Hongbin Lu 576e81c882 Add tests for Bay API
Partially Implements: blueprint increase-test-coverage
Change-Id: Ibeb99b8a08df05da38883b9f8a8871cbd6d7335d
2015-01-27 02:27:24 -05:00

242 lines
10 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Base classes for API tests."""
# NOTE: Ported from ceilometer/tests/ (subsequently moved to
# ceilometer/tests/api/ This should be oslo'ified:
# NOTE(deva): import auth_token so we can override a config option
from keystonemiddleware import auth_token # noqa
from oslo.config import cfg
import pecan
import pecan.testing
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from magnum.api import hooks
from magnum.db import api as dbapi
from magnum.tests.db import base
class FunctionalTest(base.DbTestCase):
"""Used for functional tests of Pecan controllers where you need to
test your literal application and its integration with the
SOURCE_DATA = {'test_source': {'somekey': '666'}}
def setUp(self):
super(FunctionalTest, self).setUp()
cfg.CONF.set_override("auth_version", "v2.0",
cfg.CONF.set_override("admin_user", "admin",
group='keystone_authtoken') = self._make_app()
self.dbapi = dbapi.get_instance()
def reset_pecan():
pecan.set_config({}, overwrite=True)
def _make_app(self, enable_acl=False):
# Determine where we are so we can set up paths in the config
root_dir = self.path_get()
self.config = {
'app': {
'root': 'magnum.api.controllers.root.RootController',
'modules': ['magnum.api'],
'static_root': '%s/public' % root_dir,
'template_path': '%s/api/templates' % root_dir,
'enable_acl': enable_acl,
'acl_public_routes': ['/', '/v1'],
'hooks': [
return pecan.testing.load_test_app(self.config)
def _request_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
method="post", extra_environ=None, status=None,
"""Sends simulated HTTP request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param params: content for wsgi.input of request
:param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param method: Request method type. Appropriate method function call
should be used rather than passing attribute in.
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param status: expected status code of response
:param path_prefix: prefix of the url path
full_path = path_prefix + path
print('%s: %s %s' % (method.upper(), full_path, params))
response = getattr(, "%s_json" % method)(
print('GOT:%s' % response)
return response
def put_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
extra_environ=None, status=None):
"""Sends simulated HTTP PUT request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param params: content for wsgi.input of request
:param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param status: expected status code of response
return self._request_json(path=path, params=params,
headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ,
status=status, method="put")
def post_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
extra_environ=None, status=None):
"""Sends simulated HTTP POST request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param params: content for wsgi.input of request
:param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param status: expected status code of response
return self._request_json(path=path, params=params,
headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ,
status=status, method="post")
def patch_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
extra_environ=None, status=None):
"""Sends simulated HTTP PATCH request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param params: content for wsgi.input of request
:param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param status: expected status code of response
return self._request_json(path=path, params=params,
headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ,
status=status, method="patch")
def delete(self, path, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
extra_environ=None, status=None, path_prefix=PATH_PREFIX):
"""Sends simulated HTTP DELETE request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param status: expected status code of response
:param path_prefix: prefix of the url path
full_path = path_prefix + path
print('DELETE: %s' % (full_path))
response =,
print('GOT:%s' % response)
return response
def get_json(self, path, expect_errors=False, headers=None,
extra_environ=None, q=[], path_prefix=PATH_PREFIX, **params):
"""Sends simulated HTTP GET request to Pecan test app.
:param path: url path of target service
:param expect_errors: Boolean value;whether an error is expected based
on request
:param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request
:param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along
with the request
:param q: list of queries consisting of: field, value, op, and type
:param path_prefix: prefix of the url path
:param params: content for wsgi.input of request
full_path = path_prefix + path
query_params = {'q.field': [],
'q.value': [],
'q.op': [],
for query in q:
for name in ['field', 'op', 'value']:
query_params['q.%s' % name].append(query.get(name, ''))
all_params = {}
if q:
print('GET: %s %r' % (full_path, all_params))
response =,
if not expect_errors:
response = response.json
print('GOT:%s' % response)
return response
def validate_link(self, link, bookmark=False):
"""Checks if the given link can get correct data."""
# removes the scheme and net location parts of the link
url_parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(link))
url_parts[0] = url_parts[1] = ''
# bookmark link should not have the version in the URL
if bookmark and url_parts[2].startswith(PATH_PREFIX):
return False
full_path = urlparse.urlunparse(url_parts)
self.get_json(full_path, path_prefix='')
return True
except Exception:
return False