# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_log import log from magnum.common import docker_utils from magnum.conductor import monitors from magnum.i18n import _LW LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class SwarmMonitor(monitors.MonitorBase): def __init__(self, context, cluster): super(SwarmMonitor, self).__init__(context, cluster) self.data = {} self.data['nodes'] = [] self.data['containers'] = [] @property def metrics_spec(self): return { 'memory_util': { 'unit': '%', 'func': 'compute_memory_util', }, } def pull_data(self): with docker_utils.docker_for_cluster(self.context, self.cluster) as docker: system_info = docker.info() self.data['nodes'] = self._parse_node_info(system_info) # pull data from each container containers = [] for container in docker.containers(all=True): try: container = docker.inspect_container(container['Id']) except Exception as e: LOG.warning(_LW("Ignore error [%(e)s] when inspecting " "container %(container_id)s."), {'e': e, 'container_id': container['Id']}, exc_info=True) containers.append(container) self.data['containers'] = containers def compute_memory_util(self): mem_total = 0 for node in self.data['nodes']: mem_total += node['MemTotal'] mem_reserved = 0 for container in self.data['containers']: mem_reserved += container['HostConfig']['Memory'] if mem_total == 0: return 0 else: return mem_reserved * 100 / mem_total def _parse_node_info(self, system_info): """Parse system_info to retrieve memory size of each node. :param system_info: The output returned by docker.info(). Example: { u'Debug': False, u'NEventsListener': 0, u'DriverStatus': [ [u'\x08Strategy', u'spread'], [u'\x08Filters', u'...'], [u'\x08Nodes', u'2'], [u'node1', u''], [u' \u2514 Containers', u'1'], [u' \u2514 Reserved CPUs', u'0 / 1'], [u' \u2514 Reserved Memory', u'0 B / 2.052 GiB'], [u'node2', u''], [u' \u2514 Containers', u'2'], [u' \u2514 Reserved CPUs', u'0 / 1'], [u' \u2514 Reserved Memory', u'0 B / 2.052 GiB'] ], u'Containers': 3 } :return: Memory size of each node. Excample: [{'MemTotal': 2203318222.848}, {'MemTotal': 2203318222.848}] """ nodes = [] for info in system_info['DriverStatus']: key = info[0] value = info[1] if key == u' \u2514 Reserved Memory': memory = value # Example: '0 B / 2.052 GiB' memory = memory.split('/')[1].strip() # Example: '2.052 GiB' memory = memory.split(' ')[0] # Example: '2.052' memory = float(memory) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 nodes.append({'MemTotal': memory}) return nodes