{ "comments": [ { "key": { "uuid": "0f731800_c5cfea53", "filename": "kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/loadbalancer.py", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 157, "author": { "id": 23567 }, "writtenOn": "2021-07-05T08:14:52Z", "side": 1, "message": "this could be merged into one dict or something similar to avoid going over the loop twice", "range": { "startLine": 153, "startChar": 0, "endLine": 157, "endChar": 71 }, "revId": "91f4587bfac2dd5285ab79917c973e4ef6d1e215", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "c652c132_74ecf8f2", "filename": "kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/loadbalancer.py", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 157, "author": { "id": 33240 }, "writtenOn": "2021-07-05T08:35:31Z", "side": 1, "message": "I don\u0027t think I even need the name for any major purpose. I should remove it in the next patch?", "parentUuid": "0f731800_c5cfea53", "range": { "startLine": 153, "startChar": 0, "endLine": 157, "endChar": 71 }, "revId": "91f4587bfac2dd5285ab79917c973e4ef6d1e215", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "7ffeb7b2_042a220a", "filename": "kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/loadbalancer.py", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 157, "author": { "id": 27032 }, "writtenOn": "2021-07-07T09:15:10Z", "side": 1, "message": "+1, the list of CRDs name seems not needed.", "parentUuid": "c652c132_74ecf8f2", "range": { "startLine": 153, "startChar": 0, "endLine": 157, "endChar": 71 }, "revId": "91f4587bfac2dd5285ab79917c973e4ef6d1e215", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true }, { "key": { "uuid": "092f4238_f8bb973a", "filename": "kuryr_kubernetes/controller/handlers/loadbalancer.py", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 162, "author": { "id": 23567 }, "writtenOn": "2021-07-05T08:14:52Z", "side": 1, "message": "this should be call befre calling the _reconcile_lbaas. There is no need to reconcile if the list is empty", "range": { "startLine": 161, "startChar": 1, "endLine": 162, "endChar": 63 }, "revId": "91f4587bfac2dd5285ab79917c973e4ef6d1e215", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": true } ] }