# Copyright 2016 Rackspace Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import ast from oslo_log import log as logging import requests import six from magnum.common import clients from magnum.common import exception import magnum.conf from magnum.i18n import _LW from requests import exceptions as req_exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) COMMON_TEMPLATES_PATH = "../../common/templates/" COMMON_ENV_PATH = COMMON_TEMPLATES_PATH + "environments/" CONF = magnum.conf.CONF class ParameterMapping(object): """A mapping associating heat param and cluster_template attr. A ParameterMapping is an association of a Heat parameter name with an attribute on a Cluster, ClusterTemplate, or both. In the case of both cluster_template_attr and cluster_attr being set, the ClusterTemplate will be checked first and then Cluster if the attribute isn't set on the ClusterTemplate. Parameters can also be set as 'required'. If a required parameter isn't set, a RequiredArgumentNotProvided exception will be raised. """ def __init__(self, heat_param, cluster_template_attr=None, cluster_attr=None, required=False, param_type=lambda x: x): self.heat_param = heat_param self.cluster_template_attr = cluster_template_attr self.cluster_attr = cluster_attr self.required = required self.param_type = param_type def set_param(self, params, cluster_template, cluster): value = None if (self.cluster_template_attr and getattr(cluster_template, self.cluster_template_attr, None) is not None): value = getattr(cluster_template, self.cluster_template_attr) elif (self.cluster_attr and getattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr, None) is not None): value = getattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr) elif self.required: kwargs = dict(heat_param=self.heat_param) raise exception.RequiredParameterNotProvided(**kwargs) if value is not None: value = self.param_type(value) params[self.heat_param] = value class OutputMapping(object): """A mapping associating heat outputs and cluster attr. An OutputMapping is an association of a Heat output with a key Magnum understands. """ def __init__(self, heat_output, cluster_attr=None): self.cluster_attr = cluster_attr self.heat_output = heat_output def set_output(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): if self.cluster_attr is None: return output_value = self.get_output_value(stack) if output_value is not None: setattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr, output_value) def matched(self, output_key): return self.heat_output == output_key def get_output_value(self, stack): for output in stack.to_dict().get('outputs', []): if output['output_key'] == self.heat_output: return output['output_value'] LOG.warning(_LW('stack does not have output_key %s'), self.heat_output) return None @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class TemplateDefinition(object): '''A mapping between Magnum objects and Heat templates. A TemplateDefinition is essentially a mapping between Magnum objects and Heat templates. Each TemplateDefinition has a mapping of Heat parameters. ''' def __init__(self): self.param_mappings = list() self.output_mappings = list() def add_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): param = ParameterMapping(*args, **kwargs) self.param_mappings.append(param) def add_output(self, *args, **kwargs): mapping_type = kwargs.pop('mapping_type', OutputMapping) output = mapping_type(*args, **kwargs) self.output_mappings.append(output) def get_output(self, *args, **kwargs): for output in self.output_mappings: if output.matched(*args, **kwargs): return output return None def get_params(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): """Pulls template parameters from ClusterTemplate. :param context: Context to pull template parameters for :param cluster_template: ClusterTemplate to pull template parameters from :param cluster: Cluster to pull template parameters from :param extra_params: Any extra params to be provided to the template :return: dict of template parameters """ template_params = dict() for mapping in self.param_mappings: mapping.set_param(template_params, cluster_template, cluster) if 'extra_params' in kwargs: template_params.update(kwargs.get('extra_params')) return template_params def get_env_files(self, cluster_template): """Gets stack environment files based upon ClusterTemplate attributes. Base implementation returns no files (empty list). Meant to be overridden by subclasses. :param cluster_template: ClusterTemplate to grab environment files for :return: list of relative paths to environment files """ return [] def get_heat_param(self, cluster_attr=None, cluster_template_attr=None): """Returns stack param name. Return stack param name using cluster and cluster_template attributes :param cluster_attr cluster attribute from which it maps to stack attribute :param cluster_template_attr cluster_template attribute from which it maps to stack attribute :return stack parameter name or None """ for mapping in self.param_mappings: if (mapping.cluster_attr == cluster_attr and mapping.cluster_template_attr == cluster_template_attr): return mapping.heat_param return None def update_outputs(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): for output in self.output_mappings: output.set_output(stack, cluster_template, cluster) @abc.abstractproperty def driver_module_path(self): pass @abc.abstractproperty def template_path(self): pass def extract_definition(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): return (self.template_path, self.get_params(context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs), self.get_env_files(cluster_template)) class BaseTemplateDefinition(TemplateDefinition): def __init__(self): super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).__init__() self._osc = None self.add_parameter('ssh_key_name', cluster_attr='keypair', required=True) self.add_parameter('server_image', cluster_template_attr='image_id') self.add_parameter('dns_nameserver', cluster_template_attr='dns_nameserver') self.add_parameter('http_proxy', cluster_template_attr='http_proxy') self.add_parameter('https_proxy', cluster_template_attr='https_proxy') self.add_parameter('no_proxy', cluster_template_attr='no_proxy') self.add_parameter('number_of_masters', cluster_attr='master_count') @property def driver_module_path(self): pass @abc.abstractproperty def template_path(self): pass def get_osc(self, context): if not self._osc: self._osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) return self._osc def get_params(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): osc = self.get_osc(context) extra_params = kwargs.pop('extra_params', {}) extra_params['trustee_domain_id'] = osc.keystone().trustee_domain_id extra_params['trustee_user_id'] = cluster.trustee_user_id extra_params['trustee_username'] = cluster.trustee_username extra_params['trustee_password'] = cluster.trustee_password extra_params['trust_id'] = cluster.trust_id extra_params['auth_url'] = context.auth_url return super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).get_params(context, cluster_template, cluster, extra_params=extra_params, **kwargs) def validate_discovery_url(self, discovery_url, expect_size): url = str(discovery_url) if url[len(url)-1] == '/': url += '_config/size' else: url += '/_config/size' try: result = requests.get(url).text except req_exceptions.RequestException as err: LOG.error(six.text_type(err)) raise exception.GetClusterSizeFailed( discovery_url=discovery_url) try: result = ast.literal_eval(result) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) node_value = result.get('node', None) if node_value is None: raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) value = node_value.get('value', None) if value is None: raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) elif int(value) != expect_size: raise exception.InvalidClusterSize( expect_size=expect_size, size=int(value), discovery_url=discovery_url) def get_discovery_url(self, cluster): if hasattr(cluster, 'discovery_url') and cluster.discovery_url: if getattr(cluster, 'master_count', None) is not None: self.validate_discovery_url(cluster.discovery_url, cluster.master_count) else: self.validate_discovery_url(cluster.discovery_url, 1) discovery_url = cluster.discovery_url else: discovery_endpoint = ( CONF.cluster.etcd_discovery_service_endpoint_format % {'size': cluster.master_count}) try: discovery_url = requests.get(discovery_endpoint).text except req_exceptions.RequestException as err: LOG.error(six.text_type(err)) raise exception.GetDiscoveryUrlFailed( discovery_endpoint=discovery_endpoint) if not discovery_url: raise exception.InvalidDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url, discovery_endpoint=discovery_endpoint) else: cluster.discovery_url = discovery_url return discovery_url def add_lb_env_file(env_files, cluster_template): if cluster_template.master_lb_enabled: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_master_lb.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_master_lb.yaml') def add_volume_env_file(env_files, cluster_template): if cluster_template.docker_volume_size is None: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_volume.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_volume.yaml') def add_fip_env_file(env_files, cluster_template): if cluster_template.floating_ip_enabled: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'enable_floating_ip.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'disable_floating_ip.yaml') def add_priv_net_env_file(env_files, cluster_template): if cluster_template.fixed_network: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_private_network.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_private_network.yaml')