Merge "Add Storage section in user guide"

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Jenkins 2016-05-20 02:51:11 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 45e394131e
3 changed files with 286 additions and 236 deletions

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@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
Using Container Volume Integration Feature
For Magnum user, we use Container Volume Integration in Kubernetes, Swarm
and Mesos. This document details instructions how to use the container volume
integration in Kubernetes, Swarm and Mesos.
Using container volume integration in Kubernetes
**NOTE:** The Container Volume Model of Kubernetes needs the kubernetes
version >= 1.1.1 and docker version >= 1.8.3
1. Store the Fedora Atomic micro-OS in glance
The steps for updating Fedora Atomic images are a bit detailed.Fortunately
one of the core developers has made Atomic images available at
cd ~
glance image-create --name fedora-23-atomic-7 \
--visibility public \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--os-distro fedora-atomic \
--container-format bare < fedora-23-atomic-7.qcow2
2. Edit the file::
sudo vi /opt/stack/magnum/magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubecluster.yaml
The default value of the kube_version entries needs to change 'v1.0.6' to
'v1.1.8', then restart magnum-conduct service.(Magnum team will make the
step automation as soon as possible.)
3. Create the baymodel.
The new attribute volume-driver for a baymodel specifies the volume backend
driver to use when deploying a bay. The volume-driver value needs to be
specified as 'cinder' for kubernetes::
magnum baymodel-create --name k8sbaymodel \
--image-id fedora-23-atomic-7 \
--keypair-id testkey \
--external-network-id public \
--dns-nameserver \
--flavor-id m1.small \
--docker-volume-size 5 \
--network-driver flannel \
--coe kubernetes \
--volume-driver cinder
4. Create the bay::
magnum bay-create --name k8sbay --baymodel k8sbaymodel --node-count 1
To enable the container volume integration in kubernetes, log into each minion
node of your bay and perform the following step 5, step 6, step 7 and step 8:
5. Configure kubelet::
sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/kubelet
Comment out the line::
#KUBELET_ARGS=--config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --cadvisor-port=4194
Uncomment the line::
#KUBELET_ARGS="--config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --cadvisor-port=4194 --cloud-provider=openstack --cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/kube_openstack_config"
**NOTE:** This is a temporary workaround, and Magnum team is working
on a long term solution to automate this step.
6. Enter OpenStack user credential::
sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/kube_openstack_config
The username, tenant-name and region entries have been filled in with the
Keystone values of the user who created the bay. Enter the password
of this user on the entry for password::
7. Restart Kubernetes services::
sudo systemctl restart kubelet
8. Run the docker container::
sudo docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
Kubernetes container volume integration has configured by the above steps,
And you can use the kubernetes container volume now. The following steps is
an example for container volume integration with kubernetes bay.
1. Create the cinder volume::
cinder create --display-name=test-repo 1
ID=$(cinder create --display-name=test-repo 1 | awk -F'|' '$2~/^[[:space:]]*id/ {print $3}')
The command will generate the volume with a ID. The volume ID will be specified in
Step 2.
2. Create a container in this bay.
The following example illustrates how to mount an cinder volume for a pod.
Create a file (e.g nginx-cinder.yaml) describing a pod::
cat > nginx-cinder.yaml << END
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: aws-web
- name: web
image: nginx
- name: web
containerPort: 80
hostPort: 8081
protocol: TCP
- name: html-volume
mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
- name: html-volume
# Enter the volume ID below
volumeID: $ID
fsType: ext4
**NOTE:** The cinder volume ID needs to be configured into the yaml file
so that an existing Cinder volume can be mounted in a pod by specifying
the volume ID in the pod manifest as follows::
- name: html-volume
volumeID: $ID
fsType: ext4
3. Create a pod with container. Please refer to the quickstart guide on how to
connect to Kubernetes running on the launched bay.::
kubectl create -f ./nginx-cinder.yaml
You can log in the container to check if existing the mountPath, and check
if your cinder volume status is 'in-use' by running the command 'cinder list'.
Using container volume integration in Swarm
*To be filled in*
Using container volume integration in Mesos
1. Create the baymodel.
One of the new attributes volume-driver for a baymodel specifies the volume
backend driver to use when deploying a bay. The volume-driver value needs to
be specified as rexray for Mesos.
The other new attributes rexray_preempt for a baymodel is an optional
parameter here which enables any host to take control of a volume
irrespective of whether other hosts are using the volume. If this is set to
false then mostly plugins ensure safety first for locking the volume::
magnum baymodel-create --name mesosbaymodel \
--image-id ubuntu-mesos \
--keypair-id testkey \
--external-network-id public \
--dns-nameserver \
--master-flavor-id m1.magnum \
--docker-volume-size 4 \
--tls-disabled \
--flavor-id m1.magnum \
--coe mesos \
--volume-driver rexray \
--labels rexray-preempt=true
2. Create the mesos bay::
magnum bay-create --name mesosbay --baymodel mesosbaymodel --node-count 1
3. Create the cinder volume and a container in this bay::
cinder create --display-name=redisdata 1
Create the following mesos.json file::
cat > mesos.json << END
"id": "redis",
"container": {
"docker": {
"image": "redis",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp"}
"parameters": [
{ "key": "volume-driver", "value": "rexray" },
{ "key": "volume", "value": "redisdata:/data" }
"cpus": 0.2,
"mem": 32.0,
"instances": 1
**NOTE:** When the mesos bay is created using this baymodel, the mesos bay
will be configured so that an existing cinder volume can be mounted in a
container by configuring the parameters to mount the cinder volume in the
json file::
"parameters": [
{ "key": "volume-driver", "value": "rexray" },
{ "key": "volume", "value": "redisdata:/data" }
4. Using the REST API of Marathon::
MASTER_IP=$(magnum bay-show mesosbay | awk '/ api_address /{print $4}')
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
http://${MASTER_IP}:8080/v2/apps -d@mesos.json
You can log in the container to check if existing the mountPath, and check
if your cinder volume status is 'in-use' by running the command 'cinder list'.

View File

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ Developer Info
dev/manual-devstack dev/manual-devstack
dev/bay-template-example.rst dev/bay-template-example.rst
dev/kubernetes-load-balancer.rst dev/kubernetes-load-balancer.rst
dev/tls.rst dev/tls.rst
dev/mesos.rst dev/mesos.rst
dev/functional-test.rst dev/functional-test.rst

View File

@ -345,8 +345,294 @@ Include Autoscaling
======= =======
Storage Storage
======= =======
Currently Cinder provides the block storage to the containers, and the
storage is made available in two ways: as ephemeral storage and as
persistent storage.
Ephemeral storage
The filesystem for the container consists of multiple layers from the
image and a top layer that holds the modification made by the
container. This top layer requires storage space and the storage is
configured in the Docker daemon through a number of storage options.
When the container is removed, the storage allocated to the particular
container is also deleted.
To manage this space in a flexible manner independent of the Nova
instance flavor, Magnum creates a separate Cinder block volume for each
node in the bay, mounts it to the node and configures it to be used as
ephemeral storage. Users can specify the size of the Cinder volume with
the baymodel attribute 'docker-volume-size'. The default size is 5GB.
Currently the block size is fixed at bay creation time, but future
lifecycle operations may allow modifying the block size during the
life of the bay.
To use the Cinder block storage, there is a number of Docker
storage drivers available. Only 'devicemapper' is supported as the
storage driver but other drivers such as 'OverlayFS' are being
considered. There are important trade-off between the choices
for the storage drivers that should be considered. For instance,
'OperlayFS' may offer better performance, but it may not support
the filesystem metadata needed to use SELinux, which is required
to support strong isolation between containers running in the same
bay. Using the 'devicemapper' driver does allow the use of SELinux.
Persistent storage
In some use cases, data read/written by a container needs to persist
so that it can be accessed later. To persist the data, a Cinder
volume with a filesystem on it can be mounted on a host and be made
available to the container, then be unmounted when the container exits.
Docker provides the 'volume' feature for this purpose: the user
invokes the 'volume create' command, specifying a particular volume
driver to perform the actual work. Then this volume can be mounted
when a container is created. A number of third-party volume drivers
support OpenStack Cinder as the backend, for example Rexray and
Flocker. Magnum currently supports Rexray as the volume driver for
Swarm and Mesos. Other drivers are being considered.
Kubernetes allows a previously created Cinder block to be mounted to
a pod and this is done by specifying the block ID in the pod yaml file.
When the pod is scheduled on a node, Kubernetes will interface with
Cinder to request the volume to be mounted on this node, then
Kubernetes will launch the Docker container with the proper options to
make the filesystem on the Cinder volume accessible to the container
in the pod. When the pod exits, Kubernetes will again send a request
to Cinder to unmount the volume's filesystem, making it avaiable to be
mounted on other nodes.
Magnum supports these features to use Cinder as persistent storage
using the baymodel attribute 'volume-driver' and the support matrix
for the COE types is summarized as follows:
| Driver | Kubernetes | Swarm | Mesos |
| cinder | supported | unsupported | unsupported |
| rexray | unsupported | supported | supported |
Following are some examples for using Cinder as persistent storage.
Using Cinder in Kubernetes
**NOTE:** This feature requires Kubernetes version 1.1.1 or above and
Docker version 1.8.3 or above. The public Fedora image from Atomic
currently meets this requirement.
**NOTE:** The following steps are a temporary workaround, and Magnum's
development team is working on a long term solution to automate these steps.
1. Create the baymodel.
Specify 'cinder' as the volume-driver for Kubernetes::
magnum baymodel-create --name k8sbaymodel \
--image-id fedora-23-atomic-7 \
--keypair-id testkey \
--external-network-id public \
--dns-nameserver \
--flavor-id m1.small \
--docker-volume-size 5 \
--network-driver flannel \
--coe kubernetes \
--volume-driver cinder
2. Create the bay::
magnum bay-create --name k8sbay --baymodel k8sbaymodel --node-count 1
3. Configure kubelet.
To allow Kubernetes to interface with Cinder, log into each minion
node of your bay and perform step 4 through 6::
sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/kubelet
Comment out the line::
#KUBELET_ARGS=--config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --cadvisor-port=4194
Uncomment the line::
#KUBELET_ARGS="--config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests --cadvisor-port=4194 --cloud-provider=openstack --cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/kube_openstack_config"
4. Enter OpenStack user credential::
sudo vi /etc/kubernetes/kube_openstack_config
The username, tenant-name and region entries have been filled in with the
Keystone values of the user who created the bay. Enter the password
of this user on the entry for password::
5. Restart Kubernetes services::
sudo systemctl restart kubelet
On restart, the new configuration enables the Kubernetes cloud provider
plugin for OpenStack, along with the necessary credential for kubelet
to authenticate with Keystone and to make request to OpenStack services.
6. Install nsenter::
sudo docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
The nsenter utility is used by Kubernetes to run new processes within
existing kernel namespaces. This allows the kubelet agent to manage storage
for pods.
Kubernetes is now ready to use Cinder for persistent storage.
Following is an example illustrating how Cinder is used in a pod.
1. Create the cinder volume::
cinder create --display-name=test-repo 1
ID=$(cinder create --display-name=test-repo 1 | awk -F'|' '$2~/^[[:space:]]*id/ {print $3}')
The command will generate the volume with a ID. The volume ID will be specified in
Step 2.
2. Create a pod in this bay and mount this cinder volume to the pod.
Create a file (e.g nginx-cinder.yaml) describing the pod::
cat > nginx-cinder.yaml << END
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: aws-web
- name: web
image: nginx
- name: web
containerPort: 80
hostPort: 8081
protocol: TCP
- name: html-volume
mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
- name: html-volume
# Enter the volume ID below
volumeID: $ID
fsType: ext4
**NOTE:** The Cinder volume ID needs to be configured in the yaml file
so the existing Cinder volume can be mounted in a pod by specifying
the volume ID in the pod manifest as follows::
- name: html-volume
volumeID: $ID
fsType: ext4
3. Create the pod by the normal Kubernetes interface::
kubectl create -f nginx-cinder.yaml
You can start a shell in the container to check that the mountPath exists,
and on an OpenStack client you can run the command 'cinder list' to verify
that the cinder volume status is 'in-use'.
Using Cinder in Swarm
*To be filled in* *To be filled in*
Using Cinder in Mesos
1. Create the baymodel.
Specify 'rexray' as the volume-driver for Mesos. As an option, you
can specify in a label the attributes 'rexray_preempt' to enable
any host to take control of a volume regardless if other
hosts are using the volume. If this is set to false, the driver
will ensure data safety by locking the volume::
magnum baymodel-create --name mesosbaymodel \
--image-id ubuntu-mesos \
--keypair-id testkey \
--external-network-id public \
--dns-nameserver \
--master-flavor-id m1.magnum \
--docker-volume-size 4 \
--tls-disabled \
--flavor-id m1.magnum \
--coe mesos \
--volume-driver rexray \
--labels rexray-preempt=true
2. Create the Mesos bay::
magnum bay-create --name mesosbay --baymodel mesosbaymodel --node-count 1
3. Create the cinder volume and configure this bay::
cinder create --display-name=redisdata 1
Create the following file ::
cat > mesos.json << END
"id": "redis",
"container": {
"docker": {
"image": "redis",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp"}
"parameters": [
{ "key": "volume-driver", "value": "rexray" },
{ "key": "volume", "value": "redisdata:/data" }
"cpus": 0.2,
"mem": 32.0,
"instances": 1
**NOTE:** When the Mesos bay is created using this baymodel, the Mesos bay
will be configured so that a filesystem on an existing cinder volume can
be mounted in a container by configuring the parameters to mount the cinder
volume in the json file ::
"parameters": [
{ "key": "volume-driver", "value": "rexray" },
{ "key": "volume", "value": "redisdata:/data" }
4. Create the container using Marathon REST API ::
MASTER_IP=$(magnum bay-show mesosbay | awk '/ api_address /{print $4}')
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
http://${MASTER_IP}:8080/v2/apps -d@mesos.json
You can log into the container to check that the mountPath exists, and
you can run the command 'cinder list' to verify that your cinder
volume status is 'in-use'.
================ ================
Image Management Image Management
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