Luis Tomas Bolivar 7061f4abac Make CNI Registry Plugin namespace aware
As with the k8sCNIRegistryPlugin the watching is for the
complete node, instead of per pod and namespace, we need
to make registry information to account for the namespace
where the pod is created to differentiate between different
containers running on the same node, with the same name, but
in a different namespace

Related-Bug: 1731486
Change-Id: I26e1dec6ae613c5316a45f93563c4a015df59441
2018-03-02 16:09:57 +01:00

128 lines
4.9 KiB

# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import retrying
from os_vif import objects as obj_vif
from os_vif.objects import base
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from kuryr_kubernetes.cni.binding import base as b_base
from kuryr_kubernetes.cni.plugins import base as base_cni
from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RETRY_DELAY = 1000 # 1 second in milliseconds
# TODO(dulek): Another corner case is (and was) when pod is deleted before it's
# annotated by controller or even noticed by any watcher. Kubelet
# will try to delete such vif, but we will have no data about it.
# This is currently worked around by returning succesfully in case
# of timing out in delete. To solve this properly we need to watch
# for pod deletes as well.
class K8sCNIRegistryPlugin(base_cni.CNIPlugin):
def __init__(self, registry, healthy):
self.healthy = healthy
self.registry = registry
def _get_pod_name(self, params):
return "%(namespace)s/%(name)s" % {
'namespace': params.args.K8S_POD_NAMESPACE,
'name': params.args.K8S_POD_NAME}
def add(self, params):
vif = self._do_work(params, b_base.connect)
pod_name = self._get_pod_name(params)
# NOTE(dulek): Saving containerid to be able to distinguish old DEL
# requests that we should ignore. We need a lock to
# prevent race conditions and replace whole object in the
# dict for multiprocessing.Manager to notice that.
with lockutils.lock(pod_name, external=True):
d = self.registry[pod_name]
d['containerid'] = params.CNI_CONTAINERID
self.registry[pod_name] = d
LOG.debug('Saved containerid = %s for pod %s',
params.CNI_CONTAINERID, pod_name)
# Wait for VIF to become active.
timeout = CONF.cni_daemon.vif_annotation_timeout
# Wait for timeout sec, 1 sec between tries, retry when vif not active.
@retrying.retry(stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, wait_fixed=RETRY_DELAY,
retry_on_result=lambda x: not x.active)
def wait_for_active(pod_name):
return base.VersionedObject.obj_from_primitive(
vif = wait_for_active(pod_name)
if not vif.active:
raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(pod_name)
return vif
def delete(self, params):
pod_name = self._get_pod_name(params)
reg_ci = self.registry[pod_name]['containerid']
LOG.debug('Read containerid = %s for pod %s', reg_ci, pod_name)
if reg_ci and reg_ci != params.CNI_CONTAINERID:
# NOTE(dulek): This is a DEL request for some older (probably
# failed) ADD call. We should ignore it or we'll
# unplug a running pod.
LOG.warning('Received DEL request for unknown ADD call. '
except KeyError:
self._do_work(params, b_base.disconnect)
def report_drivers_health(self, driver_healthy):
if not driver_healthy:
with self.healthy.get_lock():
LOG.debug("Reporting CNI driver not healthy.")
self.healthy.value = driver_healthy
def _do_work(self, params, fn):
pod_name = self._get_pod_name(params)
timeout = CONF.cni_daemon.vif_annotation_timeout
# In case of KeyError retry for `timeout` s, wait 1 s between tries.
@retrying.retry(stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, wait_fixed=RETRY_DELAY,
retry_on_exception=lambda e: isinstance(e, KeyError))
def find():
return self.registry[pod_name]
d = find()
pod = d['pod']
vif = base.VersionedObject.obj_from_primitive(d['vif'])
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.ResourceNotReady(pod_name)
fn(vif, self._get_inst(pod), params.CNI_IFNAME, params.CNI_NETNS,
return vif
def _get_inst(self, pod):
return obj_vif.instance_info.InstanceInfo(
uuid=pod['metadata']['uid'], name=pod['metadata']['name'])