
195 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from kuryr_kubernetes import clients
from kuryr_kubernetes.cni.binding import base as b_base
from kuryr_kubernetes import constants
from kuryr_kubernetes.handlers import health
from kuryr_kubernetes import utils
from kuryr.lib._i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NET_DEV_PATH = "/sys/class/net/{}/device"
VIRTIO_DEVS_PATH = "/sys/bus/virtio/devices"
PCI_PATH = "/sys/bus/pci/devices"
PCI_DRVS_PATH = "/sys/bus/pci/drivers"
# TODO(garyloug) These should probably eventually move to config.py
# TODO(garyloug) Would be nice if dpdk_driver is set as CNI arg
nested_dpdk_opts = [
help=_('The DPDK driver that the device will be bound to after '
'it is unbound from the kernel driver'),
help=_('Absolute path to directory containing pci address of '
'devices to be used by DPDK application'),
CONF.register_opts(nested_dpdk_opts, "nested_dpdk")
class DpdkDriver(health.HealthHandler, b_base.BaseBindingDriver):
def __init__(self):
super(DpdkDriver, self).__init__()
def connect(self, vif, ifname, netns, container_id):
name = self._get_iface_name_by_mac(vif.address)
driver, pci_addr = self._get_device_info(name)
vif.dev_driver = driver
vif.pci_address = pci_addr
dpdk_driver = CONF.nested_dpdk.dpdk_driver
self._change_driver_binding(pci_addr, dpdk_driver)
self._create_pci_file(pci_addr, container_id, ifname)
def disconnect(self, vif, ifname, netns, container_id):
self._remove_pci_file(container_id, ifname)
def _get_iface_name_by_mac(self, mac_address):
with b_base.get_ipdb() as h_ipdb:
for name, data in h_ipdb.interfaces.items():
if data['address'] == mac_address:
return data['ifname']
def _get_device_info(self, ifname):
"""Get driver and PCI addr by using sysfs"""
# TODO(garyloug): check the type (virtio)
dev = os.path.basename(os.readlink(NET_DEV_PATH.format(ifname)))
pci_link = os.readlink(os.path.join(VIRTIO_DEVS_PATH, dev))
pci_addr = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(pci_link))
pci_driver_link = os.readlink(os.path.join(PCI_PATH, pci_addr,
pci_driver = os.path.basename(pci_driver_link)
return pci_driver, pci_addr
def _change_driver_binding(self, pci, driver):
old_driver_path = os.path.join(PCI_PATH, pci, 'driver')
old_driver_link = os.readlink(old_driver_path)
old_driver = os.path.basename(old_driver_link)
unbind_path = os.path.join(PCI_DRVS_PATH, old_driver, 'unbind')
bind_path = os.path.join(PCI_DRVS_PATH, driver, 'bind')
with open(unbind_path, 'w') as unbind_fd:
override = os.path.join(PCI_PATH, pci, 'driver_override')
# NOTE(danil): to change driver for device it is necessary to
# write the name of this driver into override_fd. Before that
# Null should be written there. This process is described properly
# in dpdk-devbind.py script by DPDK
with open(override, 'w') as override_fd:
with open(override, 'w') as override_fd:
with open(bind_path, 'w') as bind_fd:
LOG.info("Device %s was binded on driver %s. Old driver is %s", pci,
driver, old_driver)
def _create_pci_file(self, pci_addr, container_id, ifname):
# NOTE(danil): writing used pci addresses is necessary to know what
# device to use by dpdk applications inside containers
os.makedirs(CONF.nested_dpdk.pci_mount_point, exists_ok=True)
file_path = os.path.join(CONF.nested_dpdk.pci_mount_point,
container_id + '-' + ifname)
with open(file_path, 'w') as fd:
except OSError as err:
LOG.exception('Cannot create file %s. Error message: (%d) %s',
file_path, err.errno, err.strerror)
def _remove_pci_file(self, container_id, ifname):
file_path = os.path.join(CONF.nested_dpdk.pci_mount_point,
container_id + '-' + ifname)
except OSError as err:
LOG.warning('Cannot remove file %s. Error message: (%d) %s',
file_path, err.errno, err.strerror)
def _set_vif(self, vif):
# TODO(ivc): extract annotation interactions
state, labels, resource_version = self._get_pod_details(
for ifname, vif_ex in state.vifs.items():
if vif.id == vif_ex.id:
state.vifs[ifname] = vif
self._set_pod_details(state, vif.port_profile.selflink, labels,
def _get_pod_details(self, selflink):
k8s = clients.get_kubernetes_client()
pod = k8s.get(selflink)
annotations = pod['metadata']['annotations']
resource_version = pod['metadata']['resourceVersion']
labels = pod['metadata'].get('labels')
annotations = annotations[constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF]
state_annotation = jsonutils.loads(annotations)
state = utils.extract_pod_annotation(state_annotation)
except KeyError:
LOG.exception("No annotations %s", constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF)
except ValueError:
LOG.exception("Unable encode annotations")
LOG.info("Got VIFs from annotation: %s", state.vifs)
return state, labels, resource_version
def _set_pod_details(self, state, selflink, labels, resource_version):
if not state:
LOG.info("Removing VIFs annotation: %r", state)
annotation = None
state_dict = state.obj_to_primitive()
annotation = jsonutils.dumps(state_dict, sort_keys=True)
LOG.info("Setting VIFs annotation: %r", annotation)
if not labels:
LOG.info("Removing Label annotation: %r", labels)
labels_annotation = None
labels_annotation = jsonutils.dumps(labels, sort_keys=True)
LOG.info("Setting Labels annotation: %r", labels_annotation)
k8s = clients.get_kubernetes_client()
{constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_VIF: annotation,
constants.K8S_ANNOTATION_LABEL: labels_annotation},