set +x . /etc/sysconfig/heat-params set -ex CHART_NAME="prometheus-operator" if [ "$(echo ${MONITORING_ENABLED} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" = "true" ]; then echo "Writing ${CHART_NAME} config" HELM_CHART_DIR="/srv/magnum/kubernetes/helm/magnum" mkdir -p ${HELM_CHART_DIR} cat << EOF >> ${HELM_CHART_DIR}/requirements.yaml - name: ${CHART_NAME} version: ${PROMETHEUS_OPERATOR_CHART_TAG} repository: EOF # Calculate resources needed to run the Prometheus Monitoring Solution # MAX_NODE_COUNT so we can have metrics even if cluster scales PROMETHEUS_SERVER_CPU=$(expr 128 + 7 \* ${MAX_NODE_COUNT} ) PROMETHEUS_SERVER_RAM=$(expr 256 + 40 \* ${MAX_NODE_COUNT}) # Validate if communication node <-> master is secure or insecure PROTOCOL="https" INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY="False" if [ "$TLS_DISABLED" = "True" ]; then PROTOCOL="http" INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY="True" fi # FIXME: Force protocol to http as we don't want to use the cluster certs USE_HTTPS="False" if [ "$(echo ${VERIFY_CA} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "false" ]; then INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY="True" fi cat << EOF >> ${HELM_CHART_DIR}/values.yaml prometheus-operator: defaultRules: rules: #TODO: To enable this we need firstly take care of exposing certs etcd: false alertmanager: alertmanagerSpec: image: repository: ${}alertmanager # # Needs testing # resources: # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 256Mi priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" # Dashboard grafana: #enabled: ${ENABLE_GRAFANA} resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi adminPassword: ${GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWD} kubeApiServer: tlsConfig: insecureSkipVerify: "False" kubelet: serviceMonitor: https: "True" kubeControllerManager: ## If your kube controller manager is not deployed as a pod, specify IPs it can be found on endpoints: ${KUBE_MASTERS_PRIVATE} ## If using kubeControllerManager.endpoints only the port and targetPort are used service: port: 10252 targetPort: 10252 # selector: # component: kube-controller-manager serviceMonitor: ## Enable scraping kube-controller-manager over https. ## Requires proper certs (not self-signed) and delegated authentication/authorization checks https: ${USE_HTTPS} # Skip TLS certificate validation when scraping insecureSkipVerify: null # Name of the server to use when validating TLS certificate serverName: null coreDns: enabled: true service: port: 9153 targetPort: 9153 selector: k8s-app: kube-dns kubeEtcd: ## If your etcd is not deployed as a pod, specify IPs it can be found on endpoints: ${KUBE_MASTERS_PRIVATE} ## Etcd service. If using kubeEtcd.endpoints only the port and targetPort are used service: port: 2379 targetPort: 2379 # selector: # component: etcd ## Configure secure access to the etcd cluster by loading a secret into prometheus and ## specifying security configuration below. For example, with a secret named etcd-client-cert serviceMonitor: scheme: https insecureSkipVerify: true caFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-certificates/ca.crt certFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-certificates/kubelet.crt keyFile: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-certificates/kubelet.key kubeScheduler: ## If your kube scheduler is not deployed as a pod, specify IPs it can be found on endpoints: ${KUBE_MASTERS_PRIVATE} ## If using kubeScheduler.endpoints only the port and targetPort are used service: port: 10251 targetPort: 10251 # selector: # component: kube-scheduler serviceMonitor: ## Enable scraping kube-scheduler over https. ## Requires proper certs (not self-signed) and delegated authentication/authorization checks https: ${USE_HTTPS} ## Skip TLS certificate validation when scraping insecureSkipVerify: null ## Name of the server to use when validating TLS certificate serverName: null # kubeProxy: # ## If your kube proxy is not deployed as a pod, specify IPs it can be found on # endpoints: [] # masters + minions # serviceMonitor: # ## Enable scraping kube-proxy over https. # ## Requires proper certs (not self-signed) and delegated authentication/authorization checks # https: ${USE_HTTPS} kube-state-metrics: priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" resources: #Guaranteed limits: cpu: 50m memory: 64M prometheus-node-exporter: priorityClassName: "system-node-critical" resources: #Guaranteed limits: cpu: 20m memory: 20M extraArgs: - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points=^/(dev|proc|sys|var/lib/docker/.+)($|/) - --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types=^(autofs|binfmt_misc|cgroup|configfs|debugfs|devpts|devtmpfs|fusectl|hugetlbfs|mqueue|overlay|proc|procfs|pstore|rpc_pipefs|securityfs|sysfs|tracefs)$ sidecars: [] ## - name: nvidia-dcgm-exporter ## image: nvidia/dcgm-exporter:1.4.3 prometheusOperator: priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" tlsProxy: image: repository: ${CONTAINER_INFRA_PREFIX:-squareup/}ghostunnel admissionWebhooks: patch: image: repository: ${CONTAINER_INFRA_PREFIX:-jettech/}kube-webhook-certgen priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" resources: {} # requests: # cpu: 5m # memory: 10Mi image: repository: ${}prometheus-operator configmapReloadImage: repository: ${}configmap-reload prometheusConfigReloaderImage: repository: ${}prometheus-config-reloader hyperkubeImage: repository: ${}hyperkube prometheus: prometheusSpec: scrapeInterval: 30s evaluationInterval: 30s image: repository: ${}prometheus retention: 14d externalLabels: cluster_uuid: ${CLUSTER_UUID} ## Secrets is a list of Secrets in the same namespace as the Prometheus object, which shall be mounted into the Prometheus Pods. ## The Secrets are mounted into /etc/prometheus/secrets/. Secrets changes after initial creation of a Prometheus object are not ## reflected in the running Pods. To change the secrets mounted into the Prometheus Pods, the object must be deleted and recreated ## with the new list of secrets. # secrets: # - etcd-certificates # - kube-controller-manager-certificates # - kube-scheduler-certificates # - kube-proxy-manager-certificates resources: requests: cpu: ${PROMETHEUS_SERVER_CPU}m memory: ${PROMETHEUS_SERVER_RAM}M priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" EOF ####################### # Set up definitions for ingress objects # Ensure name conformity INGRESS_CONTROLLER=$(echo ${INGRESS_CONTROLLER} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [ "${INGRESS_CONTROLLER}" == "nginx" ]; then : elif [ "${INGRESS_CONTROLLER}" == "traefik" ]; then cat << EOF >> ${HELM_CHART_DIR}/values.yaml additionalServiceMonitors: - name: prometheus-traefik-metrics selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: traefik namespaceSelector: matchNames: - kube-system endpoints: - path: /metrics port: metrics EOF fi #END INGRESS if [ "$(echo ${AUTO_SCALING_ENABLED} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" == "true" ]; then cat << EOF >> ${HELM_CHART_DIR}/values.yaml additionalPodMonitors: - name: prometheus-cluster-autoscaler podMetricsEndpoints: - port: metrics scheme: http namespaceSelector: matchNames: - kube-system selector: matchLabels: app: cluster-autoscaler EOF fi #END AUTOSCALING fi