Davanum Srinivas 79ac06cc4b Add tox functional target
Create a formal tox target for functional tests.
Also we should not be overriding the user's localrc.

Closes-Bug: #1440125
Change-Id: Ide639ea89050cf3e1f1e9e40c687d506998f7587
2015-04-06 19:02:23 -04:00
2015-04-06 19:02:23 -04:00

Devstack Integration

This directory contains the files necessary to integrate Magnum with devstack.

Refer the quickstart guide for more information on using devstack and magnum.

Running devstack with magnum for the first time may take a long time as it needs to download an atomic fedora 21 qcow image. If you already have this image you can copy it to /opt/stack/devstack/files/fedora-21-atomic.qcow2 to save you this time.

To install magnum into devstack, Add this repo as an external repository: :

> cat local.conf
enable_plugin magnum https://github.com/openstack/magnum

Run devstack as normal: :

cd /opt/stack/devstack