# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from tempest_lib import exceptions from magnum.tests.functional.api.v1.models import bay_model from magnum.tests.functional.common import client from magnum.tests.functional.common import utils class BayClient(client.MagnumClient): """Encapsulates REST calls and maps JSON to/from models""" @classmethod def bays_uri(cls, filters=None): """Construct bays uri with optional filters :param filters: Optional k:v dict that's converted to url query :returns: url string """ url = "/bays" if filters: url = cls.add_filters(url, filters) return url @classmethod def bay_uri(cls, bay_id): """Construct bay uri :param bay_id: bay uuid or name :returns: url string """ return "{0}/{1}".format(cls.bays_uri(), bay_id) def list_bays(self, filters=None, **kwargs): """Makes GET /bays request and returns BayCollection Abstracts REST call to return all bays :param filters: Optional k:v dict that's converted to url query :returns: response object and BayCollection object """ resp, body = self.get(self.bays_uri(filters), **kwargs) return self.deserialize(resp, body, bay_model.BayCollection) def get_bay(self, bay_id, **kwargs): """Makes GET /bay request and returns BayEntity Abstracts REST call to return a single bay based on uuid or name :param bay_id: bay uuid or name :returns: response object and BayCollection object """ resp, body = self.get(self.bay_uri(bay_id)) return self.deserialize(resp, body, bay_model.BayEntity) def post_bay(self, model, **kwargs): """Makes POST /bay request and returns BayEntity Abstracts REST call to create new bay :param model: BayEntity :returns: response object and BayEntity object """ resp, body = self.post( self.bays_uri(), body=model.to_json(), **kwargs) return self.deserialize(resp, body, bay_model.BayEntity) def patch_bay(self, bay_id, baypatch_listmodel, **kwargs): """Makes PATCH /bay request and returns BayEntity Abstracts REST call to update bay attributes :param bay_id: UUID of bay :param baypatch_listmodel: BayPatchCollection :returns: response object and BayEntity object """ resp, body = self.patch( self.bay_uri(bay_id), body=baypatch_listmodel.to_json(), **kwargs) return self.deserialize(resp, body, bay_model.BayEntity) def delete_bay(self, bay_id, **kwargs): """Makes DELETE /bay request and returns response object Abstracts REST call to delete bay based on uuid or name :param bay_id: UUID or name of bay :returns: response object """ return self.delete(self.bay_uri(bay_id), **kwargs) def wait_for_bay_to_delete(self, bay_id): utils.wait_for_condition( lambda: self.does_bay_not_exist(bay_id), 10, 3600) def wait_for_created_bay(self, bay_id): try: utils.wait_for_condition( lambda: self.does_bay_exist(bay_id), 10, 3600) except Exception: # In error state. Clean up the bay id self.delete_bay(bay_id) self.wait_for_bay_to_delete(bay_id) raise def does_bay_exist(self, bay_id): try: resp, model = self.get_bay(bay_id) if model.status in ['CREATED', 'CREATE_COMPLETE']: return True elif model.status in ['ERROR', 'CREATE_FAILED']: raise exceptions.ServerFault( "Got into an error condition: %s for %s" % (model.status, bay_id)) else: return False except exceptions.NotFound: return False def does_bay_not_exist(self, bay_id): try: self.get_bay(bay_id) except exceptions.NotFound: return True return False