
14 lines
704 B

<dt translate>Image</dt>
<dd translate>The name or UUID of the base image to customize for the cluster.</dd>
<dt translate>Keypair</dt>
<dd translate>The name or UUID of the SSH keypair to load into the cluster nodes.</dd>
<dt translate>Flavor</dt>
<dd translate>The nova flavor id to use when launching the cluster. Default: m1.small</dd>
<dt translate>Master Flavor</dt>
<dd translate>The nova flavor id to use when launching the master node of the cluster. Default: m1.small</dd>
<dt translate>Docker Volume Size</dt>
<dd translate>The size in GB for Docker Volume. Default: 25</dd>
<dt translate>Insecure Registry</dt>
<dd translate>The URL of docker registry.</dd>