heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: > This is a nested stack that defines a single Kubernetes master, This stack is included by an ResourceGroup resource in the parent template (kubecluster.yaml). parameters: server_image: type: string description: glance image used to boot the server master_flavor: type: string default: m1.small description: flavor to use when booting the server ssh_key_name: type: string description: name of ssh key to be provisioned on our server default: lars external_network: type: string description: uuid/name of a network to use for floating ip addresses portal_network_cidr: type: string description: > address range used by kubernetes for service portals kube_allow_priv: type: string description: > whether or not kubernetes should permit privileged containers. default: "false" constraints: - allowed_values: ["true", "false"] flannel_network_cidr: type: string description: network range for flannel overlay network flannel_network_subnetlen: type: number description: size of subnet assigned to each master flannel_network_subnet_min: type: string description: minimum subnet flannel_network_subnet_max: type: string description: maximum subnet flannel_backend: type: string description: > specify the backend for flannel, default udp backend constraints: - allowed_values: ["udp", "vxlan", "host-gw"] system_pods_initial_delay: type: number description: > health check, time to wait for system pods (podmaster, scheduler) to boot (in seconds) default: 30 system_pods_timeout: type: number description: > health check, timeout for system pods (podmaster, scheduler) to answer. (in seconds) default: 5 discovery_url: type: string description: > Discovery URL used for bootstrapping the etcd cluster. tls_disabled: type: boolean description: whether or not to enable TLS kubernetes_port: type: number description: > The port which are used by kube-apiserver to provide Kubernetes service. kube_version: type: string description: version of kubernetes used for kubernetes cluster cluster_uuid: type: string description: identifier for the cluster this template is generating magnum_url: type: string description: endpoint to retrieve TLS certs from api_public_address: type: string description: Public IP address of the Kubernetes master server. default: "" api_private_address: type: string description: Private IP address of the Kubernetes master server. default: "" http_proxy: type: string description: http proxy address for docker https_proxy: type: string description: https proxy address for docker no_proxy: type: string description: no proxies for docker fixed_network: type: string description: Network from which to allocate fixed addresses. fixed_subnet: type: string description: Subnet from which to allocate fixed addresses. network_driver: type: string description: network driver to use for instantiating container networks wait_condition_timeout: type: number description : > timeout for the Wait Conditions secgroup_base_id: type: string description: ID of the security group for base. secgroup_kube_master_id: type: string description: ID of the security group for kubernetes master. api_pool_id: type: string description: ID of the load balancer pool of k8s API server. etcd_pool_id: type: string description: ID of the load balancer pool of etcd server. auth_url: type: string description: > url for kubernetes to authenticate username: type: string description: > user account password: type: string description: > user password tenant_name: type: string description: > tenant name kube_master_id: type: string description: ID of for kubernetes master. trustee_user_id: type: string description: user id of the trustee trustee_password: type: string description: password of the trustee hidden: true trust_id: type: string description: id of the trust which is used by the trustee hidden: true domain_name: type: string description: domain name resources: master_wait_handle: type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle master_wait_condition: type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition depends_on: kube_master properties: handle: {get_resource: master_wait_handle} timeout: {get_param: wait_condition_timeout} ###################################################################### # # software configs. these are components that are combined into # a multipart MIME user-data archive. # write_heat_params: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: str_replace: template: {get_file: fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml} params: "$KUBE_NODE_PUBLIC_IP": {get_attr: [kube_master_floating, floating_ip_address]} "$KUBE_NODE_IP": {get_attr: [kube_master_eth0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} "$KUBE_API_PORT": {get_param: kubernetes_port} "$KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV": {get_param: kube_allow_priv} "$KUBE_MASTER_IPS": {get_param: kube_master_ips_list} "$KUBE_MINION_IPS": {get_param: kube_minion_ips_list} "$KUBE_NODE_PUBLIC_IP": {get_attr: [kube_master_floating, floating_ip_address]} "$KUBE_NODE_IP": { "Fn::Select": [ { get_param: kube_master_index }, { get_param: kube_master_ips} ] } "$KUBE_NODE_NAME": {get_param: kube_master_id} "$NETWORK_DRIVER": {get_param: network_driver} "$FLANNEL_NETWORK_CIDR": {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} "$FLANNEL_NETWORK_SUBNETLEN": {get_param: flannel_network_subnetlen} "$FLANNEL_NETWORK_SUBNET_MIN": {get_param: flannel_network_subnet_min} "$FLANNEL_NETWORK_SUBNET_MAX": {get_param: flannel_network_subnet_max} "$FLANNEL_BACKEND": {get_param: flannel_backend} "$SYSTEM_PODS_INITIAL_DELAY": {get_param: system_pods_initial_delay} "$SYSTEM_PODS_TIMEOUT": {get_param: system_pods_timeout} "$PORTAL_NETWORK_CIDR": {get_param: portal_network_cidr} "$ETCD_DISCOVERY_URL": {get_param: discovery_url} "$AUTH_URL": {get_param: auth_url} "$USERNAME": {get_param: username} "$PASSWORD": {get_param: password} "$TENANT_NAME": {get_param: tenant_name} "$CLUSTER_SUBNET": {get_param: fixed_subnet} "$TLS_DISABLED": {get_param: tls_disabled} "$KUBE_VERSION": {get_param: kube_version} "$CLUSTER_UUID": {get_param: cluster_uuid} "$MAGNUM_URL": {get_param: magnum_url} "$HTTP_PROXY": {get_param: http_proxy} "$HTTPS_PROXY": {get_param: https_proxy} "$NO_PROXY": {get_param: no_proxy} "$TRUSTEE_USER_ID": {get_param: trustee_user_id} "$TRUSTEE_PASSWORD": {get_param: trustee_password} "$TRUST_ID": {get_param: trust_id} "$DOMAIN_NAME": {get_param: domain_name} make_cert: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/make-cert.sh} configure_etcd: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/configure-etcd.sh} configure_flanneld: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/configure-flanneld-master.sh} create_kubernetes_user: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/create-kubernetes-user.yaml} configure_kubernetes: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/configure-kubernetes-master.sh} add_proxy: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: {get_file: fragments/add-proxy.sh} master_wc_notify: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: str_replace: template: | #!/bin/bash -v wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}' params: wc_notify: {get_attr: [master_wait_handle, curl_cli]} kube_master_init: type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime properties: parts: - config: {get_resource: write_heat_params} - config: {get_resource: make_cert} - config: {get_resource: configure_etcd} - config: {get_resource: configure_flanneld} - config: {get_resource: create_kubernetes_user} - config: {get_resource: configure_kubernetes} - config: {get_resource: add_proxy} - config: {get_resource: master_wc_notify} ###################################################################### # # a single kubernetes master. # kube_master: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: kube_master_id} image: {get_param: server_image} flavor: {get_param: master_flavor} key_name: {get_param: ssh_key_name} user_data_format: RAW user_data: {get_resource: kube_master_init} config_drive: true networks: - port: {get_resource: kube_master_eth0} kube_master_eth0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: fixed_network} security_groups: - {get_param: secgroup_base_id} - {get_param: secgroup_kube_master_id} fixed_ips: - subnet: {get_param: fixed_subnet} allowed_address_pairs: - ip_address: {get_param: flannel_network_cidr} replacement_policy: AUTO kube_master_floating: type: Magnum::Optional::KubeMaster::Neutron::FloatingIP properties: floating_network: {get_param: external_network} port_id: {get_resource: kube_master_eth0} api_pool_member: type: Magnum::Optional::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember properties: pool: {get_param: api_pool_id} address: {get_attr: [kube_master_eth0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} subnet: { get_param: fixed_subnet } protocol_port: {get_param: kubernetes_port} etcd_pool_member: type: Magnum::Optional::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember properties: pool: {get_param: etcd_pool_id} address: {get_attr: [kube_master_eth0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} subnet: { get_param: fixed_subnet } protocol_port: 2379 outputs: kube_master_ip: value: {get_attr: [kube_master_eth0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} description: > This is the "private" IP address of the Kubernetes master node. kube_master_external_ip: value: {get_attr: [kube_master_floating, floating_ip_address]} description: > This is the "public" IP address of the Kubernetes master node.