
455 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
from oslo_log import log as logging
import pecan
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes
from magnum.api import attr_validator
from magnum.api.controllers import base
from magnum.api.controllers import link
from magnum.api.controllers.v1 import collection
from magnum.api.controllers.v1 import types
from magnum.api import expose
from magnum.api import utils as api_utils
from magnum.api import validation
from magnum.common import exception
from magnum.common import name_generator
from magnum.common import policy
import magnum.conf
from magnum import objects
from magnum.objects import fields
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = magnum.conf.CONF
class FederationID(wtypes.Base):
"""API representation of a federation ID
This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts
between the internal object model and the API representation of a
federation ID.
uuid = types.uuid
def __init__(self, uuid):
self.uuid = uuid
class Federation(base.APIBase):
"""API representation of a federation.
This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts
between the internal object model and the API representation of a
# Unique UUID for this federation.
uuid = types.uuid
# Name of this federation, max length is limited to 242 because heat stack
# requires max length limit to 255, and Magnum amend a uuid length.
name = wtypes.StringType(min_length=1, max_length=242,
# UUID of the hostcluster of the federation, i.e. the cluster that
# hosts the COE Federated API.
hostcluster_id = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text)
# List of UUIDs of all the member clusters of the federation.
member_ids = wsme.wsattr([wtypes.text])
# Status of the federation.
status = wtypes.Enum(str, *fields.FederationStatus.ALL)
# Status reason of the federation.
status_reason = wtypes.text
# Set of federation metadata (COE-specific in some cases).
properties = wtypes.DictType(str, str)
# A list containing a self link and associated federations links
links = wsme.wsattr([link.Link], readonly=True)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Federation, self).__init__()
self.fields = []
for field in objects.Federation.fields:
# Skip fields we do not expose.
if not hasattr(self, field):
setattr(self, field, kwargs.get(field, wtypes.Unset))
def _convert_with_links(federation, url, expand=True):
if not expand:
federation.unset_fields_except(['uuid', 'name', 'hostcluster_id',
'member_ids', 'status',
federation.links = [link.Link.make_link('self', url, 'federations',
link.Link.make_link('bookmark', url, 'federations',
return federation
def convert_with_links(cls, rpc_federation, expand=True):
federation = Federation(**rpc_federation.as_dict())
return cls._convert_with_links(federation, pecan.request.host_url,
def sample(cls, expand=True):
sample = cls(uuid='4221a353-8368-475f-b7de-3429d3f724b3',
properties={'dns-zone': ''},
status_reason="CREATE completed successfully")
return cls._convert_with_links(sample, 'http://localhost:9511', expand)
class FederationPatchType(types.JsonPatchType):
_api_base = Federation
def internal_attrs():
""""Returns a list of internal attributes.
Internal attributes can't be added, replaced or removed.
internal_attrs = []
return types.JsonPatchType.internal_attrs() + internal_attrs
class FederationCollection(collection.Collection):
"""API representation of a collection of federations."""
# A list containing federation objects.
federations = [Federation]
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._type = 'federations'
def convert_with_links(rpc_federation, limit, url=None, expand=False,
collection = FederationCollection()
collection.federations = [Federation.convert_with_links(p, expand)
for p in rpc_federation] = collection.get_next(limit, url=url, **kwargs)
return collection
def sample(cls):
sample = cls()
sample.federations = [Federation.sample(expand=False)]
return sample
class FederationsController(base.Controller):
"""REST controller for federations."""
def __init__(self):
super(FederationsController, self).__init__()
_custom_actions = {
'detail': ['GET'],
def _generate_name_for_federation(self, context):
"""Generate a random name like: phi-17-federation."""
name_gen = name_generator.NameGenerator()
name = name_gen.generate()
return name + '-federation'
def _get_federation_collection(self, marker, limit,
sort_key, sort_dir, expand=False,
limit = api_utils.validate_limit(limit)
sort_dir = api_utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir)
marker_obj = None
if marker:
marker_obj = objects.Federation.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context,
federations = objects.Federation.list(pecan.request.context, limit,
marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key,
return FederationCollection.convert_with_links(federations, limit,
@expose.expose(FederationCollection, types.uuid, int, wtypes.text,
def get_all(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id',
"""Retrieve a list of federations.
:param marker: pagination marker for large data sets.
:param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result.
:param sort_key: column to sort results by. Default: id.
:param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". Default: asc.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:get_all',
return self._get_federation_collection(marker, limit, sort_key,
@expose.expose(FederationCollection, types.uuid, int, wtypes.text,
def detail(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id',
"""Retrieve a list of federation with detail.
:param marker: pagination marker for large data sets.
:param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result.
:param sort_key: column to sort results by. Default: id.
:param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". Default: asc.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:detail',
# NOTE(lucasagomes): /detail should only work against collections
parent = pecan.request.path.split('/')[:-1][-1]
if parent != "federations":
raise exception.HTTPNotFound
expand = True
resource_url = '/'.join(['federations', 'detail'])
return self._get_federation_collection(marker, limit,
sort_key, sort_dir, expand,
@expose.expose(Federation, types.uuid_or_name)
def get_one(self, federation_ident):
"""Retrieve information about a given Federation.
:param federation_ident: UUID or logical name of the Federation.
context = pecan.request.context
federation = api_utils.get_resource('Federation', federation_ident)
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:get', federation.as_dict(),
federation = Federation.convert_with_links(federation)
return federation
@expose.expose(FederationID, body=Federation, status_code=202)
def post(self, federation):
"""Create a new federation.
:param federation: a federation within the request body.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:create',
federation_dict = federation.as_dict()
# Validate `hostcluster_id`
hostcluster_id = federation_dict.get('hostcluster_id')
# Validate `properties` dict.
properties_dict = federation_dict.get('properties')
federation_dict['project_id'] = context.project_id
# If no name is specified, generate a random human-readable name
name = (federation_dict.get('name') or
federation_dict['name'] = name
new_federation = objects.Federation(context, **federation_dict)
new_federation.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
# TODO(clenimar): remove hard-coded `create_timeout`.
return FederationID(new_federation.uuid)
@expose.expose(FederationID, types.uuid_or_name, types.boolean,
body=[FederationPatchType], status_code=202)
def patch(self, federation_ident, rollback=False, patch=None):
"""Update an existing Federation.
Please note that the join/unjoin operation is performed by patching
:param federation_ident: UUID or logical name of a federation.
:param rollback: whether to rollback federation on update failure.
:param patch: a json PATCH document to apply to this federation.
federation = self._patch(federation_ident, patch)
pecan.request.rpcapi.federation_update_async(federation, rollback)
return FederationID(federation.uuid)
def _patch(self, federation_ident, patch):
context = pecan.request.context
federation = api_utils.get_resource('Federation', federation_ident)
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:update', federation.as_dict(),
# NOTE(clenimar): Magnum does not allow one to append items to existing
# fields through an `add` operation using HTTP PATCH (please check
# `magnum.api.utils.apply_jsonpatch`). In order to perform the join
# and unjoin operations, intercept the original JSON PATCH document
# and change the operation from either `add` or `remove` to `replace`.
patch_path = patch[0].get('path')
patch_value = patch[0].get('value')
patch_op = patch[0].get('op')
if patch_path == '/member_ids':
if patch_op == 'add' and patch_value is not None:
patch = self._join_wrapper(federation_ident, patch)
elif patch_op == 'remove' and patch_value is not None:
patch = self._unjoin_wrapper(federation_ident, patch)
federation_dict = federation.as_dict()
new_federation = Federation(
**api_utils.apply_jsonpatch(federation_dict, patch))
except api_utils.JSONPATCH_EXCEPTIONS as e:
raise exception.PatchError(patch=patch, reason=e)
# Retrieve only what changed after the patch.
delta = self._update_changed_fields(federation, new_federation)
return federation
def _update_changed_fields(self, federation, new_federation):
"""Update only the patches that were modified and return the diff."""
for field in objects.Federation.fields:
patch_val = getattr(new_federation, field)
except AttributeError:
# Ignore fields that aren't exposed in the API
if patch_val == wtypes.Unset:
patch_val = None
if federation[field] != patch_val:
federation[field] = patch_val
return federation.obj_what_changed()
def _join_wrapper(self, federation_ident, patch):
"""Intercept PATCH JSON documents for join operations.
Take a PATCH JSON document with `add` operation::
'op': 'add',
'value': 'new_member_id',
'path': '/member_ids'
and transform it into a document with `replace` operation::
'op': 'replace',
'value': ['current_member_id1', ..., 'new_member_id'],
'path': '/member_ids'
federation = api_utils.get_resource('Federation', federation_ident)
new_member_uuid = patch[0]['value']
# Check if the cluster exists
c = objects.Cluster.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, new_member_uuid)
# Check if the cluster is already a member of the federation
if new_member_uuid not in federation.member_ids and c is not None:
# Retrieve all current members
members = federation.member_ids
# Add the new member
kw = {'uuid': new_member_uuid, 'federation_name':}
raise exception.MemberAlreadyExists(**kw)
# Set `value` to the updated member list. Change `op` to `replace`
patch[0]['value'] = members
patch[0]['op'] = 'replace'
return patch
def _unjoin_wrapper(self, federation_ident, patch):
"""Intercept PATCH JSON documents for unjoin operations.
Take a PATCH JSON document with `remove` operation::
'op': 'remove',
'value': 'former_member_id',
'path': '/member_ids'
and transform it into a document with `replace` operation::
'op': 'replace',
'value': ['current_member_id1', ..., 'current_member_idn'],
'path': '/member_ids'
federation = api_utils.get_resource('Federation', federation_ident)
cluster_uuid = patch[0]['value']
# Check if the cluster exists
c = objects.Cluster.get_by_uuid(pecan.request.context, cluster_uuid)
# Check if the cluster is a member cluster and if it exists
if cluster_uuid in federation.member_ids and c is not None:
# Retrieve all current members
members = federation.member_ids
# Unjoin the member
raise exception.HTTPNotFound("Cluster %s is not a member of the "
"federation %s." % (cluster_uuid,
# Set `value` to the updated member list. Change `op` to `replace`
patch[0]['value'] = members
patch[0]['op'] = 'replace'
return patch
@expose.expose(None, types.uuid_or_name, status_code=204)
def delete(self, federation_ident):
"""Delete a federation.
:param federation_ident: UUID of federation or logical name
of the federation.
context = pecan.request.context
federation = api_utils.get_resource('Federation', federation_ident)
policy.enforce(context, 'federation:delete', federation.as_dict(),