# Copyright (c) 2014 EMC Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import cookielib import random import re from eventlet import greenthread import six from six.moves.urllib import error as url_error # pylint: disable=E0611 from six.moves.urllib import request as url_request # pylint: disable=E0611 import manila.exception from manila.i18n import _ from manila.i18n import _LE from manila.i18n import _LI from manila.i18n import _LW from manila.openstack.common import lockutils from manila.openstack.common import log as logging from manila.share.drivers.emc.plugins.vnx import constants from manila.share.drivers.emc.plugins.vnx import utils as vnx_utils from manila.share.drivers.emc.plugins.vnx import xml_api_parser as parser from manila.share.drivers.emc.plugins.vnx import xml_api_schema as schema from manila import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class XMLAPIConnector(object): def __init__(self, configuration, debug=True): super(XMLAPIConnector, self).__init__() self.storage_ip = configuration.emc_nas_server self.user_name = configuration.emc_nas_login self.pass_word = configuration.emc_nas_password self.debug = debug self.auth_url = 'https://' + self.storage_ip + '/Login' self._url = ('https://' + self.storage_ip + '/servlets/CelerraManagementServices') https_hander = url_request.HTTPSHandler() cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar() cookie_hander = url_request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar) self.url_opener = url_request.build_opener(https_hander, cookie_hander) self.do_setup() def do_setup(self): credential = ('user=' + self.user_name + '&password=' + self.pass_word + '&Login=Login') req = url_request.Request(self.auth_url, credential, constants.CONTENT_TYPE_URLENCODE) resp = self.url_opener.open(req) resp_body = resp.read() self._http_log_resp(resp, resp_body) def _http_log_req(self, req): if not self.debug: return string_parts = ['curl -i'] string_parts.append(' -X %s' % req.get_method()) for k in req.headers: header = ' -H "%s: %s"' % (k, req.headers[k]) string_parts.append(header) if req.data: string_parts.append(" -d '%s'" % (req.data)) string_parts.append(' ' + req.get_full_url()) LOG.debug("\nREQ: %s\n", "".join(string_parts)) def _http_log_resp(self, resp, body, failed_req=None): if not self.debug and failed_req is None: return headers = six.text_type(resp.headers).replace('\n', '\\n') if failed_req: LOG.error( _LE('REQ: [%(method)s] %(url)s %(req_hdrs)s\n' 'REQ BODY: %(req_b)s\n' 'RESP: [%(code)s] %(resp_hdrs)s\n' 'RESP BODY: %(resp_b)s\n'), { 'method': failed_req.get_method(), 'url': failed_req.get_full_url(), 'req_hdrs': failed_req.headers, 'req_b': failed_req.data, 'code': resp.getcode(), 'resp_hdrs': headers, 'resp_b': body, } ) else: LOG.debug( 'RESP: [%(code)s] %(resp_hdrs)s\n' 'RESP BODY: %(resp_b)s\n', { 'code': resp.getcode(), 'resp_hdrs': headers, 'resp_b': body, } ) def _request(self, req_body=None, method=None, header=constants.CONTENT_TYPE_URLENCODE): req = url_request.Request(self._url, req_body, header) if method not in (None, 'GET', 'POST'): req.get_method = lambda: method self._http_log_req(req) try: resp = self.url_opener.open(req) resp_body = resp.read() self._http_log_resp(resp, resp_body) except url_error.HTTPError as http_err: err = {'errorCode': -1, 'httpStatusCode': http_err.code, 'messages': six.text_type(http_err), 'request': req_body} msg = (_("The request is invalid. Reason: %(reason)s") % {'reason': err}) if '403' == six.text_type(http_err.code): raise manila.exception.NotAuthorized() else: raise manila.exception.ManilaException(message=msg) return resp_body def request(self, req_body=None, method=None, header=constants.CONTENT_TYPE_URLENCODE): try: resp_body = self._request(req_body, method, header) except manila.exception.NotAuthorized: LOG.debug("Login again because client certification " "may be expired.") self.do_setup() resp_body = self._request(req_body, method, header) return resp_body @vnx_utils.decorate_all_methods(vnx_utils.log_enter_exit, debug_only=True) class XMLAPIHelper(object): def __init__(self, configuration): super(XMLAPIHelper, self).__init__() self._conn = XMLAPIConnector(configuration) self._xml_header = ( '') def setup_connector(self): self._conn.do_setup() def _translate_response(self, status, info): """Translate different status to ok/error status.""" if constants.STATUS_OK == status or constants.STATUS_ERROR == status: return status status_before = status if status in [constants.STATUS_DEBUG, constants.STATUS_INFO, constants.STATUS_WARNING]: status = constants.STATUS_OK else: status = constants.STATUS_ERROR LOG.warn(_LW("Translated status from %(old)s to %(new)s. " "Message: %(info)s."), {'old': status_before, 'new': status, 'info': info}) return status def _verify_response(self, response, translate=True): data = {'info': []} status = constants.STATUS_OK for child in response: if (child[0] == 'Fault' or child[0] == 'QueryStatus' or child[0] == 'TaskResponse'): if 'maxSeverity' in child[1].keys(): status = child[1]['maxSeverity'] if 'taskId' in child[1].keys(): taskId = child[1]['taskId'] else: taskId = None # It indicate that there is a problem in this operation if len(child) > 2 and len(child[2]) > 0: problems = child[2] for item in problems: if item[0] == 'Problem': info = { 'taskId': taskId, 'message': None, 'messageCode': None, 'description': None, 'diagnostics': None, } list_properties = [ 'description', 'messageCode', 'message', 'severity', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], info, list_properties) info['diagnostics'] = item[1].get('Diagnostics') data['info'].append(info) if len(data['info']) == 0: data['info'].append( { 'taskId': taskId, 'message': None, 'messageCode': None, 'description': None, 'diagnostics': None, }) if translate: status = self._translate_response(status, data['info']) return status, data def get_message_codes(self, data): if 'info' not in data: return [] return map(lambda info: info['messageCode'], data['info']) def create_file_system(self, fs_name, fs_size, pool_id, mover_id, is_vdm=True): if is_vdm: mover_ref = schema.VdmRef(vdm=six.text_type(mover_id)) else: mover_ref = schema.MoverRef(mover=six.text_type(mover_id)) new_fs = schema.NewFileSystem( name=six.text_type(fs_name), mover=mover_ref, destination=schema.StoragePool( pool=six.text_type(pool_id), size=six.text_type(fs_size), may_contain_slices="true" ) ) request = schema.build_task_package(new_fs) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_file_system(self, fs_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteFileSystem( filesystem=six.text_type(fs_id) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_file_system_by_name(self, fs_name, need_capacity=True): data = { 'name': '', 'id': '', 'type': '', 'size': '', 'volume_id': '', 'pool_id': '', 'dataServicePolicies': '', 'containsSlices': '', 'cwormState': '', } request = schema.build_query_package( schema.FileSystemQueryParams( aspect_selection=schema.AspectSelectionFileSystem( file_systems='true', file_system_capacity_info='true' if need_capacity else 'false'), sub_element=schema.FileSystemAlias( name=six.text_type(fs_name)) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'FileSystem': list_properties = [ 'name', 'type', 'cwormState', 'dataServicePolicies', 'containsSlices', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], data, list_properties) data['id'] = item[1].get('fileSystem', '') data['volume_id'] = item[1].get('volume', '') data['pool_id'] = item[1].get('storagePools', '') if item[0] == 'FileSystemCapacityInfo': data['size'] = item[1].get('volumeSize', '') if data['id'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, data def rename_file_system(self, filesystem, new_name): data = { 'name': '', 'id': '', 'type': '', 'size': '', 'volume_id': '', 'pool_id': '', 'dataServicePolicies': '', 'containsSlices': '', 'cwormState': '', } request = schema.build_task_package( schema.ModifyFileSystem( file_system=six.text_type(filesystem['id']), new_name=six.text_type(new_name) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'FileSystem': list_properties = [ 'name', 'type', 'cwormState' 'dataServicePolicies', 'containsSlices', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], data, list_properties) data['id'] = item[1].get('fileSystem', '') data['volume_id'] = item[1].get('volume', '') data['pool_id'] = item[1].get('storagePools', '') elif item[0] == 'FileSystemCapacityInfo': data['size'] = item[1].get('volumeSize', '') return status, data def create_mount_point(self, fs_id, mount_path, mover_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewMount( sub_element=schema.MoverOrVdmRef( mover=six.text_type(mover_id)), file_system=six.text_type(fs_id), path=six.text_type(mount_path) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_mount_point(self, mover_id, mount_path, is_vdm): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteMount( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), path=six.text_type(mount_path), is_vdm=six.text_type(is_vdm) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_mount_point(self, mover_id): mount_points = [] request = schema.build_query_package( schema.MountQueryParams( mover_or_vdm=schema.MoverOrVdmRef( mover=six.text_type(mover_id)) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'Mount': mount = { 'path': '', 'fs_id': '', 'mover_id': '', 'moverIdIsVdm': '', 'nfs_ro': '', 'cifsSyncwrite': '', } list_properties = [ 'path', 'moverIdIsVdm', 'cifsSyncwrite', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], mount, list_properties) mount['fs_id'] = item[1].get('fileSystem', '') mount['mover_id'] = item[1].get('mover', '') mount['nfs_ro'] = item[1].get('ro', '') mount_points.append(mount) if len(mount_points) == 0: status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, mount_points def create_cifs_share(self, share_name, netbiosname, mover_id, is_vdm=True): share_path = '/' + share_name request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewCifsShare( mover_or_vdm=schema.MoverOrVdmRef( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), is_vdm='false' if not is_vdm else 'true'), cifs_servers=schema.CifsServers( schema.Li( sub_element=schema.NetBiosName( net_bios_name=six.text_type(netbiosname)) )), name=six.text_type(share_name), path=six.text_type(share_path) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_cifs_share(self, share_name, mover_id, netbiosnames, is_vdm='true'): if not isinstance(netbiosnames, list): netbiosnames = [netbiosnames] request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteCifsShare( cifs_servers=schema.CifsServers( map(lambda a: schema.Li( schema.NetBiosName(net_bios_name=six.text_type(a))), netbiosnames)), mover=six.text_type(mover_id), name=six.text_type(share_name), is_vdm=six.text_type(is_vdm) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_cifs_share_by_name(self, name): data = { "name": '', "moverIdIsVdm": 'false', "CifsServers": [], "fileSystem": '', 'path': '', 'mover': '', } request = schema.build_query_package( schema.CifsShareQueryParams( name=six.text_type(name) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'CifsShare': data = self._copy_properties(item[1], data, data.keys()) break if data['name'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, data def _copy_properties(self, source, dist, properties): for key in properties: if key in source: dist[key] = source[key] return dist def send_request(self, req): req_xml = self._xml_header + req.toxml() rsp_xml = self._conn.request(req_xml) result = parser.parse_xml_api( parser.xml_to_tupletree(rsp_xml) ) status, msg_info = self._verify_response(result) return status, msg_info, result def _is_not_internal_device(self, device): internal_types = ['mge', 'fxg', 'tks', 'fsn'] for device_type in internal_types: if device.find(device_type) == 0: return False return True def _is_mount_point_unexist_error(self, out): if 'info' in out.keys(): for problem in out['info']: if ((problem['messageCode'] == constants.MSG_GENERAL_ERROR and problem['message'].find("No such path or invalid " "operation") != -1) or (problem['messageCode'] == constants.MSG_INVALID_VMD_ID)): return True return False def _is_filesystem_unexist_error(self, out): if 'info' in out.keys(): for problem in out['info']: if (problem['messageCode'] == constants.MSG_FILESYSTEM_NOT_FOUND): return True return False def create_check_point(self, src_fs, ckpt_name, pool_id, ckpt_size=None): if ckpt_size: new_ckpt = schema.NewCheckpoint( sub_element=schema.SpaceAllocationMethod( schema.StoragePool( pool=six.text_type(pool_id), size=six.text_type(ckpt_size) ) ), checkpoint_of=six.text_type(src_fs), name=six.text_type(ckpt_name) ) else: new_ckpt = schema.NewCheckpoint( sub_element=schema.SpaceAllocationMethod( schema.StoragePool( pool=six.text_type(pool_id) ) ), checkpoint_of=six.text_type(src_fs), name=six.text_type(ckpt_name) ) request = schema.build_task_package(new_ckpt) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_check_point(self, ckpt_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteCheckpoint( checkpoint=six.text_type(ckpt_id) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_check_point_by_name(self, ckpt_name): check_point = { 'name': '', 'id': '', 'state': '', 'time': '', 'checkpointOf': '', 'fileSystemSize': '', 'baseline': '', 'writeable': '', 'readOnly': None, } request = schema.build_query_package( schema.CheckpointQueryParams( sub_element=schema.FileSystemAlias( name=six.text_type(ckpt_name) ) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'Checkpoint': list_properties = [ 'name', 'state', 'time', 'checkpointOf', 'fileSystemSize', 'baseline', 'writeable', 'readOnly', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], check_point, list_properties) check_point['id'] = item[1].get('checkpoint', '') break if check_point['id'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_ERROR return status, check_point def list_storage_pool(self): pools = [] request = schema.build_query_package( schema.StoragePoolQueryParams() ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'StoragePool': pool = { 'name': '', 'id': '', "diskType": '', 'used_size': '', 'total_size': '', 'movers_id': [], 'virtualProvisioning': '', 'dataServicePolicies': '', 'autoSize': '', 'greedy': '', 'isBackendPool': '', } list_properties = [ 'name', 'diskType', 'virtualProvisioning', 'dataServicePolicies', 'autoSize', 'greedy', 'isBackendPool', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], pool, list_properties) pool['id'] = item[1].get('pool', '') pool['used_size'] = item[1].get('usedSize', '') pool['total_size'] = item[1].get('size', '') if 'movers' in item[1].keys(): pool['movers_id'] = item[1]['movers'].split() pools.append(pool) if not pools: status = constants.STATUS_ERROR return status, pools def get_mover_ref_by_name(self, name): mover = { 'name': '', 'id': '', } request = schema.build_query_package( schema.MoverQueryParams( aspect_selection=schema.AspectSelectionMover() ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_ERROR == status: return status, msg for item in result: if (item[0] == 'Mover' and item[1]['name'] == name and 'mover' in item[1].keys()): mover['id'] = item[1]['mover'] mover['name'] = name break if mover['id'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, mover def get_mover_by_id(self, mover_id): mover = { 'name': '', 'id': '', 'role': '', 'Status': '', 'uptime': '', 'version': '', 'interfaces': [], 'devices': [], 'dns_domain': [], } request = schema.build_query_package( schema.MoverQueryParams( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), aspect_selection=schema.AspectSelectionMover( mover_deduplication_settings='true', mover_dns_domains='true', mover_interfaces="true", mover_network_devices="true", mover_nis_domains="true", mover_routes="true", movers="true", mover_statuses="true" ) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'Mover': mover['name'] = item[1].get('name', '') mover['id'] = item[1].get('mover', '') mover['role'] = item[1].get('role', '') elif item[0] == 'MoverStatus': self._copy_properties(item[1], mover, ['Status', 'uptime', 'version']) elif item[0] == 'MoverInterface': interface = { 'name': '', 'device': '', 'ipVersion': '', 'netMask': '', 'vlan_id': '', 'ipAddress': '', } list_properties = [ 'name', 'device', 'ipVersion', 'netMask', 'ipAddress', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], interface, list_properties) interface['vlan_id'] = item[1].get('vlanid', '') if (self._is_not_internal_device(interface['device']) and 'ipAddress' in item[1].keys()): mover['interfaces'].append(interface) elif item[0] == 'LogicalNetworkDevice': logical_network_device = { 'speed': '', 'interfaces': '', 'type': '', 'name': '', } self._copy_properties(item[1], logical_network_device, ['speed', 'interfaces', 'type', 'name']) mover['devices'].append(logical_network_device) elif item[0] == 'MoverDnsDomain': dns_domain = { 'name': '', 'servers': '', 'protocol': '', } self._copy_properties(item[1], dns_domain, dns_domain.keys()) mover['dns_domain'].append(dns_domain) if mover['id'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_ERROR return status, mover def extend_file_system(self, fs_id, pool_id, newsize): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.ExtendFileSystem( filesystem=six.text_type(fs_id), destination=schema.StoragePool( pool=six.text_type(pool_id), size=six.text_type(newsize) ) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def create_vdm(self, name, host_mover_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewVdm( mover=six.text_type(host_mover_id), name=six.text_type(name) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_vdm(self, vdm_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteVdm( vdm=six.text_type(vdm_id) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_vdm_by_name(self, name): vdm = { "name": '', "id": '', "state": '', 'host_mover_id': '', 'interfaces': [], } request = schema.build_query_package(schema.VdmQueryParams()) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'Vdm' and item[1]['name'] == name: vdm['name'] = item[1].get('name', '') vdm['host_mover_id'] = item[1].get('mover', '') vdm['interfaces'] = item[1].get('Interfaces', '') vdm['state'] = item[1].get('state', '') vdm['id'] = item[1].get('vdm', '') break if vdm['id'] == '': status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, vdm def create_mover_interface(self, name, device_name, ip_addr, mover_id, net_mask='', vlan_id=None): vlan_id = vlan_id if vlan_id else '-1' interface = { 'name': name, 'device_name': device_name, 'ip': ip_addr, 'mover_id': mover_id, 'net_mask': net_mask, 'vlan_id': vlan_id, } request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewMoverInterface( device=six.text_type(device_name), ip_address=six.text_type(ip_addr), mover=six.text_type(mover_id), net_mask=six.text_type(net_mask), vlan_id=six.text_type(vlan_id), name=six.text_type(name) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg return status, interface def delete_mover_interface(self, ip_addr, mover_id): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteMoverInterface( ip_address=six.text_type(ip_addr), mover=six.text_type(mover_id), ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def create_cifs_server(self, args): compName = args['compName'] netbios_name = args['netbios'] mover_id = args['mover_id'] domain_name = args['domain'] interfaces = args['interface'] alias_names = args['alias'] user_name = args['admin_username'] password = args['admin_password'] alias_name_list = [] for alias in alias_names: alias_name_list.append( schema.Li(schema.NameList(six.text_type(alias))) ) request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewW2KCifsServer( name=six.text_type(netbios_name), comp_name=six.text_type(compName), domain=six.text_type(domain_name), interfaces=six.text_type(interfaces), mover_or_vdm=schema.MoverOrVdmRef( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), is_vdm='true'), aliases=schema.Aliases(alias_name_list), join_domain=schema.JoinDomain( user_name=six.text_type(user_name), password=six.text_type(password)) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK == status: if (constants.MSG_JOIN_DOMAIN_FAILED in self.get_message_codes(msg)): # Domain Join Failed return constants.STATUS_ERROR, msg else: cifs_server = { 'compName': compName, 'netbios_name': netbios_name, 'mover_id': mover_id, 'domain_name': domain_name, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'alias_names': alias_names, } return status, cifs_server else: return status, msg def modify_cifs_server(self, args): mover_id = args['mover_id'] name = args['name'] join_domain = args['join_domain'] user_name = args['admin_username'] password = args['admin_password'] is_vdm = args['is_vdm'] if 'is_vdm' in args.keys() else 'true' request = schema.build_task_package( schema.ModifyW2KCifsServer( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), name=six.text_type(name), is_vdm=six.text_type(is_vdm), sub_element=schema.DomainSetting( join_domain=six.text_type(join_domain), user_name=six.text_type(user_name), password=six.text_type(password), ) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_cifs_server(self, server_name, mover_id, is_vdm='true'): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteCifsServer( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), name=six.text_type(server_name), is_vdm=six.text_type(is_vdm) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def get_cifs_servers(self, mover_id, is_vdm=True): cifs_servers = [] request = schema.build_query_package( schema.CifsServerQueryParams( mover_or_vdm=schema.MoverOrVdmRef( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), is_vdm='false' if not is_vdm else 'true') ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return status, msg for item in result: if item[0] == 'CifsServer': server = { 'name': '', 'interfaces': '', 'type': '', 'compName': '', "mover_id": '', 'moverIdIsVdm': '', 'domain': '', 'domainJoined': '', } list_properties = [ 'name', 'type', 'compName', 'moverIdIsVdm', 'domain', 'domainJoined', ] self._copy_properties(item[1], server, list_properties) if 'interfaces' in item[1].keys(): server['interfaces'] = item[1]['interfaces'].split(',') server['mover_id'] = item[1].get('mover', '') cifs_servers.append(server) if len(cifs_servers) == 0: status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND return status, cifs_servers def create_dns_domain(self, mover_id, name, servers, protocol='udp'): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.NewMoverDnsDomain( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), name=six.text_type(name), servers=six.text_type(servers), protocol=six.text_type(protocol) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg def delete_dns_domain(self, mover_id, name): request = schema.build_task_package( schema.DeleteMoverDnsDomain( mover=six.text_type(mover_id), name=six.text_type(name) ) ) status, msg, result = self.send_request(request) return status, msg class SSHConnector(object): def __init__(self, configuration): super(SSHConnector, self).__init__() self.storage_ip = configuration.emc_nas_server self.user_name = configuration.emc_nas_login self.pass_word = configuration.emc_nas_password self.sshpool = utils.SSHPool(self.storage_ip, 22, None, self.user_name, password=self.pass_word) def run_ssh(self, cmd, attempts=1): try: if not isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = map(str, cmd) command = ' '.join(cmd) else: command = cmd with self.sshpool.item() as ssh: while attempts > 0: attempts -= 1 try: stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream = ( ssh.exec_command(command)) stdout = stdout_stream.read() stderr = stderr_stream.read() stdin_stream.close() except Exception as e: LOG.debug(e) greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 500) / 100.0) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE("Error running SSH command: %s"), command) return stdout, stderr @vnx_utils.decorate_all_methods(vnx_utils.log_enter_exit, debug_only=True) class NASCommandHelper(object): def __init__(self, configuration): super(NASCommandHelper, self).__init__() self._conn = SSHConnector(configuration) def get_interconnect_id(self, src, dest): header = [ 'id', 'name', 'source_server', 'destination_system', 'destination_server', ] conn_id = None command_nas_cel = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_cel', '-interconnect', '-l', ] out, err = self._conn.run_ssh(command_nas_cel) lines = out.strip().split('\n') for line in lines: if line.strip().split() == header: LOG.info(_LI('Found the header of the command ' '/nas/bin/nas_cel -interconnect -l')) else: interconn = line.strip().split() if interconn[2] == src and interconn[4] == dest: conn_id = interconn[0] return conn_id def create_fs_from_ckpt(self, fs_name, mover_name, source_ckpt, source_fs, dest_pool_name, connect_id): status = constants.STATUS_OK msg = '' create_fs_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_fs', '-name', fs_name, '-type', 'uxfs', '-create', 'samesize=' + source_fs, 'pool=' + '"' + dest_pool_name + '"', 'storage=SINGLE', 'worm=off', '-thin', 'no', '-option', 'slice=y', ] self._execute_cmd(create_fs_cmd) ro_mount_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_mount', mover_name, '-option', 'ro', fs_name, '/' + fs_name, ] self._execute_cmd(ro_mount_cmd) session_name = fs_name + ':' + '"' + dest_pool_name + '"' copy_ckpt_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_copy', '-name', session_name, '-source -ckpt', source_ckpt, '-destination -fs', fs_name, '-interconnect', 'id=%s' % connect_id, '-overwrite_destination', '-full_copy', ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(copy_ckpt_cmd) if err.strip().lower() != constants.STATUS_OK: # When there is an error happen during nas_copy, we need # continue to delete the checkpoint of the target file system # if it exists. status = constants.STATUS_ERROR msg = "nas_copy failed. Reason %s" % out query_fs_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_fs', '-info', fs_name, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(query_fs_cmd) re_ckpts = r'ckpts\s*=\s*(.*)\s*' m = re.search(re_ckpts, out) if m is not None: ckpts = m.group(1) for ckpt in re.split(',', ckpts): umount_ckpt_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_umount', mover_name, '-perm', ckpt, ] self._execute_cmd(umount_ckpt_cmd) delete_ckpt_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_fs', '-delete', ckpt, '-Force', ] self._execute_cmd(delete_ckpt_cmd) rw_mount_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_mount', mover_name, '-option', 'rw', fs_name, '/' + fs_name, ] self._execute_cmd(rw_mount_cmd) return status, msg def enable_nfs_service(self, vdm_name, if_name): command_attach_if_on_vdm = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_server', '-vdm', vdm_name, '-attach', if_name, ] out, err = self._conn.run_ssh(command_attach_if_on_vdm) def disable_nfs_service(self, vdm_name, if_name): command_attach_if_on_vdm = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_server', '-vdm', vdm_name, '-detach', if_name, ] out, err = self._conn.run_ssh(command_attach_if_on_vdm) def get_interfaces_by_vdm(self, vdm_name): interfaces = { 'cifs': [], 'vdm': [], } re_pattern = ('Interfaces to services mapping:' '\s*(?P(\s*interface=.*)*)') command_get_if_on_vdm = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/nas_server', '-i', '-vdm', vdm_name, ] out, err = self._conn.run_ssh(command_get_if_on_vdm) m = re.search(re_pattern, out) if m: if_list = m.group('interfaces').split('\n') for i in if_list: m_if = re.search('\s*interface=(?P.*)\s*:' '\s*(?P.*)\s*', i) if m_if: if 'cifs' == m_if.group('type'): interfaces['cifs'].append(m_if.group('if')) elif 'vdm' == m_if.group('type'): interfaces['vdm'].append(m_if.group('if')) return interfaces def create_nfs_share(self, share_name, mover_name): result = (constants.STATUS_OK, '') share_path = '/' + share_name create_nfs_share_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_export', mover_name, '-option', 'rw=-*.*.*.*,root=-*.*.*.*,access=-*.*.*.*', share_path, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(create_nfs_share_cmd) if re.search(r'%s\s*:\s*done' % mover_name, out): return result else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, ('output=%(output)s, ' 'return=%(err)s' % {'output': out, 'err': err}) def delete_nfs_share(self, path, mover_name): result = (constants.STATUS_OK, '') create_nfs_share_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_export', mover_name, '-unexport', '-perm', path, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(create_nfs_share_cmd) if re.search(r'%s\s*:\s*done' % mover_name, out): return result else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, ('output=%(output)s, ' 'return=%(err)s' % {'output': out, 'err': err}) def get_nfs_share_by_path(self, path, mover_name): data = { "mover_name": '', "path": '', 'AccessHosts': [], 'RwHosts': [], 'RoHosts': [], 'RootHosts': [], 'readOnly': '', } nfs_query_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_export', mover_name, '-P', 'nfs', '-list', path, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(nfs_query_cmd) re_exports = '%s\s*:\s*\nexport\s*(.*)\n' % mover_name m = re.search(re_exports, out) if m is not None: status = constants.STATUS_OK data['path'] = path data['mover_name'] = mover_name export = m.group(1) fields = export.split(" ") for field in fields: field = field.strip() if field.startswith('rw='): data['RwHosts'] = field[3:].split(":") elif field.startswith('access='): data['AccessHosts'] = field[7:].split(":") elif field.startswith('root='): data['RootHosts'] = field[5:].split(":") elif field.startswith('ro='): data['RoHosts'] = field[3:].split(":") else: status = constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND data = 'output=%(output)s, return=%(err)s' % {'output': out, 'err': err} return status, data def allow_nfs_share_access(self, path, host_ip, mover_name): sharename = path.strip('/') @lockutils.synchronized('emc-shareaccess-' + sharename) def do_allow_access(path, host_ip, mover_name): ok = (constants.STATUS_OK, '') status, share = self.get_nfs_share_by_path(path, mover_name) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, ('Query nfs share %(path)s ' 'failed. Reason %(err)s' % {'path': path, 'err': share}) mover_name = share['mover_name'] changed = False rwhosts = share['RwHosts'] if host_ip not in rwhosts: rwhosts.append(host_ip) changed = True roothosts = share['RootHosts'] if host_ip not in roothosts: roothosts.append(host_ip) changed = True accesshosts = share['AccessHosts'] if host_ip not in accesshosts: accesshosts.append(host_ip) changed = True if not changed: LOG.debug("%(host)s already in access list of share %(path)s", {'host': host_ip, 'path': path}) return ok else: return self.set_nfs_share_access(path, mover_name, rwhosts, roothosts, accesshosts) return do_allow_access(path, host_ip, mover_name) def deny_nfs_share_access(self, path, host_ip, mover_name): sharename = path.strip('/') @lockutils.synchronized('emc-shareaccess-' + sharename) def do_deny_access(path, host_ip, mover_name): ok = (constants.STATUS_OK, '') status, share = self.get_nfs_share_by_path(path, mover_name) if constants.STATUS_OK != status: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, ('Query nfs share %(path)s ' 'failed. Reason %(err)s' % {'path': path, 'err': share}) mover_name = share['mover_name'] changed = False rwhosts = set(share['RwHosts']) if host_ip in rwhosts: rwhosts.remove(host_ip) changed = True roothosts = set(share['RootHosts']) if host_ip in roothosts: roothosts.remove(host_ip) changed = True accesshosts = set(share['AccessHosts']) if host_ip in accesshosts: accesshosts.remove(host_ip) changed = True if not changed: LOG.debug("%(host)s already in access list of share %(path)s", {'host': host_ip, 'path': path}) return ok else: return self.set_nfs_share_access(path, mover_name, rwhosts, roothosts, accesshosts) return do_deny_access(path, host_ip, mover_name) def set_nfs_share_access(self, path, mover_name, rw_hosts, root_hosts, access_hosts): ok = (constants.STATUS_OK, '') access_str = ('rw=%(rw)s,root=%(root)s,access=%(access)s' % {'rw': ':'.join(rw_hosts), 'root': ':'.join(root_hosts), 'access': ':'.join(access_hosts)}) create_nfs_share_cmd = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/server_export', mover_name, '-ignore', '-option', access_str, path, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(create_nfs_share_cmd) if re.search(r'%s\s*:\s*done' % mover_name, out): return ok else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, ('output=%(output)s, ' 'return=%(err)s' % {'output': out, 'err': err}) def disable_cifs_access(self, mover_name, share_name): cmd_str = 'sharesd %s set noaccess' % share_name disable_access = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/.server_config', mover_name, '-v', '"%s"' % cmd_str, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(disable_access) if re.search(r'Command succeeded', out): return constants.STATUS_OK, out else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, out def allow_cifs_access(self, mover_name, share_name, user_name, domain, access='fullcontrol'): account = user_name + "@" + domain allow_str = ('sharesd %(share_name)s grant %(account)s=%(access)s' % {'share_name': share_name, 'account': account, 'access': access}) allow_access = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/.server_config', mover_name, '-v', '"%s"' % allow_str, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(allow_access) dup_msg = (r'ACE for %(domain)s\\%(user)s unchanged' % {'domain': domain, 'user': user_name}) if re.search(r'Command succeeded', out): return constants.STATUS_OK, out elif re.search(dup_msg, out): # When ACE is set twice, treat the error as success return constants.STATUS_OK, 'duplicate ACEs, skipping allow...' else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, out def deny_cifs_access(self, mover_name, share_name, user_name, domain, access='fullcontrol'): account = user_name + "@" + domain allow_str = ('sharesd %(share_name)s revoke %(account)s=%(access)s' % {'share_name': share_name, 'account': account, 'access': access}) not_found_msg = (r'No ACE found for %(domain)s\\%(user)s' % {'domain': domain, 'user': user_name}) user_err_msg = (r'Cannot get mapping for %(domain)s\\%(user)s' % {'domain': domain, 'user': user_name}) allow_access = [ 'env', 'NAS_DB=/nas', '/nas/bin/.server_config', mover_name, '-v', '"%s"' % allow_str, ] out, err = self._execute_cmd(allow_access) if re.search(r'Command succeeded', out): return constants.STATUS_OK, out elif re.search(not_found_msg, out): # When ACE not found, treat the error as success return constants.STATUS_OK, 'No ACE found, skipping deny...' elif re.search(user_err_msg, out): return constants.STATUS_OK, ('User not found on domain, ' 'skipping deny...') else: return constants.STATUS_ERROR, out def _execute_cmd(self, cmd): out, err = self._conn.run_ssh(cmd) LOG.debug('SSH: cmd = %(cmd)s, output = %(out)s, error = %(err)s', {'cmd': cmd, 'out': out, 'err': err}) return out, err