# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import sys from kuryr.lib._i18n import _ from kuryr.lib import config as lib_config from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from kuryr_kubernetes import constants from kuryr_kubernetes import version LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) kuryr_k8s_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('pybasedir', help=_('Directory where Kuryr-kubernetes python module is ' 'installed.'), default=os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))), ] daemon_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('bind_address', help=_('Bind address for CNI daemon HTTP server. It is ' 'recommened to allow only local connections.'), default=''), cfg.IntOpt('worker_num', help=_('Maximum number of processes that will be spawned to ' 'process requests from CNI driver.'), default=30), cfg.IntOpt('vif_annotation_timeout', help=_('Time (in seconds) the CNI daemon will wait for VIF ' 'annotation to appear in pod metadata before failing ' 'the CNI request.'), default=60), cfg.IntOpt('pyroute2_timeout', help=_('Kuryr uses pyroute2 library to manipulate networking ' 'interfaces. When processing a high number of Kuryr ' 'requests in parallel, it may take kernel more time to ' 'process all networking stack changes. This option ' 'allows to tune internal pyroute2 timeout.'), default=10), cfg.BoolOpt('docker_mode', help=_('Set to True when you are running kuryr-daemon inside ' 'a Docker container on Kubernetes host. E.g. as ' 'DaemonSet on Kubernetes cluster Kuryr is supposed to ' 'provide networking for. This mainly means that ' 'kuryr-daemon will look for network namespaces in ' '$netns_proc_dir instead of /proc.'), default=False), cfg.StrOpt('netns_proc_dir', help=_("When docker_mode is set to True, this config option " "should be set to where host's /proc directory is " "mounted. Please note that mounting it is necessary to " "allow Kuryr-Kubernetes to move host interfaces between " "host network namespaces, which is essential for Kuryr " "to work."), default=None), cfg.IntOpt('cni_failures_count', help=_('Maximum number of consecutive failures of kuryr-daemon ' 'when processing requests. If this number is exceeded, ' 'kuryr-daemon will be marked as unhealthy.'), default=3), ] k8s_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('api_root', help=_("The root URL of the Kubernetes API"), default=os.environ.get('K8S_API', 'https://localhost:6443')), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_client_crt_file', help=_("Absolute path to client cert to " "connect to HTTPS K8S_API")), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_client_key_file', help=_("Absolute path client key file to " "connect to HTTPS K8S_API")), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_ca_crt_file', help=_("Absolute path to ca cert file to " "connect to HTTPS K8S_API"), default='/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt'), cfg.BoolOpt('ssl_verify_server_crt', help=_("HTTPS K8S_API server identity verification"), default=False), cfg.StrOpt('token_file', help=_("The token to talk to the k8s API"), default='/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token'), cfg.StrOpt('pod_project_driver', help=_("The driver to determine OpenStack project for pod " "ports (default or annotation)"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('service_project_driver', help=_("The driver to determine OpenStack project for " "services (default or annotation)"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('namespace_project_driver', help=_("The driver to determine OpenStack project for " "namespaces (default or annotation)"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('network_policy_project_driver', help=_("The driver to determine OpenStack project for network " "policies (default or annotation)"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('pod_subnets_driver', help=_("The driver to determine Neutron " "subnets for pod ports"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('service_subnets_driver', help=_("The driver to determine Neutron " "subnets for services"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('pod_security_groups_driver', help=_("The driver to determine Neutron " "security groups for pods"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('service_security_groups_driver', help=_("The driver to determine Neutron " "security groups for services"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('pod_vif_driver', help=_("The driver that provides VIFs for Kubernetes Pods."), default='neutron-vif'), cfg.StrOpt('endpoints_lbaas_driver', help=_("The driver that provides LoadBalancers for " "Kubernetes Endpoints"), default='lbaasv2'), cfg.StrOpt('endpoints_driver_octavia_provider', help=_("The Octavia load balancer provider that will be used " "to support Kubernetes Endpoints"), default='default'), cfg.StrOpt('vif_pool_driver', help=_("The driver that manages VIFs pools for " "Kubernetes Pods"), default='noop'), cfg.StrOpt('nodes_subnets_driver', help=_("The driver that manages listing K8s nodes subnet_ids."), default='config'), cfg.BoolOpt('port_debug', help=_('Enable port debug to force kuryr port names to be ' 'set to their corresponding pod names.'), default=False), cfg.StrOpt('service_public_ip_driver', help=_("The driver that provides external IP for LB at " "Kubernetes"), default='neutron_floating_ip'), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_manager', help=_("Enable Manager to manage the pools."), default=False), cfg.IntOpt('watch_retry_timeout', help=_('Time (in seconds) the watcher retries watching for.'), default=60), cfg.IntOpt('watch_connection_timeout', help=_('TCP connection timeout (in seconds) for the watcher ' 'connections to K8s API.'), default=30), cfg.IntOpt('watch_read_timeout', help=_('TCP read timeout (in seconds) for the watcher ' 'connections to K8s API. This affects reaction to time ' 'when there are no events being streamed from K8s API. ' 'When too low, Kuryr will reconnect more often. When ' 'too high, Kuryr will take longer to reconnect when K8s ' 'API stream was being silently broken.'), default=60), cfg.IntOpt('watch_reconcile_period', help=_('Period (in seconds) between iterations of fetching ' 'full list of watched K8s API resources and putting ' 'them into the enabled handlers. Setting 0 disables the ' 'periodic reconciling. The reconciliation is done to ' 'prevent Kuryr from missing events due to K8s API or ' 'etcd issues.'), default=120), cfg.ListOpt('enabled_handlers', help=_("The comma-separated handlers that should be " "registered for watching in the pipeline."), default=['vif', 'endpoints', 'service', 'kuryrloadbalancer', 'kuryrport']), cfg.BoolOpt('controller_ha', help=_('Enable kuryr-controller active/passive HA. Only ' 'supported in containerized deployments on Kubernetes ' 'or OpenShift.'), default=False), cfg.PortOpt('controller_ha_elector_port', help=_('Port on which leader-elector pod is listening to.'), default=16401), cfg.StrOpt('network_policy_driver', help=_("Driver for network policies"), default='default'), cfg.ListOpt('multi_vif_drivers', help=_("The drivers that provide additional VIFs for " "Kubernetes Pods."), default='noop'), cfg.StrOpt('additional_ifname_prefix', help=_("The prefix to use for additional vifs created by " " multi_vif drivers"), default='eth'), cfg.BoolOpt('use_events', help=_('Use Kubernetes Events objects to indicate status of ' 'Kuryr created OpenStack objects like networking for ' 'pods (Neutron ports) or services (Octavia ' 'loadbalancers). It might have impact on performance ' 'on Kubernetes cluster, since all objects (so the ' 'Event objects too) are stored on etcd.'), default=True), ] neutron_defaults = [ cfg.StrOpt('project', help=_("Default OpenStack project ID for " "Kubernetes resources")), cfg.StrOpt('pod_subnet', help=_("Default Neutron subnet ID for Kubernetes pods")), cfg.ListOpt('pod_security_groups', help=_("Default Neutron security groups' IDs " "for Kubernetes pods")), cfg.StrOpt('ovs_bridge', help=_("Default OpenVSwitch integration bridge"), sample_default="br-int"), cfg.StrOpt('service_subnet', help=_("Default Neutron subnet ID for Kubernetes services")), cfg.StrOpt('external_svc_net', help=_("Default external network ID for Kubernetes services")), cfg.StrOpt('external_svc_subnet', help=_("Optional external subnet ID for Kubernetes services"), default=None), cfg.IntOpt('network_device_mtu', help='Default MTU setting for network interface.', default=0,), cfg.IntOpt('lbaas_activation_timeout', help=_("Time (in seconds) that kuryr controller waits for " "neutron LBaaS to be activated"), default=300), cfg.DictOpt('subnet_mapping', help=_("A mapping of default subnets for certain driverType " "in a form of <driverType>:<SUBNET-ID>"), default={}), cfg.ListOpt('resource_tags', help=_("List of tags that will be applied to all OpenStack " "(Neutron and Octavia) resources created by Kuryr. " "This can be used to identify and garbage-collect " "them when Kubernetes cluster Kuryr was serving is no " "longer needed."), default=[]), ] octavia_defaults = [ cfg.StrOpt('member_mode', help=_("Define the communication mode between load balanacer " "and its members"), default='L3'), cfg.BoolOpt('enforce_sg_rules', help=_("Enable the enforcement of SG rules at the LB SG " "in case the LB does not maintain the source IP " "of the caller resource"), default=True), cfg.StrOpt('lb_algorithm', help=_("The load-balancer algoritm that distributed traffic " "to the pool members. The options are: ROUND_ROBIN, " "LEAST_CONNECTIONS, SOURCE_IP and SOURCE_IP_PORT."), default='ROUND_ROBIN'), cfg.IntOpt('timeout_client_data', help=_("Frontend client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. " "When set to 0, the default timeout value set by " "Octavia is used."), default=0), cfg.IntOpt('timeout_member_data', help=_("Backend member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. " "When set to 0, the default timeout value set by " "Octavia is used."), default=0), ] cache_defaults = [ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', help=_("Enable caching."), default=True), cfg.StrOpt('backend', help=_("Select backend cache option."), default="dogpile.cache.memory"), ] nested_vif_driver_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt('worker_nodes_subnets', help=_("Neutron subnet IDs for k8s worker node VMs."), default=[], deprecated_name='worker_nodes_subnet', deprecated_group='pod_vif_nested'), cfg.IntOpt('rev_update_attempts', help=_("How many time to try to re-update the neutron resource " "when revision has been changed by other thread"), default=3), ] DEFAULT_PHYSNET_SUBNET_MAPPINGS = {} DEFAULT_DEVICE_MAPPINGS = [] sriov_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('kubelet_root_dir', help=_("The root directory of the Kubelet daemon"), default='/var/lib/kubelet'), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_pod_resource_service', help=_("Enable PodResources service"), default=False), cfg.DictOpt('default_physnet_subnets', help=_("A mapping of default subnets for certain physnets " "in a form of physnet-name:<SUBNET-ID>"), default=DEFAULT_PHYSNET_SUBNET_MAPPINGS), cfg.DictOpt('physnet_resource_mappings', help=_("A mapping of physnets for certain sriov dp " "resource name in a form of " "physnet-name:resource name. " "Resource name is listed in sriov device plugin " "configuation file."), default=DEFAULT_PHYSNET_SUBNET_MAPPINGS), cfg.StrOpt('device_plugin_resource_prefix', help=_("This prefix is used by sriov-network-device-plugin " "It concatenates with resource suffix defined in " "sriov device plugin configuration file."), default=constants.K8S_SRIOV_PREFIX), cfg.DictOpt('resource_driver_mappings', help=_("A mappping driver names for certain resource " "names. Expected that device of VIF related to " "exact physnet should be binded on specified driver."), default=DEFAULT_PHYSNET_SUBNET_MAPPINGS), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_node_annotations', help=_("Enable node annotations. This option allows to " "set annotations required by neutron to set active " "state of ports. This option is useless when " "sriov-nic-agent is not running on node."), default=False), ] vhostuser = [ cfg.StrOpt('mount_point', help=_("Path where vhost-user port will be created " "also it should be mount point for pod"), default='/var/cni/vhostuser'), cfg.StrOpt('ovs_vhu_path', help=_("Path where OVS keeps socket files for vhost-user " "ports"), default='/var/run/openvswitch/') ] prometheus_exporter_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('controller_exporter_port', help=_('port for the Controller Prometheus exporter.'), default=9654), cfg.IntOpt('cni_exporter_port', help=_('port for the CNI Prometheus exporter.'), default=9655) ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(kuryr_k8s_opts) CONF.register_opts(daemon_opts, group='cni_daemon') CONF.register_opts(k8s_opts, group='kubernetes') CONF.register_opts(neutron_defaults, group='neutron_defaults') CONF.register_opts(octavia_defaults, group='octavia_defaults') CONF.register_opts(cache_defaults, group='cache_defaults') CONF.register_opts(nested_vif_driver_opts, group='pod_vif_nested') CONF.register_opts(sriov_opts, group='sriov') CONF.register_opts(vhostuser, group='vhostuser') CONF.register_opts(prometheus_exporter_opts, "prometheus_exporter") CONF.register_opts(lib_config.core_opts) CONF.register_opts(lib_config.binding_opts, 'binding') lib_config.register_neutron_opts(CONF) logging.register_options(CONF) def init(args, **kwargs): version_k8s = version.version_info.version_string() CONF(args=args, project='kuryr-k8s', version=version_k8s, **kwargs) if os.environ.get('CNI_COMMAND') == 'VERSION': CONF.set_default('use_stderr', True) def setup_logging(): logging.setup(CONF, 'kuryr-kubernetes') logging.set_defaults(default_log_levels=logging.get_default_log_levels()) version_k8s = version.version_info.version_string() LOG.info("Logging enabled!") LOG.info("%(prog)s version %(version)s", {'prog': sys.argv[0], 'version': version_k8s})