diff --git a/doc/source/user/index.rst b/doc/source/user/index.rst
index 4924e5240e..b307ede220 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/index.rst
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ created and managed by Magnum to support the COE's.
 #. `Kubernetes External Load Balancer`_
 #. `Rolling Upgrade`_
 #. `Keystone Authentication and Authorization for Kubernetes`_
+#. `Node Groups`_
@@ -3411,3 +3412,8 @@ Keystone Authentication and Authorization for Kubernetes
 .. include:: k8s-keystone-authN-authZ.rst
+Node Groups
+.. include:: node-groups.rst
diff --git a/doc/source/user/node-groups.rst b/doc/source/user/node-groups.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fcd37362e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/user/node-groups.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Node groups can be used to create heterogeneous clusters.
+This functionality is only supported for Kubernetes clusters.
+When a cluster is created it already has two node groups,
+``default-master`` and ``default-worker``.
+   $ openstack coe cluster list
+   +--------------------------------------+------+-----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+
+   | uuid                                 | name | keypair   | node_count | master_count | status          | health_status |
+   +--------------------------------------+------+-----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+
+   | ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 | kube | default   |          1 |            1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | HEALTHY       |
+   +--------------------------------------+------+-----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------------+
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup list kube
+   +--------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+--------+
+   | uuid                                 | name           | flavor_id | image_id                               | node_count | status          | role   |
+   +--------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+--------+
+   | adc3ecfa-d11e-4da7-8c44-4092ea9dddd9 | default-master | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | master |
+   | 186e131f-8103-4285-a900-eb0dcf18a670 | default-worker | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | worker |
+   +--------------------------------------+----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+-----------------+--------+
+The ``default-worker`` node group cannot be removed or reconfigured, so
+the initial cluster configuration should take this into account.
+Create a new node group
+To add a new node group, use ``openstack coe nodegroup create``. The
+only required parameters are the cluster ID and the name for the new
+node group, but several extra options are available.
+Roles can be used to show the purpose of a node group, and multiple node
+groups can be given the same role if they share a common purpose.
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup create kube test-ng --node-count 1 --role test
+When listing node groups, the role may be used as a filter:
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup list kube --role test
+   +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+--------------------+------+
+   | uuid                                 | name    | flavor_id | image_id                               | node_count | status             | role |
+   +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+--------------------+------+
+   | b4ab1fcb-f23a-4d1f-b583-d699a2f1e2d7 | test-ng | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | test |
+   +--------------------------------------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------------+------------+--------------------+------+
+The node group role will default to “worker” if unset, and the only
+reserved role is “master”.
+Role information is available within Kubernetes as labels on the nodes.
+   $ kubectl get nodes -L magnum.openstack.org/role
+   NAME                               STATUS   AGE    VERSION   ROLE
+   kube-r6cyw4bjb4lr-master-0         Ready    5d5h   v1.16.0   master
+   kube-r6cyw4bjb4lr-node-0           Ready    5d5h   v1.16.0   worker
+   kube-test-ng-lg7bkvjgus4y-node-0   Ready    61s    v1.16.0   test
+This information can be used for scheduling, using a `node
+selector <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#step-two-add-a-nodeselector-field-to-your-pod-configuration>`__.
+.. code:: yaml
+   nodeSelector:
+     magnum.openstack.org/role: test
+The label ``magnum.openstack.org/nodegroup`` is also available for
+selecting a specific node group.
+The node group flavor will default to the minion flavor given when
+creating the cluster, but can be changed for each new node group.
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup create ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 large-ng --flavor m2.large
+This can be used if you require nodes of different sizes in the same
+cluster, or to switch from one flavor to another by creating a new node
+group and deleting the old one.
+Availability zone
+To create clusters which span more than one availability zone, multiple
+node groups must be used. The availability zone is passed as a label to
+the node group.
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-a --labels availability_zone=zone-a --labels ...
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-b --labels availability_zone=zone-b --labels ...
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-c --labels availability_zone=zone-c --labels ...
+Where ``--labels ...`` are the rest of the labels that the cluster was
+created with, which can be obtained from the cluster with this script:
+   $ openstack coe cluster show -f json <CLUSTER_ID> |
+       jq --raw-output '.labels | to_entries |
+       map("--labels \(.key)=\"\(.value)\"") | join(" ")'
+Zone information is available within the cluster as the label
+``topology.kubernetes.io/zone`` on each node, or as the now deprecated
+label ``failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone``.
+From Kubernetes 1.16 and onwards it is possible to `balance the number
+of pods in a deployment across availability
+zones <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/>`__
+(or any other label).
+Resizing a node group is done with the same API as resizing a cluster,
+but the ``--nodegroup`` parameter must be used.
+   $ openstack coe cluster resize kube --nodegroup default-worker 2
+   Request to resize cluster ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 has been accepted.
+As usual the ``--nodes-to-remove`` parameter may be used to remove
+specific nodes when decreasing the size of a node group.
+Any node group except the default master and worker node groups can be
+deleted, by specifying the cluster and nodegroup name or ID.
+   $ openstack coe nodegroup delete ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 test-ng