
11299 lines
343 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright 2015 Reverb Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.
import sys
import os
import urllib
from models import *
class ApivbetaApi(object):
def __init__(self, apiClient):
self.apiClient = apiClient
def listEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Endpoints
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_EndpointsList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/endpoints'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_EndpointsList')
return responseObject
def listEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Event
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_EventList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/events'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_EventList')
return responseObject
def listLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind LimitRange
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_LimitRangeList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/limitranges'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_LimitRangeList')
return responseObject
def listNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Namespace
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_NamespaceList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_NamespaceList')
return responseObject
def createNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Namespace
body, V1beta3_Namespace: (required)
allParams = ['body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def createBinding(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Binding
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Binding: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createBinding" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/bindings'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Endpoints
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_EndpointsList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_EndpointsList')
return responseObject
def createEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Endpoints
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Endpoints: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Endpoints
name, str: name of the Endpoints (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Endpoints
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Endpoints')
return responseObject
def replaceEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Endpoints
name, str: name of the Endpoints (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Endpoints: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Endpoints
name, str: name of the Endpoints (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Endpoints
name, str: name of the Endpoints (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Endpoints: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Event
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_EventList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_EventList')
return responseObject
def createEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Event
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Event: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Event
name, str: name of the Event (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Event
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Event')
return responseObject
def replaceEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Event
name, str: name of the Event (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Event: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Event
name, str: name of the Event (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Event
name, str: name of the Event (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Event: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/events/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind LimitRange
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_LimitRangeList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_LimitRangeList')
return responseObject
def createLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""create a LimitRange
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_LimitRange: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified LimitRange
name, str: name of the LimitRange (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_LimitRange
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_LimitRange')
return responseObject
def replaceLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified LimitRange
name, str: name of the LimitRange (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_LimitRange: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a LimitRange
name, str: name of the LimitRange (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified LimitRange
name, str: name of the LimitRange (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_LimitRange: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaimList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaimList')
return responseObject
def createPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""create a PersistentVolumeClaim
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaim: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified PersistentVolumeClaim
name, str: name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaim
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaim')
return responseObject
def replacePersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified PersistentVolumeClaim
name, str: name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaim: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replacePersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deletePersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a PersistentVolumeClaim
name, str: name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deletePersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified PersistentVolumeClaim
name, str: name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaim: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listPod(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Pod
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PodList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PodList')
return responseObject
def createPod(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Pod
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Pod: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readPod(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Pod
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Pod')
return responseObject
def replacePod(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Pod: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replacePod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deletePod(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deletePod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchPod(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Pod: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def createBinding(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Binding
name, str: name of the Binding (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Binding: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createBinding" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/binding'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readPodLogOptions(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified PodLogOptions
name, str: name of the PodLogOptions (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PodLogOptions
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readPodLogOptions" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/log'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PodLogOptions')
return responseObject
def replacePod(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Pod: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replacePod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/status'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind ReplicationController
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ReplicationControllerList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ReplicationControllerList')
return responseObject
def createReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""create a ReplicationController
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ReplicationController: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified ReplicationController
name, str: name of the ReplicationController (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ReplicationController
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ReplicationController')
return responseObject
def replaceReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified ReplicationController
name, str: name of the ReplicationController (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ReplicationController: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a ReplicationController
name, str: name of the ReplicationController (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified ReplicationController
name, str: name of the ReplicationController (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ReplicationController: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ResourceQuotaList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ResourceQuotaList')
return responseObject
def createResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""create a ResourceQuota
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ResourceQuota: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ResourceQuota
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ResourceQuota')
return responseObject
def replaceResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ResourceQuota: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ResourceQuota: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def replaceResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_ResourceQuota: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}/status'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Secret
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_SecretList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_SecretList')
return responseObject
def createSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Secret
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Secret: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Secret
name, str: name of the Secret (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Secret
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Secret')
return responseObject
def replaceSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Secret
name, str: name of the Secret (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Secret: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Secret
name, str: name of the Secret (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Secret
name, str: name of the Secret (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Secret: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listService(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Service
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ServiceList
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ServiceList')
return responseObject
def createService(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Service
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Service: (required)
allParams = ['namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readService(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Service
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Service')
return responseObject
def replaceService(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Service: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteService(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchService(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
body, V1beta3_Service: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Namespace
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Namespace')
return responseObject
def replaceNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
body, V1beta3_Namespace: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
body, V1beta3_Namespace: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def replaceNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
body, V1beta3_Namespace: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}/finalize'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def replaceNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
body, V1beta3_Namespace: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/namespaces/{name}/status'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listNode(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Node
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_NodeList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_NodeList')
return responseObject
def createNode(self, **kwargs):
"""create a Node
body, V1beta3_Node: (required)
allParams = ['body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readNode(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
Returns: v1beta3_Node
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_Node')
return responseObject
def replaceNode(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
body, V1beta3_Node: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replaceNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deleteNode(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deleteNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchNode(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
body, V1beta3_Node: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolumeClaim
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaimList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumeclaims'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PersistentVolumeClaimList')
return responseObject
def listPersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind PersistentVolume
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PersistentVolumeList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listPersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PersistentVolumeList')
return responseObject
def createPersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""create a PersistentVolume
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolume: (required)
allParams = ['body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method createPersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def readPersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""read the specified PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PersistentVolume
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method readPersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PersistentVolume')
return responseObject
def replacePersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolume: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replacePersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def deletePersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""delete a PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
body, V1beta3_DeleteOptions: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method deletePersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def patchPersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""partially update the specified PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolume: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method patchPersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PATCH'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = 'application/json-patch+json,application/merge-patch+json,application/strategic-merge-patch+json,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def replacePersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""replace the specified PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
body, V1beta3_PersistentVolume: (required)
allParams = ['name', 'body']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method replacePersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/persistentvolumes/{name}/status'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('body' in params):
bodyParam = params['body']
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listPod(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Pod
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_PodList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/pods'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_PodList')
return responseObject
def proxyGETPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETEPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETEPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyGETPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETEPod(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETEPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyGETService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETEService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETEService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyGETService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETEService(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETEService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyGETNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETENode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETENode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyGETNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy GET requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyGETNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPUTNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy PUT requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPUTNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'PUT'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyPOSTNode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy POST requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyPOSTNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'POST'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def proxyDELETENode(self, **kwargs):
"""proxy DELETE requests to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
path:*, str: path to the resource (required)
allParams = ['name', 'path:*']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method proxyDELETENode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/proxy/nodes/{name}/{path:*}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'DELETE'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('path:*' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['path:*']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'path:*' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def redirectPod(self, **kwargs):
"""redirect GET request to Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method redirectPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/redirect/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def redirectService(self, **kwargs):
"""redirect GET request to Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method redirectService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/redirect/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def redirectNode(self, **kwargs):
"""redirect GET request to Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
allParams = ['name']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method redirectNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/redirect/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = '*/*'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
def listReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind ReplicationController
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ReplicationControllerList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/replicationcontrollers'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ReplicationControllerList')
return responseObject
def listResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind ResourceQuota
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ResourceQuotaList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/resourcequotas'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ResourceQuotaList')
return responseObject
def listSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Secret
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_SecretList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/secrets'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_SecretList')
return responseObject
def listService(self, **kwargs):
"""list or watch objects of kind Service
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: v1beta3_ServiceList
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method listService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/services'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'v1beta3_ServiceList')
return responseObject
def watchEndpointslist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Endpoints
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEndpointslist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/endpoints'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchEventlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Event
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEventlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/events'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchLimitRangelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of LimitRange
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchLimitRangelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/limitranges'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchNamespacelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Namespace
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchNamespacelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchEndpointslist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Endpoints
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEndpointslist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchEndpoints(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Endpoints
name, str: name of the Endpoints (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEndpoints" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/endpoints/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchEventlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Event
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEventlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/events'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchEvent(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Event
name, str: name of the Event (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchEvent" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/events/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchLimitRangelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of LimitRange
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchLimitRangelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchLimitRange(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind LimitRange
name, str: name of the LimitRange (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchLimitRange" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/limitranges/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPersistentVolumeClaimlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPersistentVolumeClaimlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPersistentVolumeClaim(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolumeClaim
name, str: name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPersistentVolumeClaim" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/persistentvolumeclaims/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPodlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Pod
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPodlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPod(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Pod
name, str: name of the Pod (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPod" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/pods/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchReplicationControllerlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchReplicationControllerlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchReplicationController(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind ReplicationController
name, str: name of the ReplicationController (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchReplicationController" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/replicationcontrollers/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchResourceQuotalist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of ResourceQuota
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchResourceQuotalist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchResourceQuota(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind ResourceQuota
name, str: name of the ResourceQuota (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchResourceQuota" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/resourcequotas/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchSecretlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Secret
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchSecretlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchSecret(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Secret
name, str: name of the Secret (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchSecret" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/secrets/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchServicelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Service
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchServicelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/services'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchService(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Service
name, str: name of the Service (required)
namespaces, str: object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'namespaces', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchService" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{namespaces}/services/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
if ('namespaces' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['namespaces']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'namespaces' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchNamespace(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Namespace
name, str: name of the Namespace (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchNamespace" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/namespaces/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchNodelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Node
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchNodelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/nodes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchNode(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind Node
name, str: name of the Node (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchNode" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/nodes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPersistentVolumeClaimlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolumeClaim
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPersistentVolumeClaimlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/persistentvolumeclaims'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPersistentVolumelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of PersistentVolume
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPersistentVolumelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/persistentvolumes'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPersistentVolume(self, **kwargs):
"""watch changes to an object of kind PersistentVolume
name, str: name of the PersistentVolume (required)
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['name', 'fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPersistentVolume" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/persistentvolumes/{name}'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
if ('name' in params):
replacement = str(self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['name']))
replacement = urllib.quote(replacement)
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{' + 'name' + '}',
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchPodlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Pod
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchPodlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/pods'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchReplicationControllerlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of ReplicationController
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchReplicationControllerlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/replicationcontrollers'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchResourceQuotalist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of ResourceQuota
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchResourceQuotalist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/resourcequotas'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchSecretlist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Secret
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchSecretlist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/secrets'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject
def watchServicelist(self, **kwargs):
"""watch individual changes to a list of Service
fieldSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields; defaults to everything (required)
labelSelector, str: a selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their labels; defaults to everything (required)
resourceVersion, str: when specified with a watch call, shows changes that occur after that particular version of a resource; defaults to changes from the beginning of history (required)
watch, bool: watch for changes to the described resources and return them as a stream of add, update, and remove notifications; specify resourceVersion (required)
Returns: json_WatchEvent
allParams = ['fieldSelector', 'labelSelector', 'resourceVersion', 'watch']
params = locals()
for (key, val) in params['kwargs'].iteritems():
if key not in allParams:
raise TypeError("Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s' to method watchServicelist" % key)
params[key] = val
del params['kwargs']
resourcePath = '/api/v1beta3/watch/services'
resourcePath = resourcePath.replace('{format}', 'json')
method = 'GET'
queryParams = {}
headerParams = {}
formParams = {}
files = {}
bodyParam = None
headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headerParams['Content-Type'] = '*/*,'
if ('fieldSelector' in params):
queryParams['fieldSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['fieldSelector'])
if ('labelSelector' in params):
queryParams['labelSelector'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['labelSelector'])
if ('resourceVersion' in params):
queryParams['resourceVersion'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['resourceVersion'])
if ('watch' in params):
queryParams['watch'] = self.apiClient.toPathValue(params['watch'])
postData = (formParams if formParams else bodyParam)
response = self.apiClient.callAPI(resourcePath, method, queryParams,
postData, headerParams, files=files)
if not response:
return None
responseObject = self.apiClient.deserialize(response, 'json_WatchEvent')
return responseObject