heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > This template will boot a Docker swarm cluster. A swarm cluster is made up of several master nodes, and N agent nodes. Every node in the cluster, including the master, is running a Docker daemon and a swarm agent advertising it to the cluster. The master is running an addition swarm master container listening on port 2376. By default, the cluster is made up of one master node and one agent node. parameters: # # REQUIRED PARAMETERS # ssh_key_name: type: string description: name of ssh key to be provisioned on our server external_network: type: string description: uuid/name of a network to use for floating ip addresses discovery_url: type: string description: url provided for node discovery bay_uuid: type: string description: identifier for the bay this template is generating magnum_url: type: string description: endpoint to retrieve TLS certs from # # OPTIONAL PARAMETERS # server_image: type: string default: fedora-atomic description: glance image used to boot the server master_flavor: type: string default: m1.small description: flavor to use when booting the swarm master node_flavor: type: string default: m1.small description: flavor to use when booting the swarm node dns_nameserver: type: string description: address of a dns nameserver reachable in your environment default: http_proxy: type: string description: http proxy address for docker default: "" https_proxy: type: string description: https proxy address for docker default: "" no_proxy: type: string description: no proxies for docker default: "" number_of_masters: type: number description: how many swarm masters to spawn default: 1 number_of_nodes: type: number description: how many swarm nodes to spawn default: 1 fixed_network_cidr: type: string description: network range for fixed ip network default: "" tls_disabled: type: boolean description: whether or not to enable TLS default: False network_driver: type: string description: network driver to use for instantiating container networks default: None flannel_network_cidr: type: string description: network range for flannel overlay network default: flannel_network_subnetlen: type: string description: size of subnet assigned to each master default: 24 flannel_backend: type: string description: > specify the backend for flannel, default udp backend default: "udp" constraints: - allowed_values: ["udp", "vxlan", "host-gw"] docker_volume_size: type: number description: > size of a cinder volume to allocate to docker for container/image storage default: 25 loadbalancing_protocol: type: string description: > The protocol which is used for load balancing. If you want to change tls_disabled option to 'True', please change this to "HTTP". default: TCP constraints: - allowed_values: ["TCP", "HTTP"] swarm_port: type: number description: > The port which are used by swarm manager to provide swarm service. default: 2376 swarm_version: type: string description: version of swarm used for swarm cluster default: 1.0.0 trustee_domain_id: type: string description: domain id of the trustee default: "" trustee_user_id: type: string description: user id of the trustee default: "" trustee_username: type: string description: username of the trustee default: "" trustee_password: type: string description: password of the trustee default: "" hidden: true trust_id: type: string description: id of the trust which is used by the trustee default: "" hidden: true auth_url: type: string description: url for keystone resources: ###################################################################### # # network resources. allocate a network and router for our server. # it would also be possible to take advantage of existing network # resources (and have the deployer provide network and subnet ids, # etc, as parameters), but I wanted to minmize the amount of # configuration necessary to make this go. fixed_network: type: "OS::Neutron::Net" # This is the subnet on which we will deploy our server. fixed_subnet: type: "OS::Neutron::Subnet" properties: cidr: {get_param: fixed_network_cidr} network_id: get_resource: fixed_network dns_nameservers: - get_param: dns_nameserver # create a router attached to the external network provided as a # parameter to this stack. extrouter: type: "OS::Neutron::Router" properties: external_gateway_info: network: get_param: external_network # attached fixed_subnet to our extrouter router. extrouter_inside: type: "OS::Neutron::RouterInterface" properties: router_id: get_resource: extrouter subnet_id: get_resource: fixed_subnet ###################################################################### # # security groups. we need to permit network traffic of various # sorts. # secgroup_manager: type: "OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup" properties: rules: - protocol: icmp - protocol: tcp - protocol: udp ###################################################################### # # load balancers. # api_monitor: type: OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor properties: type: TCP delay: 5 max_retries: 5 timeout: 5 api_pool: type: OS::Neutron::Pool properties: protocol: {get_param: loadbalancing_protocol} monitors: [{get_resource: api_monitor}] subnet: {get_resource: fixed_subnet} lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN vip: protocol_port: {get_param: swarm_port} api_pool_floating: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP depends_on: - extrouter_inside properties: floating_network: {get_param: external_network} port_id: {get_attr: [api_pool, vip, port_id]} etcd_monitor: type: OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor properties: type: TCP delay: 5 max_retries: 5 timeout: 5 etcd_pool: type: OS::Neutron::Pool properties: protocol: HTTP monitors: [{get_resource: etcd_monitor}] subnet: {get_resource: fixed_subnet} lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN vip: protocol_port: 2379 ###################################################################### # # Swarm manager is responsible for the entire cluster and manages the # resources of multiple Docker hosts at scale. # It supports high availability by create a primary manager and multiple # replica instances. swarm_masters: type: "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup" depends_on: - extrouter_inside properties: count: {get_param: number_of_masters} resource_def: type: swarmmaster.yaml properties: ssh_key_name: {get_param: ssh_key_name} server_image: {get_param: server_image} server_flavor: {get_param: master_flavor} docker_volume_size: {get_param: docker_volume_size} fixed_network_id: {get_resource: fixed_network} fixed_subnet_id: {get_resource: fixed_subnet} external_network: {get_param: external_network} discovery_url: {get_param: discovery_url} http_proxy: {get_param: http_proxy} https_proxy: {get_param: https_proxy} no_proxy: {get_param: no_proxy} swarm_api_ip: {get_attr: [api_pool, vip, address]} bay_uuid: {get_param: bay_uuid} magnum_url: {get_param: magnum_url} tls_disabled: {get_param: tls_disabled} secgroup_swarm_master_id: {get_resource: secgroup_manager} network_driver: {get_param: network_driver} flannel_network_cidr: {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} flannel_network_subnetlen: {get_param: flannel_network_subnetlen} flannel_backend: {get_param: flannel_backend} swarm_port: {get_param: swarm_port} api_pool_id: {get_resource: api_pool} etcd_pool_id: {get_resource: etcd_pool} etcd_server_ip: {get_attr: [etcd_pool, vip, address]} api_ip_address: {get_attr: [api_pool_floating, floating_ip_address]} swarm_version: {get_param: swarm_version} trustee_user_id: {get_param: trustee_user_id} trustee_password: {get_param: trustee_password} trust_id: {get_param: trust_id} auth_url: {get_param: auth_url} swarm_nodes: type: "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup" depends_on: - extrouter_inside properties: count: {get_param: number_of_nodes} resource_def: type: swarmnode.yaml properties: ssh_key_name: {get_param: ssh_key_name} server_image: {get_param: server_image} server_flavor: {get_param: node_flavor} docker_volume_size: {get_param: docker_volume_size} fixed_network_id: {get_resource: fixed_network} fixed_subnet_id: {get_resource: fixed_subnet} external_network: {get_param: external_network} discovery_url: {get_param: discovery_url} http_proxy: {get_param: http_proxy} https_proxy: {get_param: https_proxy} no_proxy: {get_param: no_proxy} swarm_api_ip: {get_attr: [api_pool, vip, address]} bay_uuid: {get_param: bay_uuid} magnum_url: {get_param: magnum_url} tls_disabled: {get_param: tls_disabled} secgroup_swarm_node_id: {get_resource: secgroup_manager} flannel_network_cidr: {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} network_driver: {get_param: network_driver} etcd_server_ip: {get_attr: [etcd_pool, vip, address]} api_ip_address: {get_attr: [api_pool_floating, floating_ip_address]} swarm_version: {get_param: swarm_version} trustee_user_id: {get_param: trustee_user_id} trustee_password: {get_param: trustee_password} trust_id: {get_param: trust_id} auth_url: {get_param: auth_url} outputs: api_address: value: str_replace: template: api_ip_address params: api_ip_address: {get_attr: [api_pool_floating, floating_ip_address]} description: > This is the API endpoint of the Swarm masters. Use this to access the Swarm API server from outside the cluster. swarm_masters_private: value: {get_attr: [swarm_masters, swarm_master_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "private" addresses of all the Swarm masters. swarm_masters: value: {get_attr: [swarm_masters, swarm_master_external_ip]} description: > This is a list of "public" ip addresses of all Swarm masters. Use these addresses to log into the Swarm masters via ssh. swarm_nodes_private: value: {get_attr: [swarm_nodes, swarm_node_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "private" addresses of all the Swarm nodes. swarm_nodes: value: {get_attr: [swarm_nodes, swarm_node_external_ip]} description: > This is a list of the "public" addresses of all the Swarm nodes. Use these addresses to, e.g., log into the nodes. discovery_url: value: {get_param: discovery_url} description: > This the discovery url for Swarm cluster.