--- deprecations: - | As of the Wallaby release the CephFS driver no longer recognizes the scoped extra-spec ``cephfs:data_isolated`` because it is no longer supported by the Ceph community. This style of data isolation required dedicating a Ceph pool for each share and scaled and performed poorly. - | The ``ceph_volume_client`` is deprecated by the CephFS driver in favor of a python rados client that connects to the Ceph manager daemon to interact with the Ceph cluster. This new connection method will enable functionality not available with older client, which has been deprecated by the Ceph community and will be removed in the Quincy release. upgrade: - | Manila's CephFS drivers now **require** the "python3-ceph-argparse" and "python3-rados" packages. Do not upgrade without adding these packages to the environment where the ``manila-share`` service runs since without them the driver will refuse to start up. This breaking change is necessary because the old ``ceph_volume_client`` has been deprecated by the Ceph community. features: - | The Ceph backend can now work with multiple filesystem clusters. The filesystem to be used by manila can be specified by the driver option 'cephfs_filesystem_name'. If this option is not specified, the driver will assume that a single filesystem is present in the Ceph cluster and will attempt to use it. - | Deletion of shares offerd by the CephFS driver (CephFS and NFS) is now faster. Now the Ceph manager moves deleted share's content to a trash folder and purges the contents asynchronously rather than handling this as part of the synchronous delete operation. The purge can take considerable time if a share contains a significant amount of data.