
482 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Deutsche Telekom AG
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ddt
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import exceptions
import testtools
from testtools import testcase as tc
from manila_tempest_tests.common import constants
from manila_tempest_tests.tests.api import base
from manila_tempest_tests.tests.scenario import manager_share as manager
from manila_tempest_tests import utils
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ShareBasicOpsBase(manager.ShareScenarioTest):
"""This smoke test case follows this basic set of operations:
* Create share network
* Create share
* Launch an instance
* Allow access
* Perform ssh to instance
* Mount share
* Terminate the instance
def get_ip_and_version_from_export_location(self, export):
export = export.replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
if self.protocol == 'nfs' and ':/' in export:
ip = export.split(':/')[0]
version = 6 if ip.count(':') > 1 else 4
elif self.protocol == 'cifs' and export.startswith(r'\\'):
ip = export.split('\\')[2]
version = 6 if (ip.count(':') > 1 or
ip.endswith('')) else 4
message = ("Protocol %s is not supported" % self.protocol)
raise self.skipException(message)
return ip, version
def _ping_host_from_export_location(self, export, remote_client):
ip, version = self.get_ip_and_version_from_export_location(export)
if version == 6:
remote_client.exec_command("ping6 -c 1 %s" % ip)
remote_client.exec_command("ping -c 1 %s" % ip)
def _get_export_locations_according_to_ip_version(
self, all_locations, error_on_invalid_ip_version):
locations = [
x for x in all_locations
if self.get_ip_and_version_from_export_location(
x)[1] == self.ip_version]
if len(locations) == 0 and not error_on_invalid_ip_version:
message = ("Configured backend does not support "
"ip_version %s" % self.ip_version)
raise self.skipException(message)
return locations
def _get_user_export_locations(self, share=None, snapshot=None,
locations = None
if share:
locations = self.get_share_export_locations(share)
elif snapshot:
locations = self._get_snapshot_export_locations(snapshot)
locations = self._get_export_locations_according_to_ip_version(
locations, error_on_invalid_ip_version)
return locations
def _get_snapshot_export_locations(self, snapshot):
exports = (self.shares_v2_client.
locations = [x['path'] for x in exports]
return locations
@tc.attr(base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
def test_mount_share_one_vm(self):
instance = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
locations = self._get_user_export_locations(self.share)
instance = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance["id"])
remote_client = self.init_remote_client(instance)
for location in locations:
self.mount_share(location, remote_client)
@tc.attr(base.TAG_NEGATIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
def test_write_with_ro_access(self):
'''Test if an instance with ro access can write on the share.'''
if self.protocol.upper() == 'CIFS':
msg = ("Skipped for CIFS protocol because RO access is not "
"supported for shares by IP.")
raise self.skipException(msg)
test_data = "Some test data to write"
instance = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
location = self._get_user_export_locations(self.share)[0]
instance = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance["id"])
remote_client_inst = self.init_remote_client(instance)
# First, check if write works RW access.
acc_rule_id = self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance)['id']
self.mount_share(location, remote_client_inst)
self.write_data_to_mounted_share(test_data, remote_client_inst)
self.deny_access(self.share['id'], acc_rule_id)
self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance, access_level='ro')
self.addCleanup(self.unmount_share, remote_client_inst)
# Test if write with RO access fails.
test_data, remote_client_inst)
@tc.attr(base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
def test_read_write_two_vms(self):
"""Boots two vms and writes/reads data on it."""
test_data = "Some test data to write"
# Boot two VMs and create share
instance1 = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
instance2 = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
location = self._get_user_export_locations(self.share)[0]
instance1 = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance1["id"])
instance2 = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance2["id"])
# Write data to first VM
remote_client_inst1 = self.init_remote_client(instance1)
self.mount_share(location, remote_client_inst1)
self.write_data_to_mounted_share(test_data, remote_client_inst1)
# Read from second VM
remote_client_inst2 = self.init_remote_client(instance2)
if not CONF.share.override_ip_for_nfs_access or self.ipv6_enabled:
self.mount_share(location, remote_client_inst2)
data = self.read_data_from_mounted_share(remote_client_inst2)
self.assertEqual(test_data, data)
@tc.attr(base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
@testtools.skipUnless(CONF.share.run_host_assisted_migration_tests or
"Share migration tests are disabled."), False)
def test_migration_files(self, force_host_assisted):
if (force_host_assisted and
not CONF.share.run_host_assisted_migration_tests):
raise self.skipException("Host-assisted migration tests are "
elif (not force_host_assisted and
not CONF.share.run_driver_assisted_migration_tests):
raise self.skipException("Driver-assisted migration tests are "
if self.protocol != "nfs":
raise self.skipException("Only NFS protocol supported "
"at this moment.")
if self.ipv6_enabled:
raise self.skipException("Share Migration using IPv6 is not "
"supported at this moment.")
pools = self.shares_admin_v2_client.list_pools(detail=True)['pools']
if len(pools) < 2:
raise self.skipException("At least two different pool entries are "
"needed to run share migration tests.")
instance = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
exports = self._get_user_export_locations(self.share)
instance = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance["id"])
self.share = self.shares_admin_v2_client.get_share(self.share['id'])
default_type = self.shares_v2_client.list_share_types(
dest_pool = utils.choose_matching_backend(
self.share, pools, default_type)
dest_pool = dest_pool['name']
remote_client = self.init_remote_client(instance)
self.mount_share(exports[0], remote_client)
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/f1")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/f2")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/f3")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/f4")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/f1/ff1")
remote_client.exec_command("sleep 1")
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f1/1m1.bin bs=1M count=1")
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f2/1m2.bin bs=1M count=1")
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f3/1m3.bin bs=1M count=1")
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f4/1m4.bin bs=1M count=1")
"sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f1/ff1/1m5.bin bs=1M count=1")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo chmod -R 555 /mnt/f3")
remote_client.exec_command("sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/f4")
if force_host_assisted
self.share = self.migrate_share(
self.share['id'], dest_pool, task_state, force_host_assisted)
if force_host_assisted:
"dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/f1/1m6.bin bs=1M count=1")
self.share = self.migration_complete(self.share['id'], dest_pool)
new_exports = self._get_user_export_locations(
self.share, error_on_invalid_ip_version=True)
self.assertEqual(dest_pool, self.share['host'])
self.mount_share(new_exports[0], remote_client)
output = remote_client.exec_command("ls -lRA --ignore=lost+found /mnt")
self.assertIn('1m1.bin', output)
self.assertIn('1m2.bin', output)
self.assertIn('1m3.bin', output)
self.assertIn('1m4.bin', output)
self.assertIn('1m5.bin', output)
@tc.attr(base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
CONF.share.run_snapshot_tests, "Snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_write_data_to_share_created_from_snapshot(self):
if self.protocol.upper() == 'CIFS':
msg = "Skipped for CIFS protocol because of bug/1649573"
raise self.skipException(msg)
# 1 - Create UVM, ok, created
instance = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
# 2 - Create share S1, ok, created
parent_share = self.create_share()
instance = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance["id"])
self.addCleanup(self.servers_client.delete_server, instance['id'])
# 3 - SSH to UVM, ok, connected
remote_client = self.init_remote_client(instance)
# 4 - Provide RW access to S1, ok, provided
self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance, parent_share)
# 5 - Try mount S1 to UVM, ok, mounted
user_export_location = self._get_user_export_locations(parent_share)[0]
parent_share_dir = "/mnt/parent"
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p %s" % parent_share_dir)
self.mount_share(user_export_location, remote_client, parent_share_dir)
self.addCleanup(self.unmount_share, remote_client, parent_share_dir)
# 6 - Create "file1", ok, created
remote_client.exec_command("sudo touch %s/file1" % parent_share_dir)
# 7 - Create snapshot SS1 from S1, ok, created
snapshot = self._create_snapshot(parent_share['id'])
# 8 - Create "file2" in share S1 - ok, created. We expect that
# snapshot will not contain any data created after snapshot creation.
remote_client.exec_command("sudo touch %s/file2" % parent_share_dir)
# 9 - Create share S2 from SS1, ok, created
child_share = self.create_share(snapshot_id=snapshot["id"])
# 10 - Try mount S2 - fail, access denied. We test that child share
# did not get access rules from parent share.
user_export_location = self._get_user_export_locations(child_share)[0]
child_share_dir = "/mnt/child"
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p %s" % child_share_dir)
user_export_location, remote_client, child_share_dir,
# 11 - Provide RW access to S2, ok, provided
self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance, child_share)
# 12 - Try mount S2, ok, mounted
self.mount_share(user_export_location, remote_client, child_share_dir)
self.addCleanup(self.unmount_share, remote_client, child_share_dir)
# 13 - List files on S2, only "file1" exists
output = remote_client.exec_command(
"sudo ls -lRA %s" % child_share_dir)
self.assertIn('file1', output)
self.assertNotIn('file2', output)
# 14 - Create file3 on S2, ok, file created
remote_client.exec_command("sudo touch %s/file3" % child_share_dir)
# 15 - List files on S1, two files exist - "file1" and "file2"
output = remote_client.exec_command(
"sudo ls -lRA %s" % parent_share_dir)
self.assertIn('file1', output)
self.assertIn('file2', output)
self.assertNotIn('file3', output)
# 16 - List files on S2, two files exist - "file1" and "file3"
output = remote_client.exec_command(
"sudo ls -lRA %s" % child_share_dir)
self.assertIn('file1', output)
self.assertNotIn('file2', output)
self.assertIn('file3', output)
@tc.attr(base.TAG_POSITIVE, base.TAG_BACKEND)
'Mountable snapshots tests are disabled.')
"Snapshot tests are disabled.")
def test_read_mountable_snapshot(self):
if self.protocol.upper() == 'CIFS':
msg = "Skipped for CIFS protocol because of bug/1649573"
raise self.skipException(msg)
# 1 - Create UVM, ok, created
instance = self.boot_instance(wait_until="BUILD")
# 2 - Create share S1, ok, created
parent_share = self.create_share()
instance = self.wait_for_active_instance(instance["id"])
self.addCleanup(self.servers_client.delete_server, instance['id'])
# 3 - SSH to UVM, ok, connected
remote_client = self.init_remote_client(instance)
# 4 - Provide RW access to S1, ok, provided
self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance, parent_share)
# 5 - Try mount S1 to UVM, ok, mounted
user_export_location = self._get_user_export_locations(parent_share)[0]
parent_share_dir = "/mnt/parent"
snapshot_dir = "/mnt/snapshot_dir"
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p %s" % parent_share_dir)
remote_client.exec_command("sudo mkdir -p %s" % snapshot_dir)
self.mount_share(user_export_location, remote_client, parent_share_dir)
self.addCleanup(self.unmount_share, remote_client, parent_share_dir)
# 6 - Create "file1", ok, created
remote_client.exec_command("sudo touch %s/file1" % parent_share_dir)
# 7 - Create snapshot SS1 from S1, ok, created
snapshot = self._create_snapshot(parent_share['id'])
# 8 - Create "file2" in share S1 - ok, created. We expect that
# snapshot will not contain any data created after snapshot creation.
remote_client.exec_command("sudo touch %s/file2" % parent_share_dir)
# 9 - Allow access to SS1
self.provide_access_to_auxiliary_instance(instance, snapshot=snapshot)
# 10 - Mount SS1
user_export_location = self._get_user_export_locations(
self.mount_share(user_export_location, remote_client, snapshot_dir)
self.addCleanup(self.unmount_share, remote_client, snapshot_dir)
# 11 - List files on SS1, only "file1" exists
# NOTE(lseki): using ls without recursion to avoid permission denied
# error while listing lost+found directory on LVM volumes
output = remote_client.exec_command("sudo ls -lA %s" % snapshot_dir)
self.assertIn('file1', output)
self.assertNotIn('file2', output)
# 12 - Try to create a file on SS1, should fail
"sudo touch %s/file3" % snapshot_dir)
class TestShareBasicOpsNFS(ShareBasicOpsBase):
protocol = "nfs"
def mount_share(self, location, remote_client, target_dir=None):
self._ping_host_from_export_location(location, remote_client)
target_dir = target_dir or "/mnt"
"sudo mount -vt nfs \"%s\" %s" % (location, target_dir))
class TestShareBasicOpsCIFS(ShareBasicOpsBase):
protocol = "cifs"
def mount_share(self, location, remote_client, target_dir=None):
self._ping_host_from_export_location(location, remote_client)
location = location.replace("\\", "/")
target_dir = target_dir or "/mnt"
"sudo mount.cifs \"%s\" %s -o guest" % (location, target_dir)
class TestShareBasicOpsNFSIPv6(TestShareBasicOpsNFS):
ip_version = 6
# NOTE(u_glide): this function is required to exclude ShareBasicOpsBase from
# executed test cases.
# See:
# for details.
def load_tests(loader, tests, _):
result = []
for test_case in tests:
if type(test_case._tests[0]) is ShareBasicOpsBase:
return loader.suiteClass(result)