Adding the master_lb_enabled option when creating a cluster, which will benefit both the cloud provider side and the end user side. For cloud prodiver, they don't have to maintain separate cluster templates with or w/o master_lb_enabled enabled. For end user, they can easily use one single template to create different clusters with different configs. Task: 39680 Story: 2007634 Change-Id: I0b586f05168ece84fd340ef7493a56688191053d
Magnum openSUSE K8s driver
This is openSUSE Kubernetes driver for Magnum, which allow to deploy Kubernetes cluster on openSUSE.
1. Install the openSUSE K8s driver in Magnum
To install the driver, from this directory run:
`python ./setup.py install`
2. Enable driver in magnum.conf
enabled_definitions = ...,magnum_vm_opensuse_k8s
2. Restart Magnum
Both Magnum services has to restarted magnum-api
and magnum-conductor