi # FIXME(apuimedo): Allow running only openshift node for multinode devstack # We are missing generating a node config so that it does not need to # bootstrap from the master config. if is_service_enabled openshift-master || is_service_enabled openshift-node; then install_openshift_binary fi if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then run_openshift_master make_admin_cluster_admin fi if is_service_enabled openshift-node; then prepare_kubelet run_openshift_node KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE) if [[ "$KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE" == "True" ]]; then ovs_bind_for_kubelet "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_PROJECT" ${OPENSHIFT_API_PORT} fi fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-api \ || is_service_enabled kubernetes-controller-manager \ || is_service_enabled kubernetes-scheduler \ || is_service_enabled kubelet; then get_container "$KURYR_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE" "$KURYR_HYPERKUBE_VERSION" prepare_kubernetes_files fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-api; then run_k8s_api fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-controller-manager; then run_k8s_controller_manager fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-scheduler; then run_k8s_scheduler fi KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT=$(trueorfalse False KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT) if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "False" ]; then # If running in containerized mode, we'll run the daemon as DaemonSet. run_kuryr_daemon fi if is_service_enabled kubelet; then prepare_kubelet extract_hyperkube prepare_kubeconfig run_k8s_kubelet KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE) if [[ "$KURYR_CONFIGURE_BAREMETAL_KUBELET_IFACE" == "True" ]]; then ovs_bind_for_kubelet "$KURYR_NEUTRON_DEFAULT_PROJECT" 6443 fi fi if is_service_enabled tempest; then copy_tempest_kubeconfig configure_k8s_pod_sg_rules fi if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f ${KURYR_HOME}/kubernetes_crds/kuryrnet.yaml if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]; then if is_service_enabled kuryr-daemon; then build_kuryr_containers $CNI_BIN_DIR $CNI_CONF_DIR True generate_containerized_kuryr_resources True else build_kuryr_containers $CNI_BIN_DIR $CNI_CONF_DIR False generate_containerized_kuryr_resources False fi fi fi elif [[ "$1" == "stack" && "$2" == "test-config" ]]; then if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then # NOTE(dulek): This is so late, because Devstack's Octavia is unable # to create loadbalancers until test-config phase. local use_octavia use_octavia=$(trueorfalse True KURYR_K8S_LBAAS_USE_OCTAVIA) if [[ "$use_octavia" == "False" ]]; then create_k8s_router_fake_service fi create_k8s_api_service #create Ingress L7 router if required enable_ingress=$(trueorfalse False KURYR_ENABLE_INGRESS) if [ "$enable_ingress" == "True" ]; then create_ingress_l7_router fi # FIXME(dulek): This is a very late phase to start Kuryr services. # We're doing it here because we need K8s API LB to be # created in order to run kuryr-cni container. Thing is # Octavia is unable to create LB until test-config phase. # We can revisit this once Octavia's DevStack plugin will # get improved. if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]; then run_containerized_kuryr_resources else run_kuryr_kubernetes fi fi if is_service_enabled tempest && [[ "$KURYR_USE_PORT_POOLS" == "True" ]]; then iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG kuryr_kubernetes port_pool_enabled True fi if is_service_enabled tempest && [[ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]]; then iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG kuryr_kubernetes containerized True fi if is_service_enabled tempest && [[ "$KURYR_SUBNET_DRIVER" == "namespace" ]]; then iniset $TEMPEST_CONFIG kuryr_kubernetes namespace_enabled True fi fi if [[ "$1" == "unstack" ]]; then KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT=$(trueorfalse False KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT) if is_service_enabled kuryr-kubernetes; then if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]; then $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl delete deploy/kuryr-controller fi stop_process kuryr-kubernetes elif is_service_enabled kubelet; then $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl delete nodes ${HOSTNAME} fi if [ "$KURYR_K8S_CONTAINERIZED_DEPLOYMENT" == "True" ]; then $KURYR_HYPERKUBE_BINARY kubectl delete ds/kuryr-cni-ds fi stop_process kuryr-daemon if is_service_enabled kubernetes-controller-manager; then stop_container kubernetes-controller-manager fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-scheduler; then stop_container kubernetes-scheduler fi if is_service_enabled kubelet; then stop_process kubelet fi if is_service_enabled kubernetes-api; then stop_container kubernetes-api fi if is_service_enabled openshift-master; then stop_process openshift-master fi if is_service_enabled openshift-node; then stop_process openshift-node # NOTE(dulek): We need to clean up the configuration as well, otherwise # when doing stack.sh again, openshift-node will use old certificates. sudo rm -rf ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR} fi if is_service_enabled legacy_etcd; then stop_container etcd fi fi if [[ "$1" == "clean" ]]; then if is_service_enabled legacy_etcd; then # Cleanup Etcd for the next stacking sudo rm -rf "$KURYR_ETCD_DATA_DIR" fi fi