1. Drop the common(COE agnostic) code such as binding, exceptions
2. Renamed kuryr-libnetwork/kuryr to kuryr-libnetwork/kuryr_libnetwork
3. change default kuryr port from 2377 to 23750
4. Add Kuryr-lib(Kuryr) to requirements.txt:
Kuryr-lib(Kuryr) has also been cleaned to remove libnetwork specific
code(which is active in this repo such as libnetwork api handlers and
test cases). This patch is under review, [1]_. Meanwhile kuryr-lib
dependency is being resolved from external repo [2]. Exacltly same
changes, as present in under review kuryr-lib patch [1], are there on
external repo, [2]
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/336784/
[2] https://github.com/vikaschoudhary16/kuryr/tree/drop_libnet_specific_code
Implements blueprint common-code-drop
Change-Id: If0823791463011dc395cd3390a7f4c187c9c2653