# Copyright 2016 Rackspace Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import ast from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import requests import six from magnum.common import clients from magnum.common import exception from magnum.common import keystone from magnum.common import utils import magnum.conf from requests import exceptions as req_exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) COMMON_TEMPLATES_PATH = "../../common/templates/" COMMON_ENV_PATH = COMMON_TEMPLATES_PATH + "environments/" CONF = magnum.conf.CONF class ParameterMapping(object): """A mapping associating heat param and cluster_template attr. A ParameterMapping is an association of a Heat parameter name with an attribute on a Cluster, ClusterTemplate, or both. In the case of both cluster_template_attr and cluster_attr being set, the ClusterTemplate will be checked first and then Cluster if the attribute isn't set on the ClusterTemplate. Parameters can also be set as 'required'. If a required parameter isn't set, a RequiredArgumentNotProvided exception will be raised. """ def __init__(self, heat_param, cluster_template_attr=None, cluster_attr=None, required=False, param_type=lambda x: x): self.heat_param = heat_param self.cluster_template_attr = cluster_template_attr self.cluster_attr = cluster_attr self.required = required self.param_type = param_type def set_param(self, params, cluster_template, cluster): value = self.get_value(cluster_template, cluster) if self.required and value is None: kwargs = dict(heat_param=self.heat_param) raise exception.RequiredParameterNotProvided(**kwargs) if value is not None: value = self.param_type(value) params[self.heat_param] = value def get_value(self, cluster_template, cluster): value = None if (self.cluster_template_attr and getattr(cluster_template, self.cluster_template_attr, None) is not None): value = getattr(cluster_template, self.cluster_template_attr) elif (self.cluster_attr and getattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr, None) is not None): value = getattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr) return value class NodeGroupParameterMapping(ParameterMapping): def __init__(self, heat_param, nodegroup_attr=None, nodegroup_uuid=None, required=False, param_type=lambda x: x): self.heat_param = heat_param self.nodegroup_attr = nodegroup_attr self.nodegroup_uuid = nodegroup_uuid self.required = required self.param_type = param_type def get_value(self, cluster_template, cluster): value = None for ng in cluster.nodegroups: if ng.uuid == self.nodegroup_uuid: value = getattr(ng, self.nodegroup_attr) break return value class OutputMapping(object): """A mapping associating heat outputs and cluster attr. An OutputMapping is an association of a Heat output with a key Magnum understands. """ def __init__(self, heat_output, cluster_attr=None): self.cluster_attr = cluster_attr self.heat_output = heat_output def set_output(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): if self.cluster_attr is None: return output_value = self.get_output_value(stack) if output_value is None: return setattr(cluster, self.cluster_attr, output_value) def matched(self, output_key): return self.heat_output == output_key def get_output_value(self, stack): for output in stack.to_dict().get('outputs', []): if output['output_key'] == self.heat_output: return output['output_value'] LOG.warning('stack does not have output_key %s', self.heat_output) return None class NodeGroupOutputMapping(OutputMapping): """A mapping associating stack info and nodegroup attr. A NodeGroupOutputMapping is an association of a Heat output or parameter with a nodegroup field. By default stack output values are reflected to the specified nodegroup attribute. In the case where is_stack_param is set to True, the specified heat information will come from the stack parameters. """ def __init__(self, heat_output, nodegroup_attr=None, nodegroup_uuid=None, is_stack_param=False): self.nodegroup_attr = nodegroup_attr self.nodegroup_uuid = nodegroup_uuid self.heat_output = heat_output self.is_stack_param = is_stack_param def set_output(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): if self.nodegroup_attr is None: return output_value = self.get_output_value(stack) if output_value is None: return for ng in cluster.nodegroups: if ng.uuid == self.nodegroup_uuid: # nodegroups are fetched from the database every # time, so the bad thing here is that we need to # save each change. setattr(ng, self.nodegroup_attr, output_value) ng.save() def get_output_value(self, stack): if not self.is_stack_param: return super(NodeGroupOutputMapping, self).get_output_value(stack) return self.get_param_value(stack) def get_param_value(self, stack): for param, value in stack.parameters.items(): if param == self.heat_output: return value LOG.warning('stack does not have param %s', self.heat_output) return None @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class TemplateDefinition(object): """A mapping between Magnum objects and Heat templates. A TemplateDefinition is essentially a mapping between Magnum objects and Heat templates. Each TemplateDefinition has a mapping of Heat parameters. """ def __init__(self): self.param_mappings = list() self.output_mappings = list() def add_parameter(self, *args, **kwargs): param_class = kwargs.pop('param_class', ParameterMapping) param = param_class(*args, **kwargs) self.param_mappings.append(param) def add_output(self, *args, **kwargs): mapping_type = kwargs.pop('mapping_type', OutputMapping) output = mapping_type(*args, **kwargs) self.output_mappings.append(output) def get_output(self, *args, **kwargs): for output in self.output_mappings: if output.matched(*args, **kwargs): return output return None def get_params(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): """Pulls template parameters from ClusterTemplate. :param context: Context to pull template parameters for :param cluster_template: ClusterTemplate to pull template parameters from :param cluster: Cluster to pull template parameters from :param extra_params: Any extra params to be provided to the template :return: dict of template parameters """ template_params = dict() for mapping in self.param_mappings: mapping.set_param(template_params, cluster_template, cluster) if 'extra_params' in kwargs: template_params.update(kwargs.get('extra_params')) return template_params def get_env_files(self, cluster_template, cluster): """Gets stack environment files based upon ClusterTemplate attributes. Base implementation returns no files (empty list). Meant to be overridden by subclasses. :param cluster_template: ClusterTemplate to grab environment files for :return: list of relative paths to environment files """ return [] def get_heat_param(self, cluster_attr=None, cluster_template_attr=None, nodegroup_attr=None, nodegroup_uuid=None): """Returns stack param name. Return stack param name using cluster and cluster_template attributes :param cluster_attr: cluster attribute from which it maps to stack attribute :param cluster_template_attr: cluster_template attribute from which it maps to stack attribute :return: stack parameter name or None """ for mapping in self.param_mappings: if hasattr(mapping, 'cluster_attr'): if mapping.cluster_attr == cluster_attr and \ mapping.cluster_template_attr == cluster_template_attr: return mapping.heat_param if hasattr(mapping, 'nodegroup_attr'): if mapping.nodegroup_attr == nodegroup_attr and \ mapping.nodegroup_uuid == nodegroup_uuid: return mapping.heat_param return None def get_stack_diff(self, context, heat_params, cluster): """Returns all the params that are changed. Compares the current params of a stack with the template def for the cluster and return the ones that changed. :param heat_params: a dict containing the current params and values for a stack :param cluster: the cluster we need to compare with. """ diff = {} for mapping in self.param_mappings: try: heat_param_name = mapping.heat_param stack_value = heat_params[heat_param_name] value = mapping.get_value(cluster.cluster_template, cluster) if value is None: continue # We need to avoid changing the param values if it's not # necessary, so for some attributes we need to resolve the # value either to name or uuid. value = self.resolve_ambiguous_values(context, heat_param_name, stack_value, value) if stack_value != value: diff.update({heat_param_name: value}) except KeyError: # If the key is not in heat_params just skip it. In case # of update we don't want to trigger a rebuild.... continue return diff def resolve_ambiguous_values(self, context, heat_param, heat_value, value): return str(value) def add_nodegroup_params(self, cluster): pass def update_outputs(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): for output in self.output_mappings: output.set_output(stack, cluster_template, cluster) @abc.abstractproperty def driver_module_path(self): pass @abc.abstractproperty def template_path(self): pass def extract_definition(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): return (self.template_path, self.get_params(context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs), self.get_env_files(cluster_template, cluster)) class BaseTemplateDefinition(TemplateDefinition): def __init__(self): super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).__init__() self._osc = None self.add_parameter('ssh_key_name', cluster_attr='keypair') self.add_parameter('server_image', cluster_template_attr='image_id') self.add_parameter('dns_nameserver', cluster_template_attr='dns_nameserver') self.add_parameter('http_proxy', cluster_template_attr='http_proxy') self.add_parameter('https_proxy', cluster_template_attr='https_proxy') self.add_parameter('no_proxy', cluster_template_attr='no_proxy') @property def driver_module_path(self): pass @abc.abstractproperty def template_path(self): pass def get_osc(self, context): if not self._osc: self._osc = clients.OpenStackClients(context) return self._osc def get_params(self, context, cluster_template, cluster, **kwargs): osc = self.get_osc(context) # Add all the params from the cluster's nodegroups self.add_nodegroup_params(cluster) extra_params = kwargs.pop('extra_params', {}) extra_params['trustee_domain_id'] = osc.keystone().trustee_domain_id extra_params['trustee_user_id'] = cluster.trustee_user_id extra_params['trustee_username'] = cluster.trustee_username extra_params['trustee_password'] = cluster.trustee_password extra_params['verify_ca'] = CONF.drivers.verify_ca extra_params['openstack_ca'] = utils.get_openstack_ca() # Only pass trust ID into the template if allowed by the config file if CONF.trust.cluster_user_trust: extra_params['trust_id'] = cluster.trust_id else: extra_params['trust_id'] = "" kwargs = { 'service_type': 'identity', 'interface': CONF.trust.trustee_keystone_interface, 'version': 3 } if CONF.trust.trustee_keystone_region_name: kwargs['region_name'] = CONF.trust.trustee_keystone_region_name extra_params['auth_url'] = osc.url_for(**kwargs).rstrip('/') return super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).get_params(context, cluster_template, cluster, extra_params=extra_params, **kwargs) def resolve_ambiguous_values(self, context, heat_param, heat_value, value): # Ambiguous values should be converted to the same format. osc = self.get_osc(context) if heat_param == 'external_network': network = osc.neutron().show_network(heat_value).get('network') if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(heat_value): value = network.get('id') else: value = network('name') # Any other values we might need to resolve? return super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).resolve_ambiguous_values( context, heat_param, heat_value, value) def add_nodegroup_params(self, cluster): # Assuming that all the drivers that will not override # this method do not support more than two nodegroups. # Meaning that we have one master and one worker. master_ng = cluster.default_ng_master self.add_parameter('number_of_masters', nodegroup_attr='node_count', nodegroup_uuid=master_ng.uuid, param_class=NodeGroupParameterMapping) def update_outputs(self, stack, cluster_template, cluster): master_ng = cluster.default_ng_master self.add_output('number_of_masters', nodegroup_attr='node_count', nodegroup_uuid=master_ng.uuid, is_stack_param=True, mapping_type=NodeGroupOutputMapping) super(BaseTemplateDefinition, self).update_outputs(stack, cluster_template, cluster) def validate_discovery_url(self, discovery_url, expect_size): url = str(discovery_url) if url[len(url)-1] == '/': url += '_config/size' else: url += '/_config/size' try: result = requests.get(url).text except req_exceptions.RequestException as err: LOG.error(err) raise exception.GetClusterSizeFailed( discovery_url=discovery_url) try: result = ast.literal_eval(result) except (ValueError, SyntaxError): raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) node_value = result.get('node', None) if node_value is None: raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) value = node_value.get('value', None) if value is None: raise exception.InvalidClusterDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url) elif int(value) != expect_size: raise exception.InvalidClusterSize( expect_size=expect_size, size=int(value), discovery_url=discovery_url) def get_discovery_url(self, cluster): if hasattr(cluster, 'discovery_url') and cluster.discovery_url: # NOTE(flwang): The discovery URl does have a expiry time, # so better skip it when the cluster has been created. if not cluster.master_addresses: self.validate_discovery_url(cluster.discovery_url, cluster.master_count) discovery_url = cluster.discovery_url else: discovery_endpoint = ( CONF.cluster.etcd_discovery_service_endpoint_format % {'size': cluster.master_count}) try: discovery_request = requests.get(discovery_endpoint) if discovery_request.status_code != requests.codes.ok: raise exception.GetDiscoveryUrlFailed( discovery_endpoint=discovery_endpoint) discovery_url = discovery_request.text except req_exceptions.RequestException as err: LOG.error(err) raise exception.GetDiscoveryUrlFailed( discovery_endpoint=discovery_endpoint) if not discovery_url: raise exception.InvalidDiscoveryURL( discovery_url=discovery_url, discovery_endpoint=discovery_endpoint) else: cluster.discovery_url = discovery_url return discovery_url def get_scale_params(self, context, cluster, scale_manager=None): return dict() def add_lb_env_file(env_files, cluster_template): if cluster_template.master_lb_enabled: if keystone.is_octavia_enabled(): env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_master_lb_octavia.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_master_lb.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_master_lb.yaml') def add_volume_env_file(env_files, cluster): if cluster.docker_volume_size is None: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_volume.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_volume.yaml') def add_etcd_volume_env_file(env_files, cluster): if int(cluster.labels.get('etcd_volume_size', 0)) < 1: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_etcd_volume.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_etcd_volume.yaml') def add_fip_env_file(env_files, cluster_template, cluster): lb_fip_enabled = cluster.labels.get( "master_lb_floating_ip_enabled", cluster.floating_ip_enabled ) master_lb_fip_enabled = strutils.bool_from_string(lb_fip_enabled) if cluster.floating_ip_enabled: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'enable_floating_ip.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'disable_floating_ip.yaml') if cluster_template.master_lb_enabled and master_lb_fip_enabled: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'enable_lb_floating_ip.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'disable_lb_floating_ip.yaml') def add_priv_net_env_file(env_files, cluster_template, cluster): if (cluster.fixed_network or cluster_template.fixed_network): env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'no_private_network.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'with_private_network.yaml') def add_server_env_file(env_files, cluster): try: boot_volume_size = int(cluster.labels.get( 'boot_volume_size', CONF.cinder.default_boot_volume_size )) except ValueError: boot_volume_size = 0 if boot_volume_size > 0: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'server_with_root_volume.yaml') else: env_files.append(COMMON_ENV_PATH + 'server_with_image.yaml')