#!/bin/bash . /etc/sysconfig/heat-params echo "Configuring mesos (slave)" myip=$(ip addr show eth0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}' | cut -f1 -d/) zk="" for master_ip in $MESOS_MASTERS_IPS; do zk="${zk}${master_ip}:2181," done # Remove last ',' zk=${zk::-1} # Zookeeper URL. This specifies how to connect to a quorum of masters # Format: zk://host1:port1,...,hostN:portN/path echo "zk://${zk}/mesos" > /etc/mesos/zk # The hostname the slave should report echo "$myip" > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname # The IP address to listen on echo "$myip" > /etc/mesos-slave/ip # List of containerizer implementations echo "docker,mesos" > /etc/mesos-slave/containerizers # Amount of time to wait for an executor to register cat > /etc/mesos-slave/executor_registration_timeout < /etc/mesos-slave/isolation fi if [ -n "$WORK_DIR" ]; then echo "$WORK_DIR" > /etc/mesos-slave/work_dir fi if [ -n "$IMAGE_PROVIDERS" ]; then if [ -n "$ISOLATION" ]; then echo "$IMAGE_PROVIDERS" > /etc/mesos-slave/image_providers else echo "isolation doesn't exist, not setting image_providers" fi fi if [ -n "$EXECUTOR_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES" ]; then echo "$EXECUTOR_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES" > /etc/mesos-slave/executor_environment_variables fi