# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import collections import os from pbr.version import SemanticVersion as SV import six from string import ascii_letters from string import digits from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import importutils from heatclient.common import template_utils from heatclient import exc as heatexc from magnum.common import clients from magnum.common import context as mag_ctx from magnum.common import exception from magnum.common import keystone from magnum.common import octavia from magnum.common import short_id from magnum.conductor.handlers.common import cert_manager from magnum.conductor.handlers.common import trust_manager from magnum.conductor import utils as conductor_utils from magnum.drivers.common import driver from magnum.drivers.common import k8s_monitor from magnum.i18n import _ from magnum.objects import fields LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NodeGroupStatus = collections.namedtuple('NodeGroupStatus', 'name status reason is_default') @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class HeatDriver(driver.Driver): """Base Driver class for using Heat Abstract class for implementing Drivers that leverage OpenStack Heat for orchestrating cluster lifecycle operations """ def _extract_template_definition_up(self, context, cluster, cluster_template, scale_manager=None): ct_obj = conductor_utils.retrieve_ct_by_name_or_uuid( context, cluster_template) definition = self.get_template_definition() return definition.extract_definition(context, ct_obj, cluster, scale_manager=scale_manager) def _extract_template_definition(self, context, cluster, scale_manager=None, nodegroups=None): cluster_template = conductor_utils.retrieve_cluster_template(context, cluster) definition = self.get_template_definition() return definition.extract_definition(context, cluster_template, cluster, nodegroups=nodegroups, scale_manager=scale_manager) def _get_env_files(self, template_path, env_rel_paths): template_dir = os.path.dirname(template_path) env_abs_paths = [os.path.join(template_dir, f) for f in env_rel_paths] environment_files = [] env_map, merged_env = ( template_utils.process_multiple_environments_and_files( env_paths=env_abs_paths, env_list_tracker=environment_files)) return environment_files, env_map @abc.abstractmethod def get_template_definition(self): """return an implementation of magnum.drivers.common.drivers.heat.TemplateDefinition """ raise NotImplementedError("Must implement 'get_template_definition'") def create_federation(self, context, federation): return NotImplementedError("Must implement 'create_federation'") def update_federation(self, context, federation): return NotImplementedError("Must implement 'update_federation'") def delete_federation(self, context, federation): return NotImplementedError("Must implement 'delete_federation'") def update_nodegroup(self, context, cluster, nodegroup): # we just need to save the nodegroup here. This is because, # at the moment, this method is used to update min and max node # counts. nodegroup.save() def delete_nodegroup(self, context, cluster, nodegroup): # Default nodegroups share stack_id so it will be deleted # as soon as the cluster gets destroyed if not nodegroup.stack_id: nodegroup.destroy() else: osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) self._delete_stack(context, osc, nodegroup.stack_id) def update_cluster_status(self, context, cluster): if cluster.stack_id is None: # NOTE(mgoddard): During cluster creation it is possible to poll # the cluster before its heat stack has been created. See bug # 1682058. return stack_ctx = mag_ctx.make_cluster_context(cluster) poller = HeatPoller(clients.OpenStackClients(stack_ctx), context, cluster, self) poller.poll_and_check() def create_cluster(self, context, cluster, cluster_create_timeout): stack = self._create_stack(context, clients.OpenStackClients(context), cluster, cluster_create_timeout) # TODO(randall): keeping this for now to reduce/eliminate data # migration. Should probably come up with something more generic in # the future once actual non-heat-based drivers are implemented. cluster.stack_id = stack['stack']['id'] def update_cluster(self, context, cluster, scale_manager=None, rollback=False): self._update_stack(context, cluster, scale_manager, rollback) def create_nodegroup(self, context, cluster, nodegroup): stack = self._create_stack(context, clients.OpenStackClients(context), cluster, cluster.create_timeout, nodegroup=nodegroup) nodegroup.stack_id = stack['stack']['id'] def get_nodegroup_extra_params(self, cluster, osc): raise NotImplementedError("Must implement " "'get_nodegroup_extra_params'") @abc.abstractmethod def upgrade_cluster(self, context, cluster, cluster_template, max_batch_size, nodegroup, scale_manager=None, rollback=False): raise NotImplementedError("Must implement 'upgrade_cluster'") def delete_cluster(self, context, cluster): self.pre_delete_cluster(context, cluster) LOG.info("Starting to delete cluster %s", cluster.uuid) osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) for ng in cluster.nodegroups: ng.status = fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_IN_PROGRESS ng.save() if ng.is_default: continue self._delete_stack(context, osc, ng.stack_id) self._delete_stack(context, osc, cluster.default_ng_master.stack_id) def resize_cluster(self, context, cluster, resize_manager, node_count, nodes_to_remove, nodegroup=None, rollback=False): self._resize_stack(context, cluster, resize_manager, node_count, nodes_to_remove, nodegroup=nodegroup, rollback=rollback) def _create_stack(self, context, osc, cluster, cluster_create_timeout, nodegroup=None): nodegroups = [nodegroup] if nodegroup else None template_path, heat_params, env_files = ( self._extract_template_definition(context, cluster, nodegroups=nodegroups)) tpl_files, template = template_utils.get_template_contents( template_path) environment_files, env_map = self._get_env_files(template_path, env_files) tpl_files.update(env_map) # Make sure we end up with a valid hostname valid_chars = set(ascii_letters + digits + '-') # valid hostnames are 63 chars long, leaving enough room # to add the random id (for uniqueness) if nodegroup is None: stack_name = cluster.name[:30] else: stack_name = "%s-%s" % (cluster.name[:20], nodegroup.name[:9]) stack_name = stack_name.replace('_', '-') stack_name = stack_name.replace('.', '-') stack_name = ''.join(filter(valid_chars.__contains__, stack_name)) # Make sure no duplicate stack name stack_name = '%s-%s' % (stack_name, short_id.generate_id()) stack_name = stack_name.lower() if cluster_create_timeout: heat_timeout = cluster_create_timeout else: # no cluster_create_timeout value was passed in to the request # so falling back on configuration file value heat_timeout = cfg.CONF.cluster_heat.create_timeout heat_params['is_cluster_stack'] = nodegroup is None if nodegroup: # In case we are creating a new stack for a new nodegroup then # we need to extract more params. heat_params.update(self.get_nodegroup_extra_params(cluster, osc)) fields = { 'stack_name': stack_name, 'parameters': heat_params, 'environment_files': environment_files, 'template': template, 'files': tpl_files, 'timeout_mins': heat_timeout } created_stack = osc.heat().stacks.create(**fields) return created_stack def _update_stack(self, context, cluster, scale_manager=None, rollback=False): definition = self.get_template_definition() osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) heat_params = {} # Find what changed checking the stack params # against the ones in the template_def. stack = osc.heat().stacks.get(cluster.stack_id, resolve_outputs=True) stack_params = stack.parameters definition.add_nodegroup_params(cluster) heat_params = definition.get_stack_diff(context, stack_params, cluster) LOG.debug('Updating stack with these params: %s', heat_params) scale_params = definition.get_scale_params(context, cluster, scale_manager) heat_params.update(scale_params) fields = { 'parameters': heat_params, 'existing': True, 'disable_rollback': not rollback } osc.heat().stacks.update(cluster.stack_id, **fields) def _resize_stack(self, context, cluster, resize_manager, node_count, nodes_to_remove, nodegroup=None, rollback=False): definition = self.get_template_definition() osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) # Find what changed checking the stack params # against the ones in the template_def. stack = osc.heat().stacks.get(nodegroup.stack_id, resolve_outputs=True) stack_params = stack.parameters definition.add_nodegroup_params(cluster, nodegroups=[nodegroup]) heat_params = definition.get_stack_diff(context, stack_params, cluster) LOG.debug('Updating stack with these params: %s', heat_params) scale_params = definition.get_scale_params(context, cluster, resize_manager, nodes_to_remove) heat_params.update(scale_params) fields = { 'parameters': heat_params, 'existing': True, 'disable_rollback': not rollback } osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) osc.heat().stacks.update(nodegroup.stack_id, **fields) def _delete_stack(self, context, osc, stack_id): osc.heat().stacks.delete(stack_id) class KubernetesDriver(HeatDriver): """Base driver for Kubernetes clusters.""" def get_monitor(self, context, cluster): return k8s_monitor.K8sMonitor(context, cluster) def get_scale_manager(self, context, osclient, cluster): # FIXME: Until the kubernetes client is fixed, remove # the scale_manager. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1746510 return None def pre_delete_cluster(self, context, cluster): """Delete cloud resources before deleting the cluster.""" if keystone.is_octavia_enabled(): LOG.info("Starting to delete loadbalancers for cluster %s", cluster.uuid) octavia.delete_loadbalancers(context, cluster) def upgrade_cluster(self, context, cluster, cluster_template, max_batch_size, nodegroup, scale_manager=None, rollback=False): raise NotImplementedError("Must implement 'upgrade_cluster'") class FedoraKubernetesDriver(KubernetesDriver): """Base driver for Kubernetes clusters.""" def get_heat_params(self, cluster_template): heat_params = {} try: kube_tag = cluster_template.labels["kube_tag"] kube_tag_params = { "kube_tag": kube_tag, "kube_version": kube_tag, "master_kube_tag": kube_tag, "minion_kube_tag": kube_tag, } heat_params.update(kube_tag_params) except KeyError: LOG.debug(("Cluster template %s does not contain a " "valid kube_tag"), cluster_template.name) for ostree_tag in ["ostree_commit", "ostree_remote"]: try: ostree_param = { ostree_tag: cluster_template.labels[ostree_tag] } heat_params.update(ostree_param) except KeyError: LOG.debug("Cluster template %s does not define %s", (cluster_template.name, ostree_tag)) upgrade_labels = ['kube_tag', 'ostree_remote', 'ostree_commit'] if not any([u in heat_params.keys() for u in upgrade_labels]): reason = ("Cluster template %s does not contain any supported " "upgrade labels: [%s]") % (cluster_template.name, ', '.join(upgrade_labels)) raise exception.InvalidClusterTemplateForUpgrade(reason=reason) return heat_params def upgrade_cluster(self, context, cluster, cluster_template, max_batch_size, nodegroup, scale_manager=None, rollback=False): """For Train release we are going to upgrade only the kube tag""" osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) # Use this just to check that we are not downgrading. heat_params = { "update_max_batch_size": max_batch_size, } if 'kube_tag' in nodegroup.labels: heat_params['kube_tag'] = nodegroup.labels['kube_tag'] current_addons = {} new_addons = {} for label in cluster_template.labels: # This is upgrade API, so we don't introduce new stuff by this API, # but just focus on the version change. new_addons[label] = cluster_template.labels[label] if ((label.endswith('_tag') or label.endswith('_version')) and label in heat_params): current_addons[label] = heat_params[label] try: if (SV.from_pip_string(new_addons[label]) < SV.from_pip_string(current_addons[label])): raise exception.InvalidVersion(tag=label) except exception.InvalidVersion: raise except Exception as e: # NOTE(flwang): Different cloud providers may use different # tag/version format which maybe not able to parse by # SemanticVersion. For this case, let's just skip it. LOG.debug("Failed to parse tag/version %s", str(e)) # Since the above check passed just # hardcode what we want to send to heat. # Rules: 1. No downgrade 2. Explicitly override 3. Merging based on set # Update heat_params based on the data generated above heat_params.update(self.get_heat_params(cluster_template)) stack_id = nodegroup.stack_id if nodegroup is not None and not nodegroup.is_default: heat_params['is_cluster_stack'] = False # For now set the worker_role explicitly in order to # make sure that the is_master condition fails. heat_params['worker_role'] = nodegroup.role new_kube_tag = cluster_template.labels['kube_tag'] new_labels = nodegroup.labels.copy() new_labels.update({'kube_tag': new_kube_tag}) # we need to set the whole dict to the object # and not just update the existing labels. This # is how obj_what_changed works. nodegroup.labels = new_labels if nodegroup.is_default: cluster.cluster_template_id = cluster_template.uuid cluster.labels = new_labels if nodegroup.role == 'master': other_default_ng = cluster.default_ng_worker else: other_default_ng = cluster.default_ng_master other_default_ng.labels = new_labels other_default_ng.save() fields = { 'existing': True, 'parameters': heat_params, 'disable_rollback': not rollback } osc.heat().stacks.update(stack_id, **fields) def get_nodegroup_extra_params(self, cluster, osc): network = osc.heat().resources.get(cluster.stack_id, 'network') secgroup = osc.heat().resources.get(cluster.stack_id, 'secgroup_kube_minion') for output in osc.heat().stacks.get(cluster.stack_id).outputs: if output['output_key'] == 'api_address': api_address = output['output_value'] break extra_params = { 'existing_master_private_ip': api_address, 'existing_security_group': secgroup.attributes['id'], 'fixed_network': network.attributes['fixed_network'], 'fixed_subnet': network.attributes['fixed_subnet'], } return extra_params class HeatPoller(object): def __init__(self, openstack_client, context, cluster, cluster_driver): self.openstack_client = openstack_client self.context = context self.cluster = cluster self.cluster_template = conductor_utils.retrieve_cluster_template( self.context, cluster) self.template_def = cluster_driver.get_template_definition() def poll_and_check(self): # TODO(yuanying): temporary implementation to update api_address, # node_addresses and cluster status ng_statuses = list() self.default_ngs = list() for nodegroup in self.cluster.nodegroups: self.nodegroup = nodegroup if self.nodegroup.is_default: self.default_ngs.append(self.nodegroup) status = self.extract_nodegroup_status() # In case a non-default nodegroup is deleted, None # is returned. We shouldn't add None in the list if status is not None: ng_statuses.append(status) self.aggregate_nodegroup_statuses(ng_statuses) def extract_nodegroup_status(self): if self.nodegroup.stack_id is None: # There is a slight window for a race condition here. If # a nodegroup is created and just before the stack_id is # assigned to it, this periodic task is executed, the # periodic task would try to find the status of the # stack with id = None. At that time the nodegroup status # is already set to CREATE_IN_PROGRESS by the conductor. # Keep this status for this loop until the stack_id is assigned. return NodeGroupStatus(name=self.nodegroup.name, status=self.nodegroup.status, is_default=self.nodegroup.is_default, reason=self.nodegroup.status_reason) try: # Do not resolve outputs by default. Resolving all # node IPs is expensive on heat. stack = self.openstack_client.heat().stacks.get( self.nodegroup.stack_id, resolve_outputs=False) # poll_and_check is detached and polling long time to check # status, so another user/client can call delete cluster/stack. if stack.stack_status == fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_COMPLETE: if self.nodegroup.is_default: self._check_delete_complete() else: self.nodegroup.destroy() return if stack.stack_status in (fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_COMPLETE, fields.ClusterStatus.UPDATE_COMPLETE): # Resolve all outputs if the stack is COMPLETE stack = self.openstack_client.heat().stacks.get( self.nodegroup.stack_id, resolve_outputs=True) self._sync_cluster_and_template_status(stack) elif stack.stack_status != self.nodegroup.status: self.template_def.nodegroup_output_mappings = list() self.template_def.update_outputs( stack, self.cluster_template, self.cluster, nodegroups=[self.nodegroup]) self._sync_cluster_status(stack) if stack.stack_status in (fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_FAILED, fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_FAILED, fields.ClusterStatus.UPDATE_FAILED, fields.ClusterStatus.ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, fields.ClusterStatus.ROLLBACK_FAILED): self._sync_cluster_and_template_status(stack) self._nodegroup_failed(stack) except heatexc.NotFound: self._sync_missing_heat_stack() return NodeGroupStatus(name=self.nodegroup.name, status=self.nodegroup.status, is_default=self.nodegroup.is_default, reason=self.nodegroup.status_reason) def aggregate_nodegroup_statuses(self, ng_statuses): # NOTE(ttsiouts): Aggregate the nodegroup statuses and set the # cluster overall status. FAILED = '_FAILED' IN_PROGRESS = '_IN_PROGRESS' COMPLETE = '_COMPLETE' UPDATE = 'UPDATE' previous_state = self.cluster.status self.cluster.status_reason = None # Both default nodegroups will have the same status so it's # enough to check one of them. self.cluster.status = self.cluster.default_ng_master.status default_ng = self.cluster.default_ng_master if (default_ng.status.endswith(IN_PROGRESS) or default_ng.status == fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_COMPLETE): self.cluster.save() return # Keep priority to the states below for state in (IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, COMPLETE): if any(ns.status.endswith(state) for ns in ng_statuses if not ns.is_default): status = getattr(fields.ClusterStatus, UPDATE+state) self.cluster.status = status if state == FAILED: reasons = ["%s failed" % (ns.name) for ns in ng_statuses if ns.status.endswith(FAILED)] self.cluster.status_reason = ' ,'.join(reasons) break if self.cluster.status == fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_COMPLETE: # Consider the scenario where the user: # - creates the cluster (cluster: create_complete) # - adds a nodegroup (cluster: update_complete) # - deletes the nodegroup # The cluster should go to CREATE_COMPLETE only if the previous # state was CREATE_COMPLETE or CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. In all other # cases, just go to UPDATE_COMPLETE. if previous_state not in (fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_COMPLETE, fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS): self.cluster.status = fields.ClusterStatus.UPDATE_COMPLETE self.cluster.save() def _delete_complete(self): LOG.info('Cluster has been deleted, stack_id: %s', self.cluster.stack_id) try: trust_manager.delete_trustee_and_trust(self.openstack_client, self.context, self.cluster) cert_manager.delete_certificates_from_cluster(self.cluster, context=self.context) cert_manager.delete_client_files(self.cluster, context=self.context) except exception.ClusterNotFound: LOG.info('The cluster %s has been deleted by others.', self.cluster.uuid) def _sync_cluster_status(self, stack): self.nodegroup.status = stack.stack_status self.nodegroup.status_reason = stack.stack_status_reason self.nodegroup.save() def get_version_info(self, stack): stack_param = self.template_def.get_heat_param( cluster_attr='coe_version') if stack_param: self.cluster.coe_version = stack.parameters[stack_param] version_module_path = self.template_def.driver_module_path+'.version' try: ver = importutils.import_module(version_module_path) container_version = ver.container_version except Exception: container_version = None self.cluster.container_version = container_version def _sync_cluster_and_template_status(self, stack): self.template_def.nodegroup_output_mappings = list() self.template_def.update_outputs(stack, self.cluster_template, self.cluster, nodegroups=[self.nodegroup]) self.get_version_info(stack) self._sync_cluster_status(stack) def _nodegroup_failed(self, stack): LOG.error('Nodegroup error, stack status: %(ng_status)s, ' 'stack_id: %(stack_id)s, ' 'reason: %(reason)s', {'ng_status': stack.stack_status, 'stack_id': self.nodegroup.stack_id, 'reason': self.nodegroup.status_reason}) def _sync_missing_heat_stack(self): if self.nodegroup.status == fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_IN_PROGRESS: self._sync_missing_stack(fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_COMPLETE) if self.nodegroup.is_default: self._check_delete_complete() elif self.nodegroup.status == fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_IN_PROGRESS: self._sync_missing_stack(fields.ClusterStatus.CREATE_FAILED) elif self.nodegroup.status == fields.ClusterStatus.UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: self._sync_missing_stack(fields.ClusterStatus.UPDATE_FAILED) def _check_delete_complete(self): default_ng_statuses = [ng.status for ng in self.default_ngs] if all(status == fields.ClusterStatus.DELETE_COMPLETE for status in default_ng_statuses): self._delete_complete() def _sync_missing_stack(self, new_status): self.nodegroup.status = new_status self.nodegroup.status_reason = _("Stack with id %s not found in " "Heat.") % self.cluster.stack_id self.nodegroup.save() LOG.info("Nodegroup with id %(id)s has been set to " "%(status)s due to stack with id %(sid)s " "not found in Heat.", {'id': self.nodegroup.uuid, 'status': self.nodegroup.status, 'sid': self.nodegroup.stack_id})