Ricardo Rocha 84006f63d7 Allow flavor_id on cluster create
Add flavor_id as an option during cluster create. If not given,
the default is taken from the cluster template.

Add flavor_id in the Cluster object and use that instead
of the one from ClusterTemplate.

Update both magnum and magnum cli documentation to reflect the above changes.

Partial-Bug: #1699245
Change-Id: Ib60c05cce1cf2639ca4740abdd264403033433f9
2017-12-15 16:32:40 +00:00

275 lines
12 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
from magnum.common import exception
from magnum.db import api as dbapi
from magnum.objects import base
from magnum.objects.cluster_template import ClusterTemplate
from magnum.objects import fields as m_fields
class Cluster(base.MagnumPersistentObject, base.MagnumObject,
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Added 'bay_create_timeout' field
# Version 1.2: Add 'registry_trust_id' field
# Version 1.3: Added 'baymodel' field
# Version 1.4: Added more types of status to bay's status field
# Version 1.5: Rename 'registry_trust_id' to 'trust_id'
# Add 'trustee_user_name', 'trustee_password',
# 'trustee_user_id' field
# Version 1.6: Add rollback support for Bay
# Version 1.7: Added 'coe_version' and 'container_version' fields
# Version 1.8: Rename 'baymodel' to 'cluster_template'
# Version 1.9: Rename table name from 'bay' to 'cluster'
# Rename 'baymodel_id' to 'cluster_template_id'
# Rename 'bay_create_timeout' to 'create_timeout'
# Version 1.10: Added 'keypair' field
# Version 1.11: Added 'RESUME_FAILED' in status field
# Version 1.12: Added 'get_stats' method
# Version 1.13: Added get_count_all method
# Version 1.14: Added 'docker_volume_size' field
# Version 1.15: Added 'labels' field
# Version 1.16: Added 'master_flavor_id' field
# Version 1.17: Added 'flavor_id' field
VERSION = '1.17'
dbapi = dbapi.get_instance()
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(),
'uuid': fields.UUIDField(nullable=True),
'name': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'project_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'user_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'cluster_template_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'keypair': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'docker_volume_size': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'labels': fields.DictOfStringsField(nullable=True),
'master_flavor_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'flavor_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'stack_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'status': m_fields.ClusterStatusField(nullable=True),
'status_reason': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'create_timeout': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'api_address': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'node_addresses': fields.ListOfStringsField(nullable=True),
'node_count': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'master_count': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'discovery_url': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'master_addresses': fields.ListOfStringsField(nullable=True),
'ca_cert_ref': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'magnum_cert_ref': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'cluster_template': fields.ObjectField('ClusterTemplate'),
'trust_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'trustee_username': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'trustee_password': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'trustee_user_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'coe_version': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'container_version': fields.StringField(nullable=True)
def _from_db_object(cluster, db_cluster):
"""Converts a database entity to a formal object."""
for field in cluster.fields:
if field != 'cluster_template':
cluster[field] = db_cluster[field]
# Note(eliqiao): The following line needs to be placed outside the
# loop because there is a dependency from cluster_template to
# cluster_template_id. The cluster_template_id must be populated
# first in the loop before it can be used to find the cluster_template.
cluster['cluster_template'] = ClusterTemplate.get_by_uuid(
cluster._context, cluster.cluster_template_id)
return cluster
def _from_db_object_list(db_objects, cls, context):
"""Converts a list of database entities to a list of formal objects."""
return [Cluster._from_db_object(cls(context), obj)
for obj in db_objects]
def get(cls, context, cluster_id):
"""Find a cluster based on its id or uuid and return a Cluster object.
:param cluster_id: the id *or* uuid of a cluster.
:param context: Security context
:returns: a :class:`Cluster` object.
if strutils.is_int_like(cluster_id):
return cls.get_by_id(context, cluster_id)
elif uuidutils.is_uuid_like(cluster_id):
return cls.get_by_uuid(context, cluster_id)
raise exception.InvalidIdentity(identity=cluster_id)
def get_by_id(cls, context, cluster_id):
"""Find a cluster based on its integer id and return a Cluster object.
:param cluster_id: the id of a cluster.
:param context: Security context
:returns: a :class:`Cluster` object.
db_cluster = cls.dbapi.get_cluster_by_id(context, cluster_id)
cluster = Cluster._from_db_object(cls(context), db_cluster)
return cluster
def get_by_uuid(cls, context, uuid):
"""Find a cluster based on uuid and return a :class:`Cluster` object.
:param uuid: the uuid of a cluster.
:param context: Security context
:returns: a :class:`Cluster` object.
db_cluster = cls.dbapi.get_cluster_by_uuid(context, uuid)
cluster = Cluster._from_db_object(cls(context), db_cluster)
return cluster
def get_count_all(cls, context, filters=None):
"""Get count of matching clusters.
:param context: The security context
:param filters: filter dict, can includes 'cluster_template_id',
'name', 'node_count', 'stack_id', 'api_address',
'node_addresses', 'project_id', 'user_id',
'status'(should be a status list), 'master_count'.
:returns: Count of matching clusters.
return cls.dbapi.get_cluster_count_all(context, filters=filters)
def get_by_name(cls, context, name):
"""Find a cluster based on name and return a Cluster object.
:param name: the logical name of a cluster.
:param context: Security context
:returns: a :class:`Cluster` object.
db_cluster = cls.dbapi.get_cluster_by_name(context, name)
cluster = Cluster._from_db_object(cls(context), db_cluster)
return cluster
def list(cls, context, limit=None, marker=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, filters=None):
"""Return a list of Cluster objects.
:param context: Security context.
:param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result.
:param marker: pagination marker for large data sets.
:param sort_key: column to sort results by.
:param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc".
:param filters: filter dict, can includes 'cluster_template_id',
'name', 'node_count', 'stack_id', 'api_address',
'node_addresses', 'project_id', 'user_id',
'status'(should be a status list), 'master_count'.
:returns: a list of :class:`Cluster` object.
db_clusters = cls.dbapi.get_cluster_list(context, limit=limit,
return Cluster._from_db_object_list(db_clusters, cls, context)
def get_stats(cls, context, project_id=None):
"""Return a list of Cluster objects.
:param context: Security context.
:param project_id: project id
return cls.dbapi.get_cluster_stats(project_id)
def create(self, context=None):
"""Create a Cluster record in the DB.
:param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only
be used internally by the indirection_api.
Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first
argument, even though we don't use it.
A context should be set when instantiating the
object, e.g.: Cluster(context)
values = self.obj_get_changes()
db_cluster = self.dbapi.create_cluster(values)
self._from_db_object(self, db_cluster)
def destroy(self, context=None):
"""Delete the Cluster from the DB.
:param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only
be used internally by the indirection_api.
Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first
argument, even though we don't use it.
A context should be set when instantiating the
object, e.g.: Cluster(context)
def save(self, context=None):
"""Save updates to this Cluster.
Updates will be made column by column based on the result
of self.what_changed().
:param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only
be used internally by the indirection_api.
Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first
argument, even though we don't use it.
A context should be set when instantiating the
object, e.g.: Cluster(context)
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
self.dbapi.update_cluster(self.uuid, updates)
def refresh(self, context=None):
"""Loads updates for this Cluster.
Loads a Cluster with the same uuid from the database and
checks for updated attributes. Updates are applied from
the loaded Cluster column by column, if there are any updates.
:param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only
be used internally by the indirection_api.
Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first
argument, even though we don't use it.
A context should be set when instantiating the
object, e.g.: Cluster(context)
current = self.__class__.get_by_uuid(self._context, uuid=self.uuid)
for field in self.fields:
if self.obj_attr_is_set(field) and self[field] != current[field]:
self[field] = current[field]