================================================= Using Proxies in magnum if running under firewall ================================================= If you are running magnum behind a firewall then you may need a proxy for using services like docker, kubernetes and mesos. Use these steps when your firewall will not allow you to use those services without a proxy. **NOTE:** This feature has only been tested with the supported bay type and associated image: Kubernetes and Swarm bay using the Fedora Atomic image, and Mesos bay using the Ubuntu image. Proxy Parameters to define before use ===================================== 1. http-proxy Address of a proxy that will receive all HTTP requests and relay them. The format is a URL including a port number. For example: or http://abcproxy.com:8000 2. https-proxy Address of a proxy that will receive all HTTPS requests and relay them. The format is a URL including a port number. For example: or https://abcproxy.com:8000 3. no-proxy A comma separated list of IP addresses or hostnames that should bypass your proxy, and make connections directly. **NOTE:** You may not express networks/subnets. It only accepts names and ip addresses. Bad example: Steps to configure proxies. ============================== You can specify all three proxy parameters while creating baymodel of any coe type. All of proxy parameters are optional. magnum baymodel-create --name k8sbaymodel \ --image-id fedora-atomic-latest \ --keypair-id testkey \ --external-network-id public \ --dns-nameserver \ --flavor-id m1.small \ --coe kubernetes \ --http-proxy \ --https-proxy \ --no-proxy <,,> magnum baymodel-create --name swarmbaymodel \ --image-id fedora-atomic-latest \ --keypair-id testkey \ --external-network-id public \ --dns-nameserver \ --flavor-id m1.small \ --coe swarm \ --http-proxy \ --https-proxy \ --no-proxy <,,> magnum baymodel-create --name mesosbaymodel \ --image-id ubuntu-mesos \ --keypair-id testkey \ --external-network-id public \ --dns-nameserver \ --flavor-id m1.small \ --coe mesos \ --http-proxy \ --https-proxy \ --no-proxy <,,>