# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import types service_option = cfg.BoolOpt("manila", default=True, help="Whether or not manila is expected to be " "available") manila_scope_enforcement = cfg.BoolOpt('manila', default=False, help="Does the Share service API " "policies enforce scope? " "This configuration value should " "be same as manila.conf: " "[oslo_policy].enforce_scope " "option.") share_group = cfg.OptGroup(name="share", title="Share Service Options") ShareGroup = [ cfg.StrOpt("min_api_microversion", default="2.0", help="The minimum api microversion is configured to be the " "value of the minimum microversion supported by Manila. " "This value is only used to validate the versions " "response from Manila."), cfg.StrOpt("max_api_microversion", default="2.74", help="The maximum api microversion is configured to be the " "value of the latest microversion supported by Manila."), cfg.StrOpt("region", default="", help="The share region name to use. If empty, the value " "of identity.region is used instead. If no such region " "is found in the service catalog, the first found one is " "used."), cfg.StrOpt("catalog_type", default="share", help="Catalog type of the Share service."), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type', default='publicURL', choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal', 'publicURL', 'adminURL', 'internalURL'], help="The endpoint type to use for the share service."), cfg.BoolOpt("multitenancy_enabled", default=True, help="This option used to determine backend driver type, " "multitenant driver uses share-networks, but " "single-tenant doesn't."), cfg.BoolOpt("create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled", default=True, help="This option is used only when other " "'multitenancy_enabled' option is set to 'True'. " "If this one is set to True, then tempest will create " "neutron networks for each new manila share-network " "it creates. Else it will use manila share-networks with " "empty values (case of StandAloneNetworkPlugin and " "NeutronSingleNetworkPlugin)."), cfg.ListOpt("enable_protocols", default=["nfs", "cifs"], help="First value of list is protocol by default, " "items of list show enabled protocols at all."), cfg.ListOpt("enable_ip_rules_for_protocols", default=["nfs", "cifs", ], help="Selection of protocols, that should " "be covered with ip rule tests"), cfg.ListOpt("enable_user_rules_for_protocols", default=[], help="Selection of protocols, that should " "be covered with user rule tests"), cfg.ListOpt("enable_cert_rules_for_protocols", default=["glusterfs", ], help="Protocols that should be covered with cert rule tests."), cfg.ListOpt("enable_cephx_rules_for_protocols", default=["cephfs", ], help="Protocols to be covered with cephx rule tests."), cfg.StrOpt("username_for_user_rules", default="Administrator", help="Username, that will be used in user tests."), cfg.StrOpt("override_ip_for_nfs_access", help="Forces access rules to be as specified on NFS scenario" " tests. This can used for working around multiple " "NATs between the VMs and the storage controller."), cfg.StrOpt("storage_network", help="Name or UUID of a neutron network that is used to access " "shared file systems over. If specified, test virtual " "machines are created with two NICs, the primary NIC is " "attached to the private project network and the " "secondary NIC is attached to the specified storage " "network. If using NFS, access control is done with the " "help of the IP address assigned to the virtual machine's " "storage network NIC."), cfg.ListOpt("enable_ro_access_level_for_protocols", default=["nfs", ], help="List of protocols to run tests with ro access level."), # Capabilities cfg.StrOpt("capability_storage_protocol", deprecated_name="storage_protocol", default="NFS_CIFS", help="Backend protocol to target when creating volume types."), cfg.BoolOpt("capability_snapshot_support", help="Defines extra spec that satisfies specific back end " "capability called 'snapshot_support' and will be used " "for setting up custom share type. Defaults to value of " "other config option 'run_snapshot_tests'."), cfg.BoolOpt("capability_create_share_from_snapshot_support", help="Defines extra spec that satisfies specific back end " "capability called 'create_share_from_snapshot_support' " "and will be used for setting up a custom share type. " "Defaults to the value of run_snapshot_tests. Set it to " "False if the driver being tested does not support " "creating shares from snapshots."), cfg.BoolOpt("capability_revert_to_snapshot_support", deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="Redundant configuration option. Please use " "'run_revert_to_snapshot_tests' config " "option instead.", help="Defines extra spec that satisfies specific back end " "capability called 'revert_to_snapshot_support' " "and will be used for setting up custom share type. " "Defaults to the value of run_revert_to_snapshot_tests."), cfg.StrOpt("capability_sg_consistent_snapshot_support", choices=["host", "pool", None], help="Backend capability to create consistent snapshots of " "share group members. Will be used with creation " "of new share group types as group spec."), cfg.BoolOpt("capability_thin_provisioned", default=False, help="Defines whether to create shares as thin provisioned, " "adding the extra spec 'thin_provisioning' as 'True' for " "setting up the custom share types. It may be useful to " "run tempest with back end storage systems without much " "space. Take care enabling it, the manila scheduler " "capability filter will request this capability in all " "share types and the the capacity filter will allow " "oversubscription."), cfg.StrOpt("share_network_id", default="", help="Some backend drivers requires share network " "for share creation. Share network id, that will be " "used for shares. If not set, it won't be used. Setting " "this option to a valid share network ID will mean that " "the value of create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled " "should be False."), cfg.StrOpt("alt_share_network_id", default="", help="Share network id, that will be used for shares" " in alt tenant. If not set, it won't be used. Setting " "this option to a valid share network ID will mean that " "the value of create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled " "should be False."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_share_network_id", default="", help="Share network id, that will be used for shares" " in admin tenant. If not set, it won't be used. Setting " "this option to a valid share network ID will mean that " "the value of create_networks_when_multitenancy_enabled " "should be False."), cfg.BoolOpt("multi_backend", default=False, help="Runs Manila multi-backend tests."), cfg.ListOpt("backend_names", default=[], help="Names of share backends, that will be used with " "multibackend tests. Tempest will use first two values."), cfg.IntOpt("share_creation_retry_number", default=0, help="Defines number of retries for share creation. " "It is useful to avoid failures caused by unstable " "environment."), cfg.IntOpt("build_interval", default=3, help="Time in seconds between share availability checks."), cfg.IntOpt("build_timeout", default=500, help="Timeout in seconds to wait for a share to become" "available."), cfg.BoolOpt("suppress_errors_in_cleanup", default=False, help="Whether to suppress errors with clean up operation " "or not. There are cases when we may want to skip " "such errors and catch only test errors."), cfg.MultiOpt("security_service", item_type=types.Dict(), secret=True, help="This option enables specifying security service " "parameters needed to create security services " "dynamically in order to run the tempest tests. " "The configured security service must be reachable by " "the project share networks created by the tests. So, " "ideally project networks must be able to route to the " "network where the pre-existing security services has " "been deployed. The set of parameters that can be " "configured is the same used in the security service " "creation. You can repeat this option many times, and " "each entry takes the standard dict config parameters: " "security_service = " "ss_type:, " "ss_dns_ip:value, ss_user:value, ss_password=value, " "ss_domain:value, ss_server:value"), # Switching ON/OFF test suites filtered by features cfg.BoolOpt("run_quota_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run quota tests or not."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_extend_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run share extend tests or not. " "Disable this feature if used driver doesn't " "support it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_shrink_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run share shrink tests or not. " "Disable this feature if used driver doesn't " "support it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_snapshot_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run tests that use share snapshots " "or not. Disable this feature if used driver doesn't " "support it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_revert_to_snapshot_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run tests that revert shares " "to snapshots or not. Enable this feature if used " "driver supports it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_share_group_tests", default=True, deprecated_name="run_consistency_group_tests", help="Defines whether to run share group tests or not."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_replication_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run replication tests or not. " "Enable this feature if the driver is configured " "for replication."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_multiple_share_replicas_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run multiple replicas creation test " "or not. Enable this if the driver can create more than " "one replica for a share."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_host_assisted_migration_tests", deprecated_name="run_migration_tests", default=False, help="Enable or disable host-assisted migration tests."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_driver_assisted_migration_tests", deprecated_name="run_migration_tests", default=False, help="Enable or disable driver-assisted migration tests."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_migration_with_preserve_snapshots_tests", default=False, help="Enable or disable migration with " "preserve_snapshots tests set to True."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_manage_unmanage_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run manage/unmanage tests or not. " "These test may leave orphaned resources, so be careful " "enabling this opt."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_manage_unmanage_snapshot_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run manage/unmanage snapshot tests " "or not. These tests may leave orphaned resources, so be " "careful enabling this opt."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_mount_snapshot_tests", default=False, help="Enable or disable mountable snapshot tests."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_create_share_from_snapshot_in_another_pool_or_az_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run tests that create share from " "snapshots in another pool or az. Enable this " "option if the used driver supports it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_share_server_migration_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run share servers migration tests. " "Enable this option if the used driver supports it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_share_server_multiple_subnet_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run the share server multiple " "subnets tests. Enable this option if the used driver " "supports it."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_network_allocation_update_tests", default=False, help="Defines whether to run the network allocation update " "tests. Enable this option if the used driver " "supports it."), cfg.StrOpt("image_with_share_tools", default="manila-service-image-master", help="Image name for vm booting with nfs/smb clients tool."), cfg.StrOpt("image_username", default="manila", help="Image username."), cfg.StrOpt("image_password", help="Image password. Should be used for " "'image_with_share_tools' without Nova Metadata support."), cfg.StrOpt("client_vm_flavor_ref", default="100", help="Flavor used for client vm in scenario tests."), cfg.IntOpt("migration_timeout", default=1500, help="Time to wait for share migration before " "timing out (seconds)."), cfg.IntOpt("share_server_migration_timeout", default="1500", help="Time to wait for share server migration before " "timing out (seconds)."), cfg.StrOpt("default_share_type_name", help="Default share type name to use in tempest tests."), cfg.StrOpt("backend_replication_type", default='none', choices=['none', 'writable', 'readable', 'dr'], help="Specify the replication type supported by the backend."), cfg.IntOpt("share_size", default=1, help="Default size in GB for shares created by share tests."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_ipv6_tests", default=False, help="Enable or disable running IPv6 NFS scenario tests. " "These tests validate that IPv6 export locations work, " "and that access can be provided to IPv6 clients. When " "you do not specify a storage_network, the tests will " "attempt to create an IPv6 subnet on the project network " "they create for ping and SSH to the client test VM " "where data path testing is performed."), ]