Thomas Hartland d1dee1e9a3 Add node groups documentation
Add documentation with examples for the life
cycle of creating/resizing/deleting a node group.

Change-Id: Ie34ebef6b46fa6223119696671cd1ac23d4ff855
2020-03-12 11:13:23 +01:00

6.3 KiB

Node groups can be used to create heterogeneous clusters.

This functionality is only supported for Kubernetes clusters.

When a cluster is created it already has two node groups, default-master and default-worker.

$ openstack coe cluster list
| uuid                                 | name | keypair   | node_count | master_count | status          | health_status |
| ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 | kube | default   |          1 |            1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | HEALTHY       |

$ openstack coe nodegroup list kube
| uuid                                 | name           | flavor_id | image_id                               | node_count | status          | role   |
| adc3ecfa-d11e-4da7-8c44-4092ea9dddd9 | default-master | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | master |
| 186e131f-8103-4285-a900-eb0dcf18a670 | default-worker | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | worker |

The default-worker node group cannot be removed or reconfigured, so the initial cluster configuration should take this into account.

Create a new node group

To add a new node group, use openstack coe nodegroup create. The only required parameters are the cluster ID and the name for the new node group, but several extra options are available.


Roles can be used to show the purpose of a node group, and multiple node groups can be given the same role if they share a common purpose.

$ openstack coe nodegroup create kube test-ng --node-count 1 --role test

When listing node groups, the role may be used as a filter:

$ openstack coe nodegroup list kube --role test
| uuid                                 | name    | flavor_id | image_id                               | node_count | status             | role |
| b4ab1fcb-f23a-4d1f-b583-d699a2f1e2d7 | test-ng | m1.small  | Fedora-AtomicHost-29-20190820.0.x86_64 |          1 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | test |

The node group role will default to “worker” if unset, and the only reserved role is “master”.

Role information is available within Kubernetes as labels on the nodes.

$ kubectl get nodes -L
NAME                               STATUS   AGE    VERSION   ROLE
kube-r6cyw4bjb4lr-master-0         Ready    5d5h   v1.16.0   master
kube-r6cyw4bjb4lr-node-0           Ready    5d5h   v1.16.0   worker
kube-test-ng-lg7bkvjgus4y-node-0   Ready    61s    v1.16.0   test

This information can be used for scheduling, using a node selector.

nodeSelector: test

The label is also available for selecting a specific node group.


The node group flavor will default to the minion flavor given when creating the cluster, but can be changed for each new node group.

$ openstack coe nodegroup create ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 large-ng --flavor m2.large

This can be used if you require nodes of different sizes in the same cluster, or to switch from one flavor to another by creating a new node group and deleting the old one.

Availability zone

To create clusters which span more than one availability zone, multiple node groups must be used. The availability zone is passed as a label to the node group.

$ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-a --labels availability_zone=zone-a --labels ...
$ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-b --labels availability_zone=zone-b --labels ...
$ openstack coe nodegroup create kube zone-c --labels availability_zone=zone-c --labels ...

Where --labels ... are the rest of the labels that the cluster was created with, which can be obtained from the cluster with this script:

$ openstack coe cluster show -f json <CLUSTER_ID> |
    jq --raw-output '.labels | to_entries |
    map("--labels \(.key)=\"\(.value)\"") | join(" ")'

Zone information is available within the cluster as the label on each node, or as the now deprecated label

From Kubernetes 1.16 and onwards it is possible to balance the number of pods in a deployment across availability zones (or any other label).


Resizing a node group is done with the same API as resizing a cluster, but the --nodegroup parameter must be used.

$ openstack coe cluster resize kube --nodegroup default-worker 2
Request to resize cluster ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 has been accepted.

As usual the --nodes-to-remove parameter may be used to remove specific nodes when decreasing the size of a node group.


Any node group except the default master and worker node groups can be deleted, by specifying the cluster and nodegroup name or ID.

$ openstack coe nodegroup delete ef7011bb-d404-4198-a145-e8808204cde3 test-ng