houming-wang 98875345c2 Performance: leverage dict comprehension in PEP-0274
PEP-0274 introduced dict comprehensions to replace dict constructor
with a sequence of length-2 sequences, these are benefits copied
from [1]:
  The dictionary constructor approach has two distinct disadvantages
  from the proposed syntax though.  First, it isn't as legible as a
  dict comprehension.  Second, it forces the programmer to create an
  in-core list object first, which could be expensive.
Magnum does not support python 2.6, we can leverage this.
There is deep dive about PEP-0274[2] and basic tests about
Note: This commit doesn't handle dict constructor with kwagrs.
This commit also adds a hacking rule.


Change-Id: I61992fa428d6760449afe3754b02506336e8b421
2015-12-03 22:02:02 -05:00
v1 Merge "Remove circle reference" 2015-12-03 10:31:52 +00:00 Initial commit from github (squashed) 2014-11-18 09:23:37 -05:00 Performance: leverage dict comprehension in PEP-0274 2015-12-03 22:02:02 -05:00 Fix sample link in magnum/api/controllers/ 2015-07-04 11:45:16 -04:00 Remove coding:utf-8 2015-08-03 23:28:22 +08:00