{ "comments": [ { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "68548f91_1b477b4a", "filename": "doc/source/stories/2023-10-06.rst", "patchSetId": 2 }, "lineNbr": 58, "author": { "id": 11583 }, "writtenOn": "2023-10-06T13:48:19Z", "side": 1, "message": "s/head/heal/\n\nWe do have 300sec in our deployment there, so yes, increasing the number is good for load on nova side.\n\nMaybe you could add a note about the fact that this periodic task is healing ONE instance every x secs, so having 600sec, it means only one instance will be healing every 10 minutes.\n\nAlso, IIRC, when you restart nova compute, the healing starts over, so in an environment where nova restart often, having a high value here can be problematic", "revId": "b589f7fa2ae49af07ef572df842c77367485577e", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" }, { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "059f8b14_47a17468", "filename": "doc/source/stories/2023-10-06.rst", "patchSetId": 2 }, "lineNbr": 58, "author": { "id": 7730 }, "writtenOn": "2023-10-08T17:25:44Z", "side": 1, "message": "Thanks I have added note.", "parentUuid": "68548f91_1b477b4a", "revId": "b589f7fa2ae49af07ef572df842c77367485577e", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" } ] }