Luis Tomas Bolivar f5e8f487e7 Avoid port update neutron call during pods boot up
This patches removes the need to update the port name when it is
associated to a pod. It still allows it by enabling the port_debug
option at kuryr.conf. By default is set to False, which means it
will not set any name for the ports being used by the pods, nor
to the pods available in the port pools. This makes it similar to
VMs booted with Nova, where unless a predefined port is used, the
port will be created and used without setting any name.

Thanks to disabling the port_debug, a call to Neutron to update the
port name is saved, with the consequent speed up in containers boot
up time, as well as minimization of congestion on the Neutron side
in case of many containers being created at the same time.

Partially Implements blueprint port-creation-control-plane-perf
Change-Id: I674fd948569558d3cc8f13f920c1793e056dfd92
2017-09-22 12:15:13 +02:00

241 lines
9.6 KiB

# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from time import sleep
from kuryr.lib import constants as kl_const
from kuryr.lib import exceptions as kl_exc
from kuryr.lib import segmentation_type_drivers as seg_driver
from neutronclient.common import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
from kuryr_kubernetes import clients
from kuryr_kubernetes import config
from kuryr_kubernetes import constants
from kuryr_kubernetes.controller.drivers import nested_vif
from kuryr_kubernetes import exceptions as k_exc
from kuryr_kubernetes import os_vif_util as ovu
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NestedVlanPodVIFDriver(nested_vif.NestedPodVIFDriver):
"""Manages ports for nested-containers using VLANs to provide VIFs."""
def request_vif(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups):
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
parent_port = self._get_parent_port(neutron, pod)
trunk_id = self._get_trunk_id(parent_port)
rq = self._get_port_request(pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups)
port = neutron.create_port(rq).get('port')
vlan_id = self._add_subport(neutron, trunk_id, port['id'])
return ovu.neutron_to_osvif_vif_nested_vlan(port, subnets, vlan_id)
def request_vifs(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups,
num_ports, trunk_ip=None):
"""This method creates subports and returns a list with their vifs.
It creates up to num_ports subports and attaches them to the trunk
If not enough vlan ids are available for all the subports to create,
it creates as much as available vlan ids.
Note the neutron trunk_add_subports is an atomic operation that will
either attach all or none of the subports. Therefore, if there is a
vlan id collision, all the created ports will be deleted and the
exception is raised.
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
if trunk_ip:
parent_port = self._get_parent_port_by_host_ip(neutron, trunk_ip)
parent_port = self._get_parent_port(neutron, pod)
trunk_id = self._get_trunk_id(parent_port)
port_rq, subports_info = self._create_subports_info(
pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups,
trunk_id, num_ports, unbound=True)
if not subports_info:
LOG.error("There are no vlan ids available to create subports")
return []
bulk_port_rq = {'ports': [port_rq for _ in range(len(subports_info))]}
ports = neutron.create_port(bulk_port_rq).get('ports')
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
LOG.error("Error creating bulk ports: %s", bulk_port_rq)
raise ex
for index, port in enumerate(ports):
subports_info[index]['port_id'] = port['id']
{'sub_ports': subports_info})
except n_exc.Conflict as ex:
LOG.error("vlan ids already in use on trunk")
for port in ports:
raise ex
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
LOG.error("Error happened during subport addition to trunk")
raise ex
vifs = []
for index, port in enumerate(ports):
vlan_id = subports_info[index]['segmentation_id']
vif = ovu.neutron_to_osvif_vif_nested_vlan(port, subnets, vlan_id)
return vifs
def release_vif(self, pod, vif):
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
parent_port = self._get_parent_port(neutron, pod)
trunk_id = self._get_trunk_id(parent_port)
self._remove_subport(neutron, trunk_id, vif.id)
except n_exc.PortNotFoundClient:
LOG.debug('Unable to release port %s as it no longer exists.',
def _get_port_request(self, pod, project_id, subnets, security_groups,
port_req_body = {'project_id': project_id,
'network_id': self._get_network_id(subnets),
'fixed_ips': ovu.osvif_to_neutron_fixed_ips(subnets),
'device_owner': kl_const.DEVICE_OWNER,
'admin_state_up': True}
# only set name if port_debug is enabled
if config.CONF.kubernetes.port_debug:
if unbound:
port_req_body['name'] = constants.KURYR_PORT_NAME
port_req_body['name'] = self._get_port_name(pod)
if security_groups:
port_req_body['security_groups'] = security_groups
return {'port': port_req_body}
def _create_subports_info(self, pod, project_id, subnets,
security_groups, trunk_id, num_ports,
subports_info = []
in_use_vlan_ids = self._get_in_use_vlan_ids_set(trunk_id)
port_rq = self._get_port_request(pod, project_id, subnets,
security_groups, unbound)['port']
for i in range(num_ports):
vlan_id = seg_driver.allocate_segmentation_id(in_use_vlan_ids)
except kl_exc.SegmentationIdAllocationFailure:
LOG.warning("There is not enough vlan ids available to "
"create a batch of %d subports.", num_ports)
subports_info.append({'segmentation_id': vlan_id,
'port_id': '',
'segmentation_type': 'vlan'})
return port_rq, subports_info
def _get_trunk_id(self, port):
return port['trunk_details']['trunk_id']
except KeyError:
LOG.error("Neutron port is missing trunk details. "
"Please ensure that k8s node port is associated "
"with a Neutron vlan trunk")
raise k_exc.K8sNodeTrunkPortFailure
def _add_subport(self, neutron, trunk_id, subport):
"""Adds subport port to Neutron trunk
This method gets vlanid allocated from kuryr segmentation driver.
In active/active HA type deployment, possibility of vlanid conflict
is there. In such a case, vlanid will be requested again and subport
addition is re-tried. This is tried DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT times in
case of vlanid conflict.
# TODO(vikasc): Better approach for retrying in case of
# vlan-id conflict.
retry_count = 1
while True:
vlan_id = self._get_vlan_id(trunk_id)
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
LOG.error("Getting VlanID for subport on "
"trunk %s failed!!", trunk_id)
raise ex
subport = [{'segmentation_id': vlan_id,
'port_id': subport,
'segmentation_type': 'vlan'}]
{'sub_ports': subport})
except n_exc.Conflict as ex:
if retry_count < DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT:
LOG.error("vlanid already in use on trunk, "
"%s. Retrying...", trunk_id)
retry_count += 1
"MAX retry count reached. Failed to add subport")
raise ex
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
LOG.error("Error happened during subport"
"addition to trunk, %s", trunk_id)
raise ex
return vlan_id
def _remove_subport(self, neutron, trunk_id, subport_id):
subport_id = [{'port_id': subport_id}]
{'sub_ports': subport_id})
except n_exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
"Error happened during subport removal from "
"trunk, %s", trunk_id)
raise ex
def _get_vlan_id(self, trunk_id):
vlan_ids = self._get_in_use_vlan_ids_set(trunk_id)
return seg_driver.allocate_segmentation_id(vlan_ids)
def _release_vlan_id(self, id):
return seg_driver.release_segmentation_id(id)
def _get_in_use_vlan_ids_set(self, trunk_id):
vlan_ids = set()
neutron = clients.get_neutron_client()
trunk = neutron.show_trunk(trunk_id)
for port in trunk['trunk']['sub_ports']:
return vlan_ids