# Copyright (c) 2017 RedHat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import six from neutronclient.common import exceptions as n_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from kuryr_kubernetes import clients from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BasePubIpDriver(object): """Base class for public IP functionality.""" @abc.abstractmethod def is_ip_available(self, ip_addr, port_id_to_be_associated): """check availability of ip address :param ip_address: :param port_id_to_be_associated :returns res_id in case ip is available returns resources id else None """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id=None, description=None, port_id_to_be_associated=None): """allocate ip address from public network id :param pub_net_id: public network id :param project_id: :param pub_subnet_id: public subnet id (Optional) :param description: string describing request (Optional) :param port_id_to_be_associated: (optional) :returns res_id , ip_addr :res_id - resource id :ip_addr - ip aaddress """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def free_ip(self, res_id): """free ip by resource ID :param res_id: resource_id :returns True/False """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def associate(self, res_id, vip_port_id): """Associate VIP port id with resource_id :param res_id: id represents pub ip resource :param vip_port_id: VIP port id """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def disassociate(self, res_id): """Clear association between res_id to any vip port :param res_id: id represents pub ip resource """ class FipPubIpDriver(BasePubIpDriver): """Floating IP implementation for public IP capability .""" def is_ip_available(self, ip_addr, port_id_to_be_associated=None): if ip_addr: neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() floating_ips_list = neutron.list_floatingips( floating_ip_address=ip_addr) for entry in floating_ips_list['floatingips']: if not entry: continue if (entry['floating_ip_address'] == ip_addr): if not entry['port_id'] or ( port_id_to_be_associated is not None and entry['port_id'] == port_id_to_be_associated): return entry['id'] # floating IP not available LOG.error("Floating IP=%s not available", ip_addr) else: LOG.error("Invalid parameter ip_addr=%s", ip_addr) return None def allocate_ip(self, pub_net_id, project_id, pub_subnet_id=None, description=None, port_id_to_be_associated=None): neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() if port_id_to_be_associated is not None: floating_ips_list = neutron.list_floatingips( port_id=port_id_to_be_associated) for entry in floating_ips_list['floatingips']: if not entry: continue if (entry['floating_ip_address']): LOG.debug('FIP %s already allocated to port %s', entry['floating_ip_address'], port_id_to_be_associated) return entry['id'], entry['floating_ip_address'] request = {'floatingip': { 'tenant_id': project_id, 'project_id': project_id, 'floating_network_id': pub_net_id}} if pub_subnet_id is not None: request['floatingip']['subnet_id'] = pub_subnet_id if description is not None: request['floatingip']['description'] = description try: fip = neutron.create_floatingip(request).get('floatingip') except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.exception("Failed to create floating IP - netid=%s ", pub_net_id) raise utils.tag_neutron_resources('networks', [fip['id']]) return fip['id'], fip['floating_ip_address'] def free_ip(self, res_id): neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() try: neutron.delete_floatingip(res_id) except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.error("Failed to delete floating_ip_id =%s !", res_id) return False return True def _update(self, res_id, vip_port_id): response = None neutron = clients.get_neutron_client() try: response = neutron.update_floatingip( res_id, {'floatingip': {'port_id': vip_port_id, }}) except n_exc.Conflict: LOG.warning("Conflict when assigning floating IP with id %s. " "Checking if it's already assigned correctly.", res_id) fip = neutron.show_floatingip(res_id).get('floatingip') if fip is not None and fip.get('port_id') == vip_port_id: LOG.debug('FIP %s already assigned to %s', res_id, vip_port_id) else: LOG.exception('Failed to assign FIP %s to VIP port %s. It is ' 'probably already bound', res_id, vip_port_id) raise except n_exc.NeutronClientException: LOG.error("Failed to update_floatingip ,floating_ip_id=%s," "response=%s!", res_id, response) raise def associate(self, res_id, vip_port_id): self._update(res_id, vip_port_id) def disassociate(self, res_id): self._update(res_id, None)