Hongbin Lu 958e63341a Gate: Attempt to fix a memory allocation error
This random error is due to the different swap space at different
test hosts. In particular, there is a provider who provides VMs with
0 swap space, while other providers provide VMs with 8G swap space.
As a result, Magnum jobs failed at VMs with 0 swap space.

This commit reduces memory consumption of Magnum jobs by reducing the
bay node flavor from 2G to 1G. I consider this as a temporary fix.
A permanent fix should be from infra side to make the swap space
consistent across test nodes.

Partial-Bug: #1521237
Change-Id: Ia043fab1f7665f7299e4094634e02c42b43dcce1
2015-12-21 09:56:20 -05:00
.. Copy Docker containers configs/logs 2015-12-13 04:24:32 -08:00 Gate: Attempt to fix a memory allocation error 2015-12-21 09:56:20 -05:00