# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is Sync Server # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Mozilla Foundation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 # the Initial Developer. 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""" import codecs from contextlib import contextmanager import logging from threading import RLock import time import ldap from ldap.ldapobject import ReconnectLDAPObject import six log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _utf8_encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8') def utf8_encode(value): """Encode a basestring to UTF-8. If the string is unicode encode it to UTF-8, if the string is str then assume it's already encoded. Otherwise raise a TypeError. :param value: A basestring :returns: UTF-8 encoded version of value :raises TypeError: If value is not basestring """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return _utf8_encoder(value)[0] elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type): return value else: raise TypeError("bytes or Unicode expected, got %s" % type(value).__name__) class MaxConnectionReachedError(Exception): pass class BackendError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, backend): self.bacend = backend Exception.__init__(self, msg) class StateConnector(ReconnectLDAPObject): """Just remembers who is connected, and if connected.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): ReconnectLDAPObject.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.connected = False self.who = '' self.cred = '' self._connection_time = None def get_lifetime(self): """Returns the lifetime of the connection on the server in seconds.""" if self._connection_time is None: return 0 return time.time() - self._connection_time def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='', serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None): res = ReconnectLDAPObject.simple_bind_s(self, who, cred, serverctrls, clientctrls) self.connected = True self.who = who self.cred = cred if self._connection_time is None: self._connection_time = time.time() return res def unbind_ext_s(self, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None): try: return ReconnectLDAPObject.unbind_ext_s(self, serverctrls, clientctrls) finally: self.connected = False self.who = None self.cred = None def add_s(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._apply_method_s(ReconnectLDAPObject.add_s, *args, **kwargs) def modify_s(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._apply_method_s(ReconnectLDAPObject.modify_s, *args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): res = 'LDAP Connector' if self.connected: res += ' (connected)' else: res += ' (disconnected)' if self.who != '': res += ' - who: %r' % self.who if self._uri != '': res += ' - uri: %r' % self._uri return res class ConnectionManager(object): """LDAP Connection Manager. Provides a context manager for LDAP connectors. """ def __init__(self, uri, bind=None, passwd=None, size=10, retry_max=3, retry_delay=.1, use_tls=False, timeout=-1, connector_cls=StateConnector, use_pool=True, max_lifetime=600): self._pool = [] self.size = size self.retry_max = retry_max self.retry_delay = retry_delay self.uri = uri self.bind = bind self.passwd = passwd self._pool_lock = RLock() self.use_tls = use_tls self.timeout = timeout self.connector_cls = connector_cls self.use_pool = use_pool self.max_lifetime = max_lifetime def __len__(self): return len(self._pool) def _match(self, bind, passwd): if passwd is not None: passwd = utf8_encode(passwd) with self._pool_lock: inactives = [] for conn in reversed(self._pool): # already in usage if conn.active: continue # let's check the lifetime if conn.get_lifetime() > self.max_lifetime: # this connector has lived for too long, # we want to unbind it and remove it from the pool try: conn.unbind_s() except Exception: log.debug('Failure attempting to unbind after ' 'timeout; should be harmless', exc_info=True) self._pool.remove(conn) continue # we found a connector for this bind if conn.who == bind and conn.cred == passwd: conn.active = True return conn inactives.append(conn) # no connector was available, let's rebind the latest inactive one if len(inactives) > 0: for conn in inactives: try: self._bind(conn, bind, passwd) return conn except Exception: log.debug('Removing connection from pool after ' 'failure to rebind', exc_info=True) self._pool.remove(conn) return None # There are no connector that match return None def _bind(self, conn, bind, passwd): # let's bind if self.use_tls: try: conn.start_tls_s() except Exception: raise BackendError('Could not activate TLS on established ' 'connection with %s' % self.uri, backend=conn) if bind is not None: conn.simple_bind_s(bind, passwd) conn.active = True def _create_connector(self, bind, passwd): """Creates a connector, binds it, and returns it. :param bind: user login :type bind: string :param passwd: user password :type passwd: string :returns: StateConnector :raises BackendError: If unable to connect to LDAP """ tries = 0 connected = False if passwd is not None: passwd = utf8_encode(passwd) exc = None conn = None # trying retry_max times in a row with a fresh connector while tries < self.retry_max and not connected: try: conn = self.connector_cls(self.uri, retry_max=self.retry_max, retry_delay=self.retry_delay) conn.timeout = self.timeout self._bind(conn, bind, passwd) connected = True except ldap.LDAPError as error: exc = error time.sleep(self.retry_delay) if tries < self.retry_max: log.info('Failure attempting to create and bind ' 'connector; will retry after %r seconds', self.retry_delay, exc_info=True) else: log.error('Failure attempting to create and bind ' 'connector', exc_info=True) tries += 1 if not connected: if isinstance(exc, (ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ldap.SERVER_DOWN)): raise exc # that's something else raise BackendError(str(exc), backend=conn) return conn def _get_connection(self, bind=None, passwd=None): if bind is None: bind = self.bind if passwd is None: passwd = self.passwd if self.use_pool: # let's try to recycle an existing one conn = self._match(bind, passwd) if conn is not None: return conn # the pool is full if len(self._pool) >= self.size: raise MaxConnectionReachedError(self.uri) # we need to create a new connector conn = self._create_connector(bind, passwd) # adding it to the pool if self.use_pool: with self._pool_lock: self._pool.append(conn) else: # with no pool, the connector is always active conn.active = True return conn def _release_connection(self, connection): if self.use_pool: with self._pool_lock: if not connection.connected: # unconnected connector, let's drop it self._pool.remove(connection) else: # can be reused - let's mark is as not active connection.active = False # done. return else: connection.active = False # let's try to unbind it try: connection.unbind_ext_s() except ldap.LDAPError: # avoid error on invalid state log.debug('Failure attempting to unbind on release; ' 'should be harmless', exc_info=True) @contextmanager def connection(self, bind=None, passwd=None): """Creates a context'ed connector, binds it, and returns it. :param bind: user login :type bind: string :param passwd: user password :type passwd: string :returns: StateConnector :raises MaxConnectionReachedError: If unable to connect to LDAP """ tries = 0 conn = None while tries < self.retry_max: try: conn = self._get_connection(bind, passwd) except MaxConnectionReachedError: tries += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # removing the first inactive connector going backward with self._pool_lock: reversed_list = reversed(list(enumerate(self._pool))) for index, conn_ in reversed_list: if not conn_.active: self._pool.pop(index) break else: break if conn is None: raise MaxConnectionReachedError(self.uri) try: yield conn finally: self._release_connection(conn) def purge(self, bind, passwd=None): """Purge a connector. :param bind: user login :type bind: string :param passwd: user password :type passwd: string """ if self.use_pool: return if passwd is not None: passwd = utf8_encode(passwd) with self._pool_lock: for conn in list(self._pool): if conn.who != bind: continue if passwd is not None and conn.cred == passwd: continue # let's drop it try: conn.unbind_ext_s() except ldap.LDAPError: # invalid state log.debug('Failure attempting to unbind on purge; ' 'should be harmless', exc_info=True) self._pool.remove(conn)