Tobias Urdin 095b49e6f5 [swarm-mode] Remove --live-restore from Docker daemon options
Ensure the --live-restore is not in the Docker daemon OPTIONS.

Some images has this option by default which will cause the node
not being able to perform it swarm init process.

Change-Id: I287a5274143903fad5d4476e9d1640b26bdb46d4
Story: 2004095
Task: 27497
2018-10-16 17:22:41 +00:00

19 lines
619 B

. /etc/sysconfig/heat-params
opts="-H fd:// -H tcp:// "
if [ "$TLS_DISABLED" = 'False' ]; then
opts=$opts"--tlsverify --tlscacert=/etc/docker/ca.crt "
opts=$opts"--tlskey=/etc/docker/server.key "
opts=$opts"--tlscert=/etc/docker/server.crt "
sed -i '/^OPTIONS=/ s#\(OPTIONS='"'"'\)#\1'"$opts"'#' /etc/sysconfig/docker
# NOTE(tobias-urdin): The live restore option is only for standalone daemons.
# If its specified the swarm init will fail so we remove it here.
# See:
sed -i 's/\ --live-restore//g' /etc/sysconfig/docker