# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from unittest import mock from magnum.api.controllers.v1 import magnum_services as mservice from magnum.api import servicegroup from magnum import objects from magnum.tests import base from magnum.tests.unit.api import base as api_base from magnum.tests.unit.api import utils as apiutils class TestMagnumServiceObject(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestMagnumServiceObject, self).setUp() self.rpc_dict = apiutils.mservice_get_data() def test_msvc_obj_fields_filtering(self): """Test that it does filtering fields """ self.rpc_dict['fake-key'] = 'fake-value' msvco = mservice.MagnumService("up", **self.rpc_dict) self.assertNotIn('fake-key', msvco.fields) class db_rec(object): def __init__(self, d): self.rec_as_dict = d def as_dict(self): return self.rec_as_dict class TestMagnumServiceController(api_base.FunctionalTest): @mock.patch("magnum.common.policy.enforce") def test_empty(self, mock_policy): mock_policy.return_value = True response = self.get_json('/mservices') self.assertEqual([], response['mservices']) def _rpc_api_reply(self, count=1): reclist = [] for i in range(count): elem = apiutils.mservice_get_data() elem['id'] = i + 1 rec = db_rec(elem) reclist.append(rec) return reclist @mock.patch("magnum.common.policy.enforce") @mock.patch.object(objects.MagnumService, 'list') @mock.patch.object(servicegroup.ServiceGroup, 'service_is_up') def test_get_one(self, svc_up, rpc_patcher, mock_policy): mock_policy.return_value = True rpc_patcher.return_value = self._rpc_api_reply() svc_up.return_value = "up" response = self.get_json('/mservices') self.assertEqual(1, len(response['mservices'])) self.assertEqual(1, response['mservices'][0]['id']) @mock.patch("magnum.common.policy.enforce") @mock.patch.object(objects.MagnumService, 'list') @mock.patch.object(servicegroup.ServiceGroup, 'service_is_up') def test_get_many(self, svc_up, rpc_patcher, mock_policy): mock_policy.return_value = True svc_num = 5 rpc_patcher.return_value = self._rpc_api_reply(svc_num) svc_up.return_value = "up" response = self.get_json('/mservices') self.assertEqual(svc_num, len(response['mservices'])) for i in range(svc_num): elem = response['mservices'][i] self.assertEqual(i + 1, elem['id']) class TestMagnumServiceEnforcement(api_base.FunctionalTest): def _common_policy_check(self, rule, func, *arg, **kwarg): self.policy.set_rules({rule: 'project:non_fake'}) response = func(*arg, **kwarg) self.assertEqual(403, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue( "Policy doesn't allow %s to be performed." % rule, response.json['errors'][0]['detail']) def test_policy_disallow_get_all(self): self._common_policy_check( 'magnum-service:get_all', self.get_json, '/mservices', expect_errors=True)