--- features: - | Choose whether system containers etcd, kubernetes and the heat-agent will be installed with podman or atomic. This label is relevant for k8s_fedora drivers. k8s_fedora_atomic_v1 defaults to use_podman=false, meaning atomic will be used pulling containers from docker.io/openstackmagnum. use_podman=true is accepted as well, which will pull containers by k8s.gcr.io. k8s_fedora_coreos_v1 defaults and accepts only use_podman=true. Note that, to use kubernetes version greater or equal to v1.16.0 with the k8s_fedora_atomic_v1 driver, you need to set use_podman=true. This is necessary since v1.16 dropped the --containerized flag in kubelet. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/80043/files fixes: - | core-podman Mount os-release properly To display the node OS-IMAGE in k8s properly we need to mount /usr/lib/os-release, /ets/os-release is just a symlink.