# Copyright (c) 2016 Clinton Knight # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Performance metrics functions and cache for NetApp systems. """ import copy from oslo_log import log as logging from manila import exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.share.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_UTILIZATION = 50 class PerformanceLibrary(object): def __init__(self, zapi_client): self.zapi_client = zapi_client self.performance_counters = {} self.pool_utilization = {} self._init_counter_info() def _init_counter_info(self): """Set a few counter names based on Data ONTAP version.""" self.system_object_name = None self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = None try: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system:constituent' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system:constituent', 'avg_processor_busy')) elif self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS: self.system_object_name = 'system' self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( self._get_base_counter_name('system', 'avg_processor_busy')) except netapp_api.NaApiError: if self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time' else: self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = 'cpu_elapsed_time1' LOG.exception('Could not get performance base counter ' 'name. Performance-based scheduler ' 'functions may not be available.') def update_performance_cache(self, flexvol_pools, aggregate_pools): """Called periodically to update per-pool node utilization metrics.""" # Nothing to do on older systems if not (self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS or self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS): return # Get aggregates and nodes for all known pools aggr_names = self._get_aggregates_for_pools(flexvol_pools, aggregate_pools) node_names, aggr_node_map = self._get_nodes_for_aggregates(aggr_names) # Update performance counter cache for each node node_utilization = {} for node_name in node_names: if node_name not in self.performance_counters: self.performance_counters[node_name] = [] # Get new performance counters and save only the last 10 counters = self._get_node_utilization_counters(node_name) if not counters: continue self.performance_counters[node_name].append(counters) self.performance_counters[node_name] = ( self.performance_counters[node_name][-10:]) # Update utilization for each node using newest & oldest sample counters = self.performance_counters[node_name] if len(counters) < 2: node_utilization[node_name] = DEFAULT_UTILIZATION else: node_utilization[node_name] = self._get_node_utilization( counters[0], counters[-1], node_name) # Update pool utilization map atomically pool_utilization = {} all_pools = copy.deepcopy(flexvol_pools) all_pools.update(aggregate_pools) for pool_name, pool_info in all_pools.items(): aggr_name = pool_info.get('netapp_aggregate', 'unknown') node_name = aggr_node_map.get(aggr_name) if node_name: pool_utilization[pool_name] = node_utilization.get( node_name, DEFAULT_UTILIZATION) else: pool_utilization[pool_name] = DEFAULT_UTILIZATION self.pool_utilization = pool_utilization def get_node_utilization_for_pool(self, pool_name): """Get the node utilization for the specified pool, if available.""" return self.pool_utilization.get(pool_name, DEFAULT_UTILIZATION) def update_for_failover(self, zapi_client, flexvol_pools, aggregate_pools): """Change API client after a whole-backend failover event.""" self.zapi_client = zapi_client self.update_performance_cache(flexvol_pools, aggregate_pools) def _get_aggregates_for_pools(self, flexvol_pools, aggregate_pools): """Get the set of aggregates that contain the specified pools.""" aggr_names = set() for pool_name, pool_info in aggregate_pools.items(): if pool_info.get('netapp_flexgroup', False): continue aggr_names.add(pool_info.get('netapp_aggregate')) for pool_name, pool_info in flexvol_pools.items(): if pool_info.get('netapp_flexgroup', False): continue aggr_names.add(pool_info.get('netapp_aggregate')) return list(aggr_names) def _get_nodes_for_aggregates(self, aggr_names): """Get the cluster nodes that own the specified aggregates.""" node_names = set() aggr_node_map = {} for aggr_name in aggr_names: node_name = self.zapi_client.get_node_for_aggregate(aggr_name) if node_name: node_names.add(node_name) aggr_node_map[aggr_name] = node_name return list(node_names), aggr_node_map def _get_node_utilization(self, counters_t1, counters_t2, node_name): """Get node utilization from two sets of performance counters.""" try: # Time spent in the single-threaded Kahuna domain kahuna_percent = self._get_kahuna_utilization(counters_t1, counters_t2) # If Kahuna is using >60% of the CPU, the controller is fully busy if kahuna_percent > 60: return 100.0 # Average CPU busyness across all processors avg_cpu_percent = 100.0 * self._get_average_cpu_utilization( counters_t1, counters_t2) # Total Consistency Point (CP) time total_cp_time_msec = self._get_total_consistency_point_time( counters_t1, counters_t2) # Time spent in CP Phase 2 (buffer flush) p2_flush_time_msec = self._get_consistency_point_p2_flush_time( counters_t1, counters_t2) # Wall-clock time between the two counter sets poll_time_msec = self._get_total_time(counters_t1, counters_t2, 'total_cp_msecs') # If two polls happened in quick succession, use CPU utilization if total_cp_time_msec == 0 or poll_time_msec == 0: return max(min(100.0, avg_cpu_percent), 0) # Adjusted Consistency Point time adjusted_cp_time_msec = self._get_adjusted_consistency_point_time( total_cp_time_msec, p2_flush_time_msec) adjusted_cp_percent = (100.0 * adjusted_cp_time_msec / poll_time_msec) # Utilization is the greater of CPU busyness & CP time node_utilization = max(avg_cpu_percent, adjusted_cp_percent) return max(min(100.0, node_utilization), 0) except Exception: LOG.exception('Could not calculate node utilization for ' 'node %s.', node_name) return DEFAULT_UTILIZATION def _get_kahuna_utilization(self, counters_t1, counters_t2): """Get time spent in the single-threaded Kahuna domain.""" # Note(cknight): Because Kahuna is single-threaded, running only on # one CPU at a time, we can safely sum the Kahuna CPU usage # percentages across all processors in a node. return sum(self._get_performance_counter_average_multi_instance( counters_t1, counters_t2, 'domain_busy:kahuna', 'processor_elapsed_time')) * 100.0 def _get_average_cpu_utilization(self, counters_t1, counters_t2): """Get average CPU busyness across all processors.""" return self._get_performance_counter_average( counters_t1, counters_t2, 'avg_processor_busy', self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name) def _get_total_consistency_point_time(self, counters_t1, counters_t2): """Get time spent in Consistency Points in msecs.""" return float(self._get_performance_counter_delta( counters_t1, counters_t2, 'total_cp_msecs')) def _get_consistency_point_p2_flush_time(self, counters_t1, counters_t2): """Get time spent in CP Phase 2 (buffer flush) in msecs.""" return float(self._get_performance_counter_delta( counters_t1, counters_t2, 'cp_phase_times:p2_flush')) def _get_total_time(self, counters_t1, counters_t2, counter_name): """Get wall clock time between two successive counters in msecs.""" timestamp_t1 = float(self._find_performance_counter_timestamp( counters_t1, counter_name)) timestamp_t2 = float(self._find_performance_counter_timestamp( counters_t2, counter_name)) return (timestamp_t2 - timestamp_t1) * 1000.0 def _get_adjusted_consistency_point_time(self, total_cp_time, p2_flush_time): """Get adjusted CP time by limiting CP phase 2 flush time to 20%.""" return (total_cp_time - p2_flush_time) * 1.20 def _get_performance_counter_delta(self, counters_t1, counters_t2, counter_name): """Calculate a delta value from two performance counters.""" counter_t1 = int( self._find_performance_counter_value(counters_t1, counter_name)) counter_t2 = int( self._find_performance_counter_value(counters_t2, counter_name)) return counter_t2 - counter_t1 def _get_performance_counter_average(self, counters_t1, counters_t2, counter_name, base_counter_name, instance_name=None): """Calculate an average value from two performance counters.""" counter_t1 = float(self._find_performance_counter_value( counters_t1, counter_name, instance_name)) counter_t2 = float(self._find_performance_counter_value( counters_t2, counter_name, instance_name)) base_counter_t1 = float(self._find_performance_counter_value( counters_t1, base_counter_name, instance_name)) base_counter_t2 = float(self._find_performance_counter_value( counters_t2, base_counter_name, instance_name)) return (counter_t2 - counter_t1) / (base_counter_t2 - base_counter_t1) def _get_performance_counter_average_multi_instance(self, counters_t1, counters_t2, counter_name, base_counter_name): """Calculate an average value from multiple counter instances.""" averages = [] instance_names = [] for counter in counters_t1: if counter_name in counter: instance_names.append(counter['instance-name']) for instance_name in instance_names: average = self._get_performance_counter_average( counters_t1, counters_t2, counter_name, base_counter_name, instance_name) averages.append(average) return averages def _find_performance_counter_value(self, counters, counter_name, instance_name=None): """Given a counter set, return the value of a named instance.""" for counter in counters: if counter_name in counter: if (instance_name is None or counter['instance-name'] == instance_name): return counter[counter_name] else: raise exception.NotFound(_('Counter %s not found') % counter_name) def _find_performance_counter_timestamp(self, counters, counter_name, instance_name=None): """Given a counter set, return the timestamp of a named instance.""" for counter in counters: if counter_name in counter: if (instance_name is None or counter['instance-name'] == instance_name): return counter['timestamp'] else: raise exception.NotFound(_('Counter %s not found') % counter_name) def _expand_performance_array(self, object_name, counter_name, counter): """Get array labels and expand counter data array.""" # Get array labels for counter value counter_info = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counter_info( object_name, counter_name) array_labels = [counter_name + ':' + label.lower() for label in counter_info['labels']] array_values = counter[counter_name].split(',') # Combine labels and values, and then mix into existing counter array_data = dict(zip(array_labels, array_values)) counter.update(array_data) def _get_base_counter_name(self, object_name, counter_name): """Get the name of the base counter for the specified counter.""" counter_info = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counter_info( object_name, counter_name) return counter_info['base-counter'] def _get_node_utilization_counters(self, node_name): """Get all performance counters for calculating node utilization.""" try: return (self._get_node_utilization_system_counters(node_name) + self._get_node_utilization_wafl_counters(node_name) + self._get_node_utilization_processor_counters(node_name)) except netapp_api.NaApiError: LOG.exception('Could not get utilization counters from node ' '%s', node_name) return None def _get_node_utilization_system_counters(self, node_name): """Get the system counters for calculating node utilization.""" system_instance_uuids = ( self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_uuids( self.system_object_name, node_name)) system_counter_names = [ 'avg_processor_busy', self.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name, ] if 'cpu_elapsed_time1' in system_counter_names: system_counter_names.append('cpu_elapsed_time') system_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters( self.system_object_name, system_instance_uuids, system_counter_names) return system_counters def _get_node_utilization_wafl_counters(self, node_name): """Get the WAFL counters for calculating node utilization.""" wafl_instance_uuids = self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_uuids( 'wafl', node_name) wafl_counter_names = ['total_cp_msecs', 'cp_phase_times'] wafl_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters( 'wafl', wafl_instance_uuids, wafl_counter_names) # Expand array data so we can use wafl:cp_phase_times[P2_FLUSH] for counter in wafl_counters: if 'cp_phase_times' in counter: self._expand_performance_array( 'wafl', 'cp_phase_times', counter) return wafl_counters def _get_node_utilization_processor_counters(self, node_name): """Get the processor counters for calculating node utilization.""" processor_instance_uuids = ( self.zapi_client.get_performance_instance_uuids('processor', node_name)) processor_counter_names = ['domain_busy', 'processor_elapsed_time'] processor_counters = self.zapi_client.get_performance_counters( 'processor', processor_instance_uuids, processor_counter_names) # Expand array data so we can use processor:domain_busy[kahuna] for counter in processor_counters: if 'domain_busy' in counter: self._expand_performance_array( 'processor', 'domain_busy', counter) return processor_counters